Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste -
AB499Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste -
SB407Information technology FTE positions transferred from DSPS to DOA [Sec. 9138 (5)] -
AB40Instructor exam and requirements modified re cosmetology, barbering, aesthetics, manicuring, and electrology; continuing education requirements for cosmetology license revised -
AB572Instructor exam and requirements modified re cosmetology, barbering, aesthetics, manicuring, and electrology; continuing education requirements for cosmetology license revised -
SB439Locksmith licensure program established, DSPS duties -
SB698Mobile dentistry unit and portable dental equipment: Dentistry Examining Board authorized to promulgate rules to regulate [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, mobile dentistry program registration provisions created, DSPS, Dentistry Examining Board, fees, and rule-making provisions] -
SB573One- and two-family dwellings occupied by members of certain bona fide religious denominations: exemption from complying with any statute or rule that applies to -
SB689PECFA transferred from DSPS to DNR [Sec. 210, 214, 217-222, 283, 522-528, 1597-1599, 1634-1709, 1996, 1998, 2056, 2057, 2122-2125, 2127-2130, 2265, 2280, 9138 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, federal aid for costs re petroleum spills provision added, contractor registration requirement eliminated, 210b, 1646b, 1708e, f, m, 9238 (2L), deletes 210, 1646] -
AB40PEG, PEO, charitable organization, professional fund-raisers, and fund-raising counsel: regulation of transferred from DSPS to DFI [Sec. 787, 869, 1227, 1237, 1238, 1461, 1715, 1894-1896, 1936, 1974, 1989, 1990, 2161, 2179-2217, 2232-2253, 2267, 9138 (1), 9438 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, annual financial report filing modified] -
AB40Petroleum products and hazardous substances regulation: certain duties and powers transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 201, 202, 206-209, 211, 213, 529, 530, 786, 1462, 1463, 1589-1591, 1594-1596, 1600-1627, 1629-1633, 1949-1970, 9138 (3), (4), 9238 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 213m, deletes 202, 213, 530, 1596; A.Amdt.3: further revisions] -
AB40Plan review for public buildings, places of employment, and water recreation facility re construction, addition, or alteration modified -
SB379Postsecondary education degree not required before taking an examination for a credential from DSPS or credentialing board with exceptions for real estate appraiser, registered nurse, and licensed practical nurse; Board of Nursing may deny initial license or certificate under certain conditions -
AB404Postsecondary education degree not required before taking an examination for a credential from DSPS or credentialing board with exceptions for real estate appraiser, registered nurse, and licensed practical nurse; Board of Nursing may deny initial license or certificate under certain conditions -
SB337Professional regulation laws revised: fingerprints of real estate appraiser certification or license applicant; reprimand of a credential holder for failure to respond to information request re misconduct; Cosmetology Examining Board membership; discretion to Pharmacy Examining Board to grant license to certain persons licensed in other states and suspension of license for failure to renew by renewal date; prescription drug monitoring program; construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of elevators and lifts revised -
AB433Professional regulation laws revised: fingerprints of real estate appraiser certification or license applicant; reprimand of a credential holder for failure to respond to information request re misconduct; Cosmetology Examining Board membership; discretion to Pharmacy Examining Board to grant license to certain persons licensed in other states and suspension of license for failure to renew by renewal date; prescription drug monitoring program; construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of elevators and lifts revised -
SB345Public building and buildings that are places of employment: ordinances re standards for constructing, altering, or adding to must conform to rules promulgated by DSPS; variance from a standard in a DSPS rule is acceptable under certain conditions; DSPS to accept variance reviews and determinations by second class cities; Building Code Council created in DSPS; certification of inspectors and inspection of fire safety devices provisions -
AB782Public building and buildings that are places of employment: ordinances re standards for constructing, altering, or adding to must conform to rules promulgated by DSPS; variance from a standard in a DSPS rule is acceptable under certain conditions; DSPS to accept variance reviews and determinations by second class cities; Building Code Council created in DSPS; certification of inspectors and inspection of fire safety devices provisions -
SB617Reserved disabled parking spaces at public buildings, places of employment, or parking facilities open to the public: minimum number as adopted by certain DSPS rule required, certification of compliance provision -
AB826Reserved disabled parking spaces at public buildings, places of employment, or parking facilities open to the public: minimum number as adopted by certain DSPS rule required, certification of compliance provision -
SB645SCERB membership revised re interior designers -
SB63Unclassified division administrator positions in DSPS [Sec. 2002; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transfer certain positions from unclassified to classified service, 2006m, 2182m, 9138 (8c)] -
AB40Rule-making procedure revised; various Accounting Examining Board rules modified and repealed [Admin.Code Accy 1.003, 1.101, 1.205, 9.01, 9.06, 9 Appendix A] [A.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] -
AB669Rule-making procedure revised; various Accounting Examining Board rules modified and repealed [Admin.Code Accy 1.003, 1.101, 1.205, 9.01, 9.06, 9 Appendix A] -
SB515``128th Infantry Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark STH 128 in Pierce and St. Croix counties as; contributions from interested parties provision -
AB103``128th Infantry Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark STH 128 in Pierce and St. Croix counties as; contributions from interested parties provision -
SB96Contracts for the sale of services: indemnification provisions are against public policy and void; insurance policy exception; contract with registered construction contractor provision -
AB140Contracts for the sale of services: indemnification provisions are against public policy and void; insurance policy exception; contract with registered construction contractor provision -
SB130Fetal body parts: prohibitions created re knowingly acquiring, receiving, or transferring for valuable consideration and knowingly providing, receiving, or using for experimentation; definition provisions; JRCCP report -
AB224Firearm sale or transfer prohibited unless through a federally licensed firearms dealer and background check on transferee is conducted; exceptions and penalty provisions -
AB138Firearm sale or transfer prohibited unless through a federally licensed firearms dealer and background check on transferee is conducted; exceptions and penalty provisions -
SB124Food containers that contain bisphenol A (BPA): manufacture, wholesale, or retail sale of without conspicuous labels prohibited; penalty provisions and DATCP duties -
AB607Homemade baked or canned goods: exemption from food processing plant license for face-to-face sales to customers; limit on sales and DATCP registration provisions -
AB182Homemade baked or canned goods: exemption from food processing plant license for face-to-face sales to customers; limit on sales and DATCP registration provisions -
SB435Itemized statement of sales to customers in this state required of sellers who are not required to collect sales and use tax -
SB364Lead acid batteries: seller required to charge a deposit -
AB131Lead acid batteries: seller required to charge a deposit -
SB121Lead acid battery used in motor vehicles: seller required to charge a deposit -
AB666Lead acid battery used in motor vehicles: seller required to charge a deposit -
SB512Mercury-added thermostats: sale, collection, and recycling of requirements and restrictions created; knowingly incinerating or disposing of mercury-added products in landfills prohibited; DNR duties -
AB424Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -
AB391Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -
SB303Oleoresin of capsicum: regulation of containers sold in this state modified -
AB119Oleoresin of capsicum: regulation of containers sold in this state modified -
SB109Outside salespersons exempt from state minimum wage law -
AB412Outside salespersons exempt from state minimum wage law -
SB320Political subdivisions may not limit the sale of certain food and beverages [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1269m] -
AB40Rule-making procedure revised; DWD rules modified re traveling sales crews [Admin.Code DWD 273.08, 273.11] -
AB516Rule-making procedure revised; DWD rules modified re traveling sales crews [Admin.Code DWD 273.08, 273.11] -
SB494Secondhand jewelry transactions re pawnbrokers and secondhand jewelry dealers: regulations revised; law enforcement and ordinance provisions -
SB486Secondhand jewelry transactions re pawnbrokers and secondhand jewelry dealers: regulations revised; law enforcement and ordinance provisions -
AB640UI benefits: individual engaged in sales activity outside a permanent retail establishment and remuneration is related to sales and not hours worked is not eligible to claim -
AB449UI benefits: individual engaged in sales activity outside a permanent retail establishment and remuneration is related to sales and not hours worked is not eligible to claim -
SB365Vehicles seized by law enforcement from persons convicted of certain crimes: proceeds of sales to be credited to the unit of government that seized the vehicle. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR87Appeal of certain Tax Appeals Commission decisions may be made in circuit court where the taxpayer owns property or transacts business [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec.1287j, 1500b] -
AB40Chippewa Valley RTA: authorization to create restored; referendum, sales and use tax, and property tax provisions -
SB686Counties may pass ordinance to increase sales and use tax if property tax levy is reduced, referendum provision -
AB719Delinquent sales and use taxes collection: DOR may obtain and sell person's real or personal property to pay [Sec. 1501] -
AB40Dry cleaning facility license fee: ``gross receipts" definition revised [Sec. 1505] -
AB40Highway improvements: county may impose additional sales and use tax to fund, referendum provision -
SB593Interest rate on tax overpayments or underpayments modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1440e, 1444d, 9337 (4i); A.Amdt.3: further revisions, other taxes included, 1500f, j, 1508r, 1896w, 1897h, j, 1961n] -
AB40Out-of-state retailers collecting sales tax on purchases by Wisconsin residents: impact of federal law and alternative minimum tax provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1460d] -
AB40``Prepaid wireless calling service" definition revised for sales and use tax purposes [Sec. 1476] -
AB40Prepared food definition revised for sales and use tax purposes; JSCTE appendix report -
AB841Prepared food definition revised for sales and use tax purposes; JSCTE appendix report -
SB656Retail sales tax: ``purchase price" and ``sales price" definitions revised [Sec. 1276, 1481-1484] -
AB40Retailer who receives a sales and use tax exemption certificate after reporting the sale as taxable: deduction on subsequent return or file amended return options created [Sec. 1499; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1499d, deletes 1499] -
AB40Sales and use tax filing frequency by retailer modified [Sec. 1498, 9437 (2)] -
AB40Sales and use tax provisions: technical changes [Sec. 1477, 1478, 1480, 1487, 1488, 1495] -
AB40Sales or use tax refund claim deadline [Sec. 1500, 9437 (9)] -
AB40Sales tax bad debt adjustments: agreement between private label credit card, dual purpose credit card, or dealer credit program and a seller permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, dealer credit program provisions removed] -
AB644Sales tax bad debt adjustments: agreement between private label credit card, dual purpose credit card, or dealer credit program and a seller permitted -
SB490Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and November on certain products; exception and DOR provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
AB108Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and November on certain products; exception and DOR provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
SB89Sales tax on property that is incidental to providing certain services [Sec. 1486] -
AB40Single-owner entities disregarded as separate entities for income tax purposes: sales and use tax provisions apply to room tax, local food and beverage tax, local rental car tax, and state rental vehicle fee [Sec. 1277, 1502, 1503, 1504, 9437 (3)] -
AB40Technical college districts' facilities, properties, assets, employees, and liabilities transferred to TCS Board; technical college district boards prohibited from levying property tax; TCS Board to develop transition plan to submit to JCF; sales and use tax increase; referendum required; LRB duties -
AB177Two-thirds vote of members present and voting required for certain tax rate increases; joint resolution requiring a statewide advisory referendum on a tax increase provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR79Advertising and promotional direct mail: sales and use tax exemption for printing of tangible property resulting in; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1485, 9437 (12)] -
AB40Aircraft parts, maintenance, and labor: sales and use tax exemptions created -
AB438Aircraft parts, maintenance, and labor: sales and use tax exemptions created -