2024 Legislative Council Study Committee on Recodification of Battery Statutes

Legislative Council Staff

Melissa Schmidt

Peggy Hurley

Kelly Mautz


Senator Wanggaard (Chair)

Representative Tusler (Vice-Chair)

Kathilynne Grotelueschen

Robert Repischak

Representative Riemer

Senator Roys

Dale Schmidt

Brenda Yaskal

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  • The study committee is directed to conduct a recodification of ss. 940.19 to 940.208, Stats., relating to the crime of battery, to include reorganizing the sections in a logical manner, renumbering and retitling sections, consolidating related provisions, modernizing language, resolving ambiguities in language, making other necessary organizational changes, and making minor substantive changes.

September 3, 2024 Meeting 10:00 a.m. Room 411 South, State Capitol [ Agenda ]