Research credit: income and franchise tax credit revisions [Sec. 1406-1408, 1474, 1475, 1512, 1513] - AB43
Research credit: income and franchise tax credit revisions [Sec. 1406-1408, 1474, 1475, 1512, 1513; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 338-340, 342-345] - SB70
Universal changing station installation: income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created [Sec. 1369, 1428, 1439, 1445, 1452, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1495, 1516, 1517] - AB43
Universal changing station installation: income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created [Sec. 1369, 1428, 1439, 1445, 1452, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1495, 1516, 1517] [original bill only] - SB70
Universal changing stations: installation in certain buildings required; income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created - AB402
Universal changing stations: installation in certain buildings required; income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created - SB393
WisEARNS retirement savings program for employees of private employers created and board attached to State Treasurer; small business income and franchise tax credits created - AB1170
WisEARNS retirement savings program for employees of private employers created and board attached to State Treasurer; small business income and franchise tax credits created - SB1076
Authority of private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored; AG authority provisions [Sec. 569, 1126, 2333, 3186, 3189, 3190, 3192-3194, 3230] - AB43
Authority of private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored; AG authority provisions - AB1186
Authority of private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored; AG authority provisions [Sec. 569, 1126, 2333, 3186, 3189, 3190, 3192-3194, 3230] [original bill only] - SB70
Authority of private person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA restored; AG authority provisions - SB1092
Candidate adjudged guilty of felony campaign finance or election fraud violations: court to order candidate committee dissolved and conditions on disbursement of funds specified [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB335
Candidate adjudged guilty of felony campaign finance or election fraud violations: court to order candidate committee dissolved and conditions on disbursement of funds specified - SB334
Fraud scheme: new crime created - AB1192
Fraud scheme: new crime created - SB1094
Fraudulent insurance acts: OCI duties [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 461] - SB70
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Amdt.1: notification of removal added] - AB494
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB582
Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; defect in absentee ballot certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Amdt.1: blank spaces on absentee ballots provision added] - AB570
Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; defect in absentee ballot certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB631
UI benefit recipients: DWD to run comparison to certain state and national databases re fraud and erroneous payments [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act: 2014 modifications adopted and renamed the Uniform Voidable Transactions Law - AB453
Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act: 2014 modifications adopted and renamed the Uniform Voidable Transactions Law - SB450
Whistleblower protections for municipal clerks who report election fraud or irregularities - SB88
Worker misclassification and WC fraud provisions; JRCCP may report - AB475
Worker misclassification penalties; UI, WC, and false or fraudulent claims; DWD notice re worker classification laws and DFI duties; JRCCP may report [Sec. 1752-1754, 1760, 1773-1779, 1782-1786, 1905-1909, 2401, 3306] - AB43
Worker misclassification penalties; UI, WC, and false or fraudulent claims; DWD notice re worker classification laws and DFI duties; JRCCP may report [Sec. 1752-1754, 1760, 1773-1779, 1782-1786, 1905-1909, 2401, 3306] [original bill only] - SB70
Freedom of speech and press
Free speech and academic freedom standards and due process in disciplinary proceedings established at UW System and TCS institutions; civil cause of action, grant funding, and Wisconsin grant funding provisions - AB553
Free speech and academic freedom standards and due process in disciplinary proceedings established at UW System and TCS institutions; civil cause of action, grant funding, and Wisconsin grant funding provisions - SB575
Social media websites or applications: censoring, deplatforming, or shadow banning a journalistic enterprise re content prohibited; private cause of action provision - AB893
Student journalists at public schools, UW System institutions, and technical colleges: right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press - AB551
Student journalists at public schools, UW System institutions, and technical colleges: right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press - SB571
Freight transportation, see Railroad
Fringe benefit, see Public employee
Fruit, see Food
FSET (FoodShare employment and training program), see Food stamp plan
FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
Coal tar-based sealant products and high PAH sealant products: sale of prohibited [Sec. 2674] - AB43
Coal tar-based sealant products and high PAH sealant products: sale of prohibited [Sec. 2674] [original bill only] - SB70
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use: sales and use tax exemption expanded; JSCTE appendix report - AB20
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use: sales and use tax exemption expanded; JSCTE appendix report - SB22
Fuel blend requirements for new gas stations established; DATCP grants - AB455
Fuel blend requirements for new gas stations established; DATCP grants - SB454
Fuel pipeline extension from Mitchell International Airport to the Port of Milwaukee: harbor assistance grant [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 92, 9144 (2)] - SB70
Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased [Sec. 2439] - AB43
Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased - AB878
Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased [Sec. 2439] [original bill only] - SB70
Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased - SB812
LPG used for vehicle fuel purposes: DSPS cannot promulgate rules requiring training to dispense or prohibiting self-service dispensing - AB491
LPG used for vehicle fuel purposes: DSPS cannot promulgate rules requiring training to dispense or prohibiting self-service dispensing [S.Amdt.1: compressed natural gas and rule-making authority provisions added] - SB768
Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations - AB798
Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations - SB746
Funeral and funeral director
Cremation permit application form: DHS to design, issuance of permit provision - AB443
Cremation permit application form: DHS to design, issuance of permit provision - SB440
Furbearing animal, see Hunting
Gaming, Division of
Gaming investigative services appropriation [Sec. 511] - AB43
Gaming investigative services appropriation [Sec. 511] [original bill only] - SB70
Garden, see Farm produce
Garnishment of earnings of certain debtors: 13-week limit eliminated - AB337
Garnishment of earnings of certain debtors: 13-week limit eliminated - SB327
Fuel blend requirements for new gas stations established; DATCP grants - AB455
Fuel blend requirements for new gas stations established; DATCP grants - SB454
Grocery and Retail Food Employees: appreciation and respect for proclaimed - AR6
Restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - AB142
Sale of motor vehicle fuel exempt from Unfair Sales Act minimum markup requirement [Sec. 1738-1740] - AB43
Sale of motor vehicle fuel exempt from Unfair Sales Act minimum markup requirement [Sec. 1738-1740] [original bill only] - SB70
Geese, see Bird
Gender discrimination, see Discrimination
General fund, see Appropriation
Genetics and genetic testing
DNA evidence re commission of a felony: time limits on prosecution changed - AB1192
DNA evidence re commission of a felony: time limits on prosecution changed - SB1094
Employment discrimination based on unfair honesty and unfair genetics testing: circuit court action to recover compensatory and punitive damages allowed [Sec. 1949-1952, 3202, 3231, 9350 (4)] - AB43
Employment discrimination based on unfair honesty and unfair genetics testing: circuit court action to recover compensatory and punitive damages allowed - AB537