Menominee Indian
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
Natural Resources Board member
Article XIII, sec. 3, Wis. Const., does not bar a "congressional home secretary" from serving as a member of the Natural Resources Board. 64-1
Planning and zoning commission member
The office of member of a county planning and zoning commission is incompatible with the position of executive director of the county housing authority. 81-90
Police officer
Alderman and police officer husband could continue to hold offices as long as alderman does not violate sec. 946.13(1), Stats., with respect to police officer's contract. 63-43
The offices of coroner and deputy coroner are incompatible with that of city police officer; and the office of coroner is incompatible with that of assistant chief of a volunteer fire department. 78-49
Private interest in public contracts
Section 946.13, Stats., prohibiting private interest in public contracts may impose criminal liability upon the University of Wisconsin employes who in their private capacities deal contractually with the State of Wisconsin to provide services and equipment. (Unpub.). 64-1977
Public defender, assistant state
Office of county supervisor and position of assistant state public defender are compatible. 75-178
Public school administrators
Public school administrators are eligible to be candidates for and to vote for teacher representatives on the Teachers Retirement Board. 76-141
Register in Probate
A probate registrar is an official of the county court, and secs. 256.22 and 59.40, Stats., would prohibit an attorney who serves as probate registrar from practicing law in county court. 63-55
Register of Deeds
Compatible with office of school board member. (Unpub.). 79-1976
School administrators
See Public school administrators
School board member
Compatible with office of Register of Deeds. (Unpub.). 79-1976
School district board president
Offices of president of common school district board and chairperson of town board within district and offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74-50
Commander in the Brown County sheriff's department, a supervisory position, is not incompatible with the office of president of a village within Brown County. Abstention from participation in discussions or voting or resignation from one of the offices should be considered if a conflict arises. 76-156
Criteria for appointment to district VTAE boards discussed, including changes in status of "employer," "employe" and "elected official" representatives and incompatibility between board membership and the offices of sheriff and circuit judge. Discussion of meeting notice requirements of sections 38.10(2)(d)3. and 19.84(3), Stats. Definition of "public officer" for purposes of section 38.10(1m) relating to participation on board appointment committee. 77-256
In a county having no undersheriff, a person elected and serving as sheriff vacated office by accepting office of town supervisor during his term but is entitled to compensation paid and can continue to exercise duties of sheriff until successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. 73-83
The offices of coroner and deputy coroner are incompatible with that of city police officer; and the office of coroner is incompatible with that of assistant chief of a volunteer fire department. 78-49
Supervisor of the town board
Offices of commissioner of town sanitary district having territory within three towns, and supervisor of town board of town having largest assessed valuation of taxable property of such district, are incompatible where the town board also serves as the appointing authority for commissioners of the town sanitary district. 69-108
Compatibility of the office of alderperson with positions of city employe, teacher in city school district and firefighter discussed in general terms. 67-177
Teachers Retirement Board
Public school administrators are eligible to be candidates for and to vote for teacher representatives on the Teachers Retirement Board. 76-141
Town board chairman
Offices of president of common school district board and chairperson of town board within district and offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74-50
Town clerk
60 OAG 276 (1971) discussed. The conclusion in that opinion is questionable. Until the law is changed offices of town clerk and town treasurer are probably incompatible. 68-393
Offices of president of common school district board and chairperson of town board within district and offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74-50
Town supervisor
In a county having no undersheriff, a person elected and serving as sheriff vacated office by accepting office of town supervisor during his term but is entitled to compensation paid and can continue to exercise duties of sheriff until successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. 73-83
Offices of county assessor and town supervisor are compatible. 63-599
Town treasurer
60 OAG 276 (1971) discussed. The conclusion in that opinion is questionable. Until the law is changed offices of town clerk and town treasurer are probably incompatible. 68-393
Transit board
County board in county over 500,000 can provide that members of transit board be appointed by county board chairman and confirmed by county board. However, the supervisor would be ineligible to serve on such transit board. 67-231
Tribal police officer
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
Village president
Commander in the Brown County sheriff's department, a supervisory position, is not incompatible with the office of president of a village within Brown County. Abstention from participation in discussions or voting or resignation from one of the offices should be considered if a conflict arises. 76-156
Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, Board of
Criteria for appointment to district VTAE boards discussed, including changes in status of "employer," "employe" and "elected official" representatives and incompatibility between board membership and the offices of sheriff and circuit judge. Discussion of meeting notice requirements of sections 38.10(2)(d)3. and 19.84(3), Stats. Definition of "public officer" for purposes of section 38.10(1m) relating to participation on board appointment committee. 77-256
Wisconsin Medical Examining Board
By reason of sec. 15.08(1), Stats., as amended by ch. 221, Laws of 1979, a person is ineligible to continue to serve on the Medical Examining Board while also serving as an officer of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association, Inc., because such association promotes or furthers the profession of medicine. "Substantial interest" under sec. 19.46(1)(e)2., Stats., also discussed. (Unpub.). 58-1980
Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
State Director of Farmers Home Administration not eligible as member of. 67-51
Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
By reason of sec. 15.08(1), Stats., as amended by ch. 221, Laws of 1979, a person is ineligible to continue to serve on the Medical Examining Board while also serving as an officer of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association, Inc., because such association promotes or furthers the profession of medicine. "Substantial interest" under sec. 19.46(1)(e)2., Stats., also discussed. (Unpub.). 58-1980