Budget stabilization fund: restriction on expenditures - SB175
Capital investment program re coinvestments in business startups and investment capital projects established and GPR appropriation [Sec. 54, 414; original bill only] - AB40
Crime victims and witness surcharge: entire amount allocated to services for the rights of crime victims and witnesses and GPR appropriation created for grants to sexual assault victim services [Sec. 392-396, 1942, 2339, 2349-2352] - AB40
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - AB588
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - SB323
General fund transfer to the transportation fund [Sec. 9245 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
General fund transfer to the veterans trust fund [Sec. 9249 (1)] - AB40
GPR and PR appropriation lapses from specified agencies; certain 2011 WisAct 32 lapses eliminated [Sec. 2365, 9252 (1)] - AB40
HOME GR/OWN program in City of Milwaukee re transforming foreclosed properties: grant from GPR - AB624
HOME GR/OWN program in City of Milwaukee re transforming foreclosed properties: grant from GPR - SB485
Interest on federal advances to the unemployment reserve fund: one-time appropriation to pay created; DWD duties - AB184
Interest on federal advances to the unemployment reserve fund: one-time appropriation to pay created; DWD duties - SB149
Legislature may not enact any bill in the second year of the fiscal biennium that increases GPR expenditures without additional funding if the LFB determines GPR expenditures will exceed revenues - AB475
Postretirement health care benefits of local government employees: segregated account and GAAP requirements - AB23
Postretirement health care benefits of local government employees: segregated account and GAAP requirements - SB48
Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to budget act [A.Amdt.3 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9127 (3e)] - AB40
Statutorily required general fund balance modified [Sec. 195-197] - AB40
Temporary reallocations to general fund modified [Sec. 194; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 194b, deletes 194] - AB40
UW Board of Regents: proposed methodology for calculating program revenue balances and reserves submitted to JLAC; PR account balance limits and policies on distribution and expenditure of tuition, fee, and GPR proposals to JCF; tuition and segregated fees cannot increase for 2013-14 and 2014-15 academic years [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (4L)-(4n)] - AB40
Workforce training program created; grants, DWD, annual report, and appropriation provisions [A.Amdt.1: labor market information system requirement added; revisions to DWD duties and annual report] - AB14
Workforce training program: grant appropriation increased; DWD required to use funds for reducing waiting lists for certain technical college programs, collaborative projects among school districts, technical colleges, and businesses, and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through public and private organizations; DWD budget request provision - Jr4 AB2
Workforce training program: grant appropriation increased; DWD required to use funds for reducing waiting lists for certain technical college programs, collaborative projects among school districts, technical colleges, and businesses, and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through public and private organizations; DWD budget request provision - Jr4 SB2
Aquatic invasive species, see Fish and fishing
Arbitration, see Contracts
ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), see Federal aid
Arson, see Fire
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development - AB760
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development - SB568
Rabin, Dr. Marvin J.: life, public service, and commitment to music education commended upon his death - SJR66
Rosenblum, Dr. Martin Jack: life and contributions to the arts, especially poetry and music, commended upon his death - AJR106
State aid for the arts increased - AB913
Arts Board
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development - AB760
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development - SB568
Asbestos, see Public safety
Ashland County
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island or Washington Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report - AB372
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island or Washington Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report [S.Amdt.1: deadlines for applying and making a decision added; S.Amdt.2: Washington Island deleted; S.Amdt.3: increasing levy to compensate for exemption prohibited] - SB299
Elk introduced into specified counties; DNR duties and hunting season provision [Sec. 560, 573; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
Assault, see Sex crimes
Assembly, see Legislature, and its subheadings
Assembly district, see Redistricting
Assignment of support, see Family -- Support
Bausch, Lauri: athletic achievements commended and congratulations on the Bronze Medal in skeleton at the European Cup - AJR86
Boston Marathon bombings: prayers and condolences to families of the victims and the injured and offering assistance to the state of Massachusetts - AJR24
Fredricks, Tucker: speed-skating accomplishments commended and wishing him success in the XXII Winter Olympic Games - AJR91
Nonprofit youth baseball association property, building, and certain land: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB525
