Pregnant and postpartum people in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions -
AB1150Pregnant and postpartum persons in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions [Sec. 2716] [original bill only] -
AB68Pregnant and postpartum persons in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions [Sec. 2716] -
SB111Qualified electors detained in jail or house of correction: sheriff to establish plan for voter registration and voting by absentee ballot -
AB1070Reimbursement rate for holding individuals in jail, county facility, or tribal jail awaiting transfer to state prison -
AB187Reimbursement rate for holding individuals in jail, county facility, or tribal jail awaiting transfer to state prison -
SB223School district accountability report: exclude data from juvenile detention facility or residential care center for children, conditions set [A.Amdt.1: house of correction and county jail added] -
SB235TPR based on parental incarceration: grounds established -
AB627TPR based on parental incarceration: grounds established -
SB595Use of force policies: incorporated principles, posted to agency's website, officer training, and LESB model policy; DOJ report on incidents; cause of action for unnecessarily summoning a law enforcement officer; no-knock warrants prohibited [Sec. 436, 437, 441, 1154-1157, 2312-2330, 2332-2334, 2362, 2391, 3104, 3327, 3410-3412, 9227 (1)] [original bill only] -
AB68Use of force policies: incorporated principles, posted to agency's website, officer training, and LESB model policy; DOJ report on incidents; cause of action for unnecessarily summoning a law enforcement officer; no-knock warrants prohibited [Sec. 436, 437, 441, 1154-1157, 2312-2330, 2332-2334, 2362, 2391, 3104, 3327, 3410-3412, 9227 (1)] -
SB111Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance -
AB1166Marijuana: recreational use legalized, permit required; portion of excise tax revenue deposited in community reinvestment fund to promote diversity and equity; medical marijuana registry created; JLC study [Sec. 265, 266, 292, 317, 411, 467, 498, 502, 610, 888, 959, 1053, 1085, 1086, 1112, 1136, 1404, 1433, 1563-1566, 1732, 1743, 1796, 1797, 1811, 1893, 1894, 1909, 2269, 2291, 2292, 2649, 2829, 3367-3381, 3389, 3391-3397, 3404, 3405, 3417-3420, 3441, 9128 (2)] [original bill only] -
AB68Marijuana: recreational use legalized, permit required; portion of excise tax revenue deposited in community reinvestment fund to promote diversity and equity; medical marijuana registry created; JLC study [Sec. 265, 266, 292, 317, 411, 467, 498, 502, 610, 888, 959, 1053, 1085, 1086, 1112, 1136, 1404, 1433, 1563-1566, 1732, 1743, 1796, 1797, 1811, 1893, 1894, 1909, 2269, 2291, 2292, 2649, 2829, 3367-3381, 3389, 3391-3397, 3404, 3405, 3417-3420, 3441, 9128 (2)] -
SB111Adding a member to the Elections Commission; per diem for Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members increased -
SB1077Bail for criminal defendants with previous conviction for felony or violent misdemeanor -
AB838Bail for criminal defendants with previous conviction for felony or violent misdemeanor -
SB856Bail required for criminal defendants who previously failed to comply with conditions of release for present offense -
AB933Bail required for criminal defendants who previously failed to comply with conditions of release for present offense -
SB892Battery or threat of against a juror or juror’s family member: felony penalty increased; judge can prohibit convicted person from contacting a juror; JRCCP may report -
AB993Battery or threat of against a juror or juror’s family member: felony penalty increased; judge can prohibit convicted person from contacting a juror; JRCCP may report -
SB928Campaign contribution to a judge or justice by an interested contributor: notification requirements created, penalty provision -
AB352Defendant with previous conviction for bail jumping: secured bond or deposits of cash in lieu of a bond required -
AB840Defendant with previous conviction for bail jumping: secured bond or deposits of cash in lieu of a bond required -
SB858Disqualification of a judge or justice: adding when a reasonable person would question whether the judge or justice could act in an impartial manner -
AB354Equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability clarifications -
AB353Evidence or court records re motion for recusal or judicial substitution: circuit, municipal, or appeals court judge or Supreme Court justice prohibited from destroying -
AB355Judge or justice required to disqualify themselves from proceedings over campaign financial support from a party to the action -
AB350Motion to disqualify a judge or justice: judge that denies the motion must file the reasons in a written statement -
AB351Officiating at a wedding: mej koob added, in accordance with Hmong wedding customs, and any justice or judge authorized -
AB19Officiating at a wedding: mej koob added, in accordance with Hmong wedding customs, and any justice or judge authorized [S.Amdt.1: mej koob removed] -
SB14Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation -
AB722Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation -
SB739Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript -
AB84Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript -
SB66Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated -
AB79Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated -
SB96Multidistrict opiate litigation settlement: AG to cooperate with local governments; conditions specified -
AB374Multidistrict opiate litigation settlement: AG to cooperate with local governments; conditions specified -
SB386Recovery of birth expenses: state cannot seek recovery if paid through MA for unmarried persons and court cannot include in judgment or order relating to paternity -
AB701Recovery of birth expenses: state cannot seek recovery if paid through MA for unmarried persons and court cannot include in judgment or order relating to paternity -
SB665Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation -
AB722Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation -
SB739Catalytic converter designated a proprietary article re scrap dealer purchase and reporting requirements -
AB415Catalytic converter designated a proprietary article re scrap dealer purchase and reporting requirements -
SB408Battery or threat of against a juror or juror’s family member: felony penalty increased; judge can prohibit convicted person from contacting a juror; JRCCP may report -
AB993Battery or threat of against a juror or juror’s family member: felony penalty increased; judge can prohibit convicted person from contacting a juror; JRCCP may report -
SB928Discrimination on basis of person’s gender identity or gender expression prohibited -
AB360Discrimination on basis of person’s gender identity or gender expression prohibited -
SB362Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen -
AB1001Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen [S.Amdt.1: “municipal clerk or board of election commissioners” changed to "county clerk”] -
SB945Equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability clarifications -
AB353Jury trial eliminated re proceedings under the Children’s Code -
AB628Jury trial eliminated re proceedings under the Children’s Code -
SB599Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created -
AB897Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created -
SB836AG expenditure of discretionary settlement funds and DOJ gifts and grants appropriation: certain 2017 WisAct 369 changes repealed [Sec. 438, 443, 2298] [original bill only] -
AB68AG expenditure of discretionary settlement funds and DOJ gifts and grants appropriation: certain 2017 WisAct 369 changes repealed [Sec. 438, 443, 2298] -
SB111AG powers to compromise or discontinue actions prosecuted by DOJ restored; JCF and JCLO provisions eliminated [Sec. 2297, 2302] [original bill only] -
AB68AG powers to compromise or discontinue actions prosecuted by DOJ restored; JCF and JCLO provisions eliminated [Sec. 2297, 2302] -
SB111Alternative emergency response and 911 diversion grants created [Sec. 433, 2335] [original bill only] -
AB68Alternative emergency response and 911 diversion grants created [Sec. 433, 2335] -
SB111Authority of a private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored [Sec. 528, 1051, 2303, 3061, 3063, 3064, 3066-3068, 3103] [original bill only] -
AB68Authority of a private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored [Sec. 528, 1051, 2303, 3061, 3063, 3064, 3066-3068, 3103] -
SB111Authority of a private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored; AG authority provisions -