Third, under the Louisville school assignment plan, the race of a student seeking a transfer to another school was not a factor unless the school reached “the extremes of the racial guidelines,” id. at 2749-50; i.e., reached either the 15% minimum or 50% maximum enrollment thresholds. For most of the state’s 425 school districts, race is not a factor in making decisions about open enrollment transfer applications. For residents of the 28 school districts eligible for Chapter 220 interdistrict or intradistrict transfer aid, however, the racial classification (i.e., minority or nonminority) of an otherwise-qualified resident determines whether the school board may approve the application for open enrollment transfer out of the district. In addition, otherwise-qualified residents of school districts not eligible for Chapter 220 aid who apply for open enrollment transfer into one of the 28 Chapter 220-eligible districts can be approved or denied exclusively because of the effect the applicant’s minority or nonminority racial classification would have on the receiving district’s racial imbalance.
  It is my opinion that the portion of section 118.51(7)(a) that requires a school district eligible for Chapter 220 aid to reject an open enrollment application if the requested transfer into or out of the district would increase the district’s racial imbalance is inconsistent with the equal protection guarantee of the United States Constitution, as those guarantees were applied in the Seattle School Dist. No. 1 case. The binary racial classification system of section 121.845(2) and the provision of section 118.51(7)(a) that conditions the approval of an open enrollment application for transfer into or out of a school district eligible for Chapter 220 aid on the individual applicant’s race are not narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling government interest, under the Court’s holding in the Seattle School Dist. No. 1 case. 127 S. Ct. 2751-54, 2759-61.
  I note that legislation was recently introduced in the Wisconsin Legislature that would repeal section 118.51(7)(a). 2007 Assembly Bill 517 (introduced October 2, 2007). The history and text of the bill can be located on the Legislature’s website, (last accessed December 20, 2007).
  Because this opinion may have a bearing on legislative action on AB 517, I am sharing it with the bill’s authors and Assembly leadership for their information.
            J.B. Van Hollen
            Attorney General
c:   The Honorable Stephen Nass
  The Honorable Scott Suder
  The Honorable Gary Tauchen
  The Honorable John Nygren
  The Honorable Garey Bies
  The Honorable Robin Vos
  The Honorable Eugene Hahn
  The Honorable Carol Owens
  The Honorable Daniel LeMahieu
  The Honorable Jeffrey Mursau
  The Honorable Don Pridemore
  The Honorable Alvin Ott
  The Honorable Suzanne Jeskewitz
  The Honorable Sheryl Albers
  The Honorable Michael Huebsch
  The Honorable James Kreuser
  This Informational Paper is available on the Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s website, (last accessed, December 20, 2007).
  District ethnicity data is from DPI’s website,, and in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for Public Enrollment by District by Ethnicity, (last accessed, December 20, 2007). As of the third Friday in September 2007, the date on which enrollments must be reported to DPI, 4.5% of MPS students were of Asian or Pacific Island origin, 57.5% were non-Hispanic black, 21% were Hispanic, 0.8% were Native American or Alaskan Native, and 16% were white. Id., row 225 (MPS).
  MPS’s Suburban School Opportunities for the 2007-08 school year is available on the  MPS website, (last accessed, December 20, 2007).