Nonprofit youth baseball association property, building, and certain land: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - SB499
Official for a youth athletic activity: requiring online training about concussions and head injuries approved by DPI - AB293
Pavelski, Joe: accomplishments as a hockey player and community member commended and wishing him success at the 2014 Winter Olympics - AJR89
Pavelski, Joe: accomplishments as a hockey player and community member commended and wishing him success at the 2014 Winter Olympics - SJR65
Racine County removed from the jurisdiction of a local professional baseball park district - AB867
Youth athletic activity operated by public or private school: distribution requirement of concussion and head injury information sheet to participating pupils modified - AB343
Youth athletic activity operated by public or private school: distribution requirement of concussion and head injury information sheet to participating pupils modified [S.Amdt.1: private club provision added] - SB258
Adult expectant mother of an unborn child who is alleged to be in need of protection or services: legal representation for all proceedings required unless waiver is acceptable to the juvenile court - AB860
Attorney appointed by SPD to represent a patient is authorized to access and obtain the patient's health care records, written informed consent provision - AB759
Attorney appointed by SPD to represent a patient is authorized to access and obtain the patient's health care records, written informed consent provision - SB599
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public under certain conditions and a separate database accessible to the courts, law enforcement, journalists, and other specified professions and agencies; penalty for using CCAP information to deny employment, housing, or other public accommodation; removal of information provision - AB253
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public under certain conditions and a separate database accessible to the courts, law enforcement, journalists, and other specified professions and agencies; penalty for using CCAP information to deny employment, housing, or other public accommodation; removal of information provision - SB234
Civil legal services for veterans provided by DVA: pilot program for Milwaukee, Chippewa, Eau Claire, and Dunn counties created, report required - AB922
DOA provision of legal services to any executive branch state agency that does not have a secretary [Sec. 50, 51] - AB40
``Emergency detention" replaced with ``emergency stabilization" in the statutes and new procedure for initiating an emergency stabilization created, penalties for providing false information; JRCCP report - AB451
``Emergency detention" replaced with ``emergency stabilization" in the statutes and new procedure for initiating an emergency stabilization created, penalties for providing false information; JRCCP report - SB372
Involuntary commitment proceedings: procedure for the corporation counsel to make a limited appearance in certain cases; three-person petition provisions - AB488
Real estate broker license: training and experience requirements established; licensed attorney, building contractor, and nonresident broker provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, evidence of applicant's experience modified] - SB208
Real estate broker license: training requirement established; licensed attorney, building contractor, and nonresident broker provisions - AB240
Rice, Zelotes S., II: life and public service commended upon his death - AJR46
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - AB417
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - SB318
Special counsel appropriation transferred from DOJ to DOA [Sec. 1, 28, 252, 379, 2160; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 379m, 1 renumbered 1p, deletes 379] - AB40
Attorney -- Fee
Legal services contract on contingency fee basis: state agencies prohibited from entering unless the governor makes a written determination; limitations specified; report required [A.Amdt.4: changes ``state agencies" to ``executive agencies", DOA duties added, GAB Internet site provision, and other revisions] - AB27
Legal services contract on contingency fee basis: state agencies prohibited from entering unless the governor makes a written determination; limitations specified; report required - SB19
Private attorneys representing indigent clients: rate paid by SPD increased - AB243
Private attorneys representing indigent clients: rate paid by SPD increased - SB235
Self-defense: presumption of reasonableness in criminal and civil actions repealed; attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses provisions removed - AB652
Self-defense: presumption of reasonableness in criminal and civil actions repealed; attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses provisions removed - SB511
Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report - AB191
Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report - SB171
Wage claim revisions re filing and investigation, statute of limitations, increased wages a circuit court may order, interest, surcharges, costs, and attorney fees; written statement disclosing terms of employment required, damages provision; unpaid wage claim judgment disclosure by occupational or professional license applicant - SB398
Wind energy systems: actions for damages caused by and attorney fees - SB167