Public plan room requests for public building plan information: municipality to provide an electronic copy without charging a fee under certain conditions; definition provisions [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1991s] -
SB21State and local construction project contracts: preference to bidder that ensures the percentage of employees are Wisconsin residents is at least the same percentage as neighboring state’s hiring of state residents requirement -
AB493State and local construction project contracts: preference to bidder that ensures the percentage of employees are Wisconsin residents is at least the same percentage as neighboring state’s hiring of state residents requirement -
SB373State energy office and relocation assistance to persons displaced when property is condemned for public improvements: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 510, 774, 1068-1072, 1074, 1075, 1077-1092, 2576, 9101 (3)] -
AB21State energy office and relocation assistance to persons displaced when property is condemned for public improvements: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 510, 774, 1068-1072, 1074, 1075, 1077-1092, 2576, 9101 (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, relocation assistance provisions removed, deletes all original numbers except 9101 (3)] -
SB21State prevailing wage law, local prevailing wage law, and highway prevailing wage law eliminated -
AB32State prevailing wage law, local prevailing wage law, and highway prevailing wage law eliminated -
SB49Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC) program established and WCC Board created in DOA, finance and project criteria provisions; National and Community Service Board duties, public works exceptions, and annual report required -
AB548Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC) program established and WCC Board created in DOA, finance and project criteria provisions; National and Community Service Board duties, public works exceptions, and annual report required -
SB632DETF and governing boards purchasing authority, DOA provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 282s, 326q, 327b, d, 330n, 333r-339n, 345b-355s] -
SB21DOR Lottery Division employees: conflict of interest exception re employment with a vendor [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4548g, r] -
SB21Federal surplus property program under DOA eliminated [Sec. 361, 419, 763, 776, 787, 1422] -
AB21Federal surplus property program under DOA eliminated [Sec. 361, 419, 763, 776, 787, 1422; original bill only] -
SB21Food purchased by UW Board of Regents: state procurement requirement exception created and threshold for using simplified procedures modified -
AB166Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases -
AB20Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases -
SB176Prison industries procurement [Sec. 342] -
AB21Prison industries procurement [Sec. 342] -
SB21Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation -
AB87Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation -
SB232State procurement for certified woman-owned business: preferences similar to certified minority-owned businesses created -
AB920Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program created in 2015 WisAct 53 repealed; SAGE program reinstated and expanded; parental choice programs (Milwaukee, Racine, and statewide) phased out -
AB918MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes re per pupil amount, financial audit, pupil acceptance preferences, teacher or administrator license, certain reports, pupil assignment council, and notification of intent to participate date [Sec. 3314, 3315, 3320-3322, 3331-3335, 3340, 3353-3355, 3357, 3360-3362, 3365-3382, 3384, 9334 (2), (3)] -
AB21MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes re per pupil amount, financial audit, pupil acceptance preferences, teacher or administrator license, certain reports, pupil assignment council, and notification of intent to participate date [Sec. 3314, 3315, 3320-3322, 3331-3335, 3340, 3353-3355, 3357, 3360-3362, 3365-3379, 3380-3382, 3384, 9334 (2), (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, independent financial audit provisions modified, continuous operation requirement added, 3323p, 3355c-m, 3358am, 3382c-m, 3384b, deletes 3332, 3355, 3375, 3382; S.Amdt.2: further revision] -
SB21Parental choice programs: family income of participating pupil does not need to be reverified with DOR under certain conditions [Sec. 3317, 3318, 3363, 3364] -
AB21Parental choice programs: family income of participating pupil does not need to be reverified with DOR under certain conditions [Sec. 3317, 3318, 3363, 3364] -
SB21Parental choice programs, including MPCP and Racine Parental Choice Program: revisions re family income for pupil eligibility, per pupil payments, teacher licensure, background investigations of teachers and administrators, reading readiness assessments, high school diploma criteria, corporal punishment, expulsion, building inspections, public inspection of certain records, location in this state required, meetings of governing board open to the public, in operation at least 2 years, enrollment percentage; DPI and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
SB3Parental choice programs, including MPCP and Racine Parental Choice Program: revisions to take effect in 2016-17 school year re family income for pupil eligibility, per pupil payments, teacher licensure, background investigations of teachers and administrators, reading readiness assessments, high school diploma criteria, corporal punishment, expulsion, building inspections, public inspection of certain records, location in this state required, meetings of governing board open to the public, in operation at least 2 years, enrollment percentage; DPI and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
AB423Parental choice programs, including MPCP and Racine Parental Choice Program: revisions to take effect in 2016-17 school year re family income for pupil eligibility, per pupil payments, teacher licensure, background investigations of teachers and administrators, reading readiness assessments, high school diploma criteria, corporal punishment, expulsion, building inspections, public inspection of certain records, location in this state required, meetings of governing board open to the public, in operation at least 2 years, enrollment percentage; DPI and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
AB854Racine Parental Choice Program and statewide parental choice program changes re cap, payments, equalization aid formula, and new choice pupils [Sec. 562, 566, 567, 3313, 3316, 3319, 3323-3330, 3336-3339, 3341-3352, 3358, 3392, 3395, 3396, 3421, 9134 (3), (4)] -
AB21Racine Parental Choice Program and statewide parental choice program changes re cap, payments, equalization aid formula, and new choice pupils [Sec. 562, 566, 567, 3313, 3316, 3319, 3323-3330, 3336-3339, 3341-3352, 3358, 3392, 3395, 3396, 3421, 9134 (3), (4); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, enrollment cap and state aid payments modified, 3323m, 3328m, 3340g, deletes 562, 566, 567, 3316, 3323, 3328, 3329, 3336-3339, 3341-3351, 3392, 3395, 3396, 3421, 9134 (3), (4); S.Amdt.2: further revisions] -
SB21Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] -
AB21Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] -
SB21``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties [A.Amdt.1: appropriation removed, contributions from interested parties and other conditions added] -
AB512``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties -
SB384SPD clients with conflicting interests: conflicts office pilot program for certain counties established [Sec. 9133 (1)] -
AB21SPD clients with conflicting interests: conflicts office pilot program for certain counties established [Sec. 9133 (1); original bill only] -
SB21Horse racing at local fairs and regulation of local fairs revised; DATCP and state aid provisions -
AB438Horse racing at local fairs and regulation of local fairs revised; DATCP and state aid provisions -
SB318Radiological materials transported on a highway: DOT permit required; penalty provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, appropriation and fee added] -
AB426Radiological materials transported on a highway: DOT permit required; penalty provision -
SB320Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision; JSCTE appendix report -
AB716Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision; JSCTE appendix report -
SB590WCLO AM-1230: honoring its 85th birthday on August 1, 2015 -
AJR47DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; one-call system requirements, violations, complaints, and enforcement, PSC duties; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service [A.Amdt.2: exempting construction of certain electric transmission lines from PSC certification added; A.Amdt.5: deletes one-call system violations and rule-making authority provisions] -
AB804DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; one-call system requirements, violations, complaints, and enforcement, PSC duties; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service -
SB654Freight optimization modeling: DOT may contract for services; WEDC and DOT to conduct a study and report to JCF [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 655e, 2547d, 9145 (4f)] -
SB21Freight rail infrastructure improvement grant: DOT to award to Northwoods Rail Transit Commission re purchase of railroad cars -
AB458Freight rail infrastructure improvement grant: DOT to award to Northwoods Rail Transit Commission re purchase of railroad cars -
SB305Freight rail preservation appropriation [Sec. 650] -
AB21Freight rail preservation appropriation [Sec. 650] -
SB21Freight rail service: state property held for preserving or improving is not subject to local special assessment [Sec. 1991, 2048] -
AB21Freight rail service: state property held for preserving or improving is not subject to local special assessment [Sec. 1991, 2048] -
SB21Pedestrian entering or remaining on railroad tracks prohibition does not apply to walking directly across the tracks or right-of-way -
AB876Pedestrian entering or remaining on railroad tracks prohibition does not apply to walking directly across the tracks or right-of-way -
SB734Rail property projects funded with public funds: bidding requirements exception -
AB1026Railroad conveyances: DFI duties transferred to the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3527d-h, 9314 (3f)] -
SB21Railroad corporations required to submit emergency preparedness plan re discharge of hazardous materials; DNR, Office of the Commissioner of Railroads, and DOT duties; rail safety inspector positions increased; reports required -
AB552Railroad corporations required to submit emergency preparedness plan re discharge of hazardous materials; DNR, Office of the Commissioner of Railroads, and DOT duties; rail safety inspector positions increased; reports required -
SB427Railroad police officers: railway company authority to appoint and employ eliminated; railroad conductor authority to arrest passengers eliminated -
SB791Railroad property acquisition and improvement and rail passenger route development: general obligation bonding limit revised [Sec. 875, 878] -
AB21Railroad property acquisition and improvement and rail passenger route development: general obligation bonding limit revised [Sec. 875, 878; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transportation fund lapse, 9245 (1q)] -
SB21Railroad records re trespassing on railroad tracks are subject to public records laws -
SB793Trespassing on railroads does not include pedestrians crossing the tracks or right-of-way [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3527m] -
SB21Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission: DOT to award grant from freight rail infrastructure improvement program for bridge repair -
AB738Railroad crossing: certain cargo tank motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials required to stop [Sec. 4348] -