Offices of county assessor and town supervisor are compatible. 63-599
Town treasurer
60 OAG 276 (1971) discussed. The conclusion in that opinion is questionable. Until the law is changed offices of town clerk and town treasurer are probably incompatible. 68-393
Transit board
County board in county over 500,000 can provide that members of transit board be appointed by county board chairman and confirmed by county board. However, the supervisor would be ineligible to serve on such transit board. 67-231
Tribal police officer
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
Village president
Commander in the Brown County sheriff's department, a supervisory position, is not incompatible with the office of president of a village within Brown County. Abstention from participation in discussions or voting or resignation from one of the offices should be considered if a conflict arises. 76-156
Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, Board of
Criteria for appointment to district VTAE boards discussed, including changes in status of "employer," "employe" and "elected official" representatives and incompatibility between board membership and the offices of sheriff and circuit judge. Discussion of meeting notice requirements of sections 38.10(2)(d)3. and 19.84(3), Stats. Definition of "public officer" for purposes of section 38.10(1m) relating to participation on board appointment committee. 77-256
Wisconsin Medical Examining Board
By reason of sec. 15.08(1), Stats., as amended by ch. 221, Laws of 1979, a person is ineligible to continue to serve on the Medical Examining Board while also serving as an officer of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association, Inc., because such association promotes or furthers the profession of medicine. "Substantial interest" under sec. 19.46(1)(e)2., Stats., also discussed. (Unpub.). 58-1980
Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
State Director of Farmers Home Administration not eligible as member of. 67-51
Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
By reason of sec. 15.08(1), Stats., as amended by ch. 221, Laws of 1979, a person is ineligible to continue to serve on the Medical Examining Board while also serving as an officer of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association, Inc., because such association promotes or furthers the profession of medicine. "Substantial interest" under sec. 19.46(1)(e)2., Stats., also discussed. (Unpub.). 58-1980
Vocational Technical and Adult Educational School Board
Office of Commissioner on Policy Board of Consortium of counties under federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and office of President of District Vocational Technical and Adult Educational School Board which would be applicant and competitor for funds allocated are incompatible; however, counties under present statutes do not have power to form Consortium for purposes of federal Act where Governor has not designated them as participating units of government under sec. 16.54(6), Stats. 63-453
Volunteer fire department
Member of a volunteer fire department organized as nonprofit corporation pursuant to ch. 181 and sec. 213.05, Stats., may serve as a member of the board of directors of such corporation if duly elected. (Unpub.). 21-1983
See 51.42/51.437 BOARD
Building Commission, State
The Building Commission has the power of condemnation under sec. 13.48(16), Stats., for the acquisitions authorized by sec. 13.48(17), as created by ch. 90, Laws of 1973. Such power also exists for acquisitions under sec. 13.48(18), as created by ch. 90, Laws of 1973, provided the acquisitions fall within the criteria of sec. 13.48(16). The Commission must file the plan called for in sec. 32.25, Stats., whenever it contemplates engaging in land acquisition activities for which the power of condemnation exists under law. 63-290
County lands
County lands are not subject to condemnation by a town absent express statutory authority authorizing such condemnation. 62-64
Tenants operating a business or farm are entitled to business or farm replacement costs payable pursuant to sec. 32.19(4m), Stats. 68-114
Local Affairs and Development, Department of
The Department of Local Affairs and Development may enact such rules pursuant to sec. 227.014, Stats., as are necessary to carry out its responsibilities under secs. 32.19 and 32.25 through 32.27, Stats. (Unpub.). 96-1977
Madison Redevelopment Authority
The Madison Redevelopment Authority proceeding under sec. 66.431, Stats., to eliminate blight or slums, may include in its plan the ultimate sale of acquired property to the Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District for a campus. (Unpub.). 95-1976
Public funds
The question of whether benefits and assistance provided by ch. 409, Laws of 1969, as amended by ch. 103, Laws of 1971, must be afforded an owner of property or his tenant where there is no threat of condemnation, but the property owner, aware that a public agency wants the property, voluntarily sells the property to the public agency requires an exercise of discretion based upon the facts of each transaction, however, the property owner or his tenant to qualify must be displaced by the project and the expenditure of public funds must be for a public purpose. 62-168
Redevelopment Authority
Assuming a Redevelopment Authority properly proceeds under sec. 66.431, Stats., to satisfy all statutory and other legal requirements necessary to establish a project area and implement a redevelopment plan therefore, it may proceed to condemn any property within the project area even though some portions of the urban renewal area are not in fact blighted. 65-116
Wisconsin Relocation Assistance Act
Condemnors may not offer displaced persons a loan or alternative assistance in lieu of payments authorized in sec. 32.19, Stats. Also, Condemnors do not have the authority to obtain written waivers of relocation assistance benefits as a condition for participation in a particular acquisition program. 70-94
Condominium Ownership Act (1977) and Chap. 236, Stats. (1983-84) discussed
The legal description of condominium units must conform to the requirements of chapter 703, Stats., the Condominium Law. The requirements of chapter 236, dealing with platting and subdividing, may not be used to legally describe condominium units. 75-94
Unit Ownership Act (1963) and Chap. 236, Stats. (1975) discussed
Unless a condominium under ch. 703, Stats., actually involves a division of land, or successive divisions of land, it is not subject to the land platting and subdivision approval requirements of ch. 236, Stats. The extent to which local governments may vary the terms of secs. 236.16(1) and (2) and 236.20(4)(d), Stats., by ordinance discussed. 64-175
Alcohol and drug abuse
Except for those services for which parental consent is necessary under section 51.47(2), Stats., a physician or health care facility may release outpatient or detoxification services information only with the consent of the minor patient provided that the minor is twelve years of age or over. Wis. Admin. Code § HSS 92.06(2) (1986) and 42 C.F.R. § 2.14(b) (1987). 77-187
Ambulance calls
Under present