Conversion of credit union to savings bank or state bank provisions created; method of calculating interest; notice and protections for tenants in foreclosure of rental residential property provisions repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2637b, 2707d-g, 2718m, 2719d-g, 2724m, 3194m, 3474m, 3492m, 9317 (1f), 9355 (1f), (2f); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
Review board duties revised re state banks, state savings banks, savings and loan associations, and state credit unions; mortgage loan originator council eliminated
Review board duties revised re state banks, state savings banks, savings and loan associations, and state credit unions; mortgage loan originator council eliminated
Savings banks and savings and loan associations: audit and report requirements changed -
Savings banks and savings and loan associations: audit and report requirements changed -
Deposit placement programs of public depositories: revision re redeposit of moneys under set conditions
Deposit placement programs of public depositories: revision re redeposit of moneys under set conditions
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions [S.Amdt.1: Mortgage Loan Originator Council eliminated]
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -
Payday loan revisions re interest, database, and consumer reports to verify income; title loan provisions re certificate of authorization, interest, rescission, and other requirements; certain exemptions for affiliates of financial institutions; Division of Banking duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2637d-kk, 9317 (1u)-(3u)] -
Savings banks and savings and loan associations: audit and report requirements changed -
Savings banks and savings and loan associations: audit and report requirements changed -
Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board renamed the Cosmetology Examining Board and creating the Barbering Examining Board; licensing and definition provisions
Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board renamed the Cosmetology Examining Board and creating the Barbering Examining Board; licensing and definition provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, regulation of barbering placed directly under DSPS; S.Amdt.1: continuing education for barbers added] -
Tuberculocidal disinfectant: Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board prohibited from promulgating rule requiring use in such an establishment -
Tuberculocidal disinfectant: Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board prohibited from promulgating rule requiring use in such an establishment -
Life and military service commended -
Referendum required before RTAs may impose a sales and use tax and before SERTA may impose a rental car transaction fee [Sec. 1679, 1680, 1729, 1730, 2183; original bill only]
Referendum required before RTAs may impose a sales and use tax and before SERTA may impose a rental car transaction fee [Sec. 1679, 1680, 1729, 1730, 2183]
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated -
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated -
RTAs eliminated; dissolution and winding down of existing RTAs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 751g, h, 772g, r, 922e, m, v, 1139m, 1679d-t, 1720b, 1727m, 1729g, r, 1745m, 1747r, 1754r, 1894r, 1895r, 2014r, 2177m, 2180m, 2183d-r, 2187d-n, 2237e, m, o, 2406m, 3182g, r, 3471m, 3567m, 9148 (3u), 9448 (6u); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2406m]
Life and public service -
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities grants: funding increased -
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities grants: funding increased -
Bicycle law revisions re definition, use of hand signals, lighting, overtaking and passing by vehicles, and metal or studded tires; motor bicycle and EPAMD provisions; moped treated like a bicycle for local ordinance parking purposes [A.Amdt.1: revisions re passing by vehicles, moped parking ordinance, and effective date] -
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided; municipal authority to regulate operation of
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided; municipal authority to regulate operation of
Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs realigned re state highway projects: condemnation provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2233m, 2271m] -
Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs realigned re state highway projects: relocation of sign to new location within the same municipality -
Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs realigned re state highway projects: relocation of sign to new location within the same municipality -
Vegetation obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs: DOT permit system for maintenance and removal of revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, signs attached to buildings near highway right-of-way provisions; A.Amdt.1: signs on buildings that advertise activities specified]
Vegetation obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs: DOT permit system for maintenance and removal of revised; signs attached to buildings near highway right-of-way provisions -
Administrative rules: agency may promulgate only if a bill authorizing promulgation is enacted into law
Enrolled bills to the Governor: modifying the 2011-12 session schedule to extend the March 15, 2012 deadline
Health insurance mandate legislation: revisions to social and financial impact reports by OCI -
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: LRB and GAB to develop standards and draw redistricting plans for legislative approval -
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: LRB and GAB to develop standards and draw redistricting plans for legislative approval -
Legislature prohibited from passing a bill placing requirements on local governmental units unless it contains an appropriation covering all costs: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before implementing changes requiring rule promulgation, state agencies are required to request the LRB prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; prohibition on requesting grants or other moneys from the federal government to implement; medical loss ratio reports from insurers reviewed by OCI provision; state agency report requirements
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before taking action to implement, state agencies are required to request LRB to prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; grants and expending state moneys provision -
State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; reducing deficit of a state fund and once eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a projected deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)
Vote on bills during first 21 days after introduction prohibited unless members of the house vote to suspend the waiting period -
Old Abe, the eagle mascot of the 8th Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: 150th birthday commemorated -
Sandhill cranes: DNR to authorize hunting of; hunter education program and wildlife damage provisions
Life and public service of the Fond du Lac police officer commended -
Contraceptives coverage by health insurance policies: requirements eliminated [Sec. 1157, 1158, 1718, 2425, 2558, 2706, 3470, 3473, 9325 (1), 9425 (1); original bill only]
Contraceptives coverage by health insurance policies: requirements eliminated [Sec. 1157, 1158, 1718, 2425, 2558, 2706, 3470, 3473, 9325 (1), 9425 (1)] -
Family planning services for men under MA: eliminates DHS ability to request waiver to conduct or implement [Sec. 1440, 1441, 9421 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, family planning demonstration project repealed, family planning project for low income females between certain ages created, federal waiver requirement, 1439n, 1441b, deletes 1440, 1441]
Family planning services for men under MA: eliminates DHS ability to request waiver to conduct or implement [Sec. 1440, 1441, 9421 (7)] -
Family planning services funding: certain restrictions eliminated, funding increased, and the term ``women's health block grant" eliminated -
Family planning services funding: certain restrictions eliminated, funding increased, and the term ``women's health block grant" eliminated -
Family planning services funding eliminated [Sec. 635, 2875; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``family planning" changed to ``women's health block grants", 635b, 2875c-r, deletes 635, 2875] -
Family planning services funding eliminated [Sec. 635, 2875] -
Family planning services under MA waiver program: income eligibility criteria for females, waiver program for males, and DHS duties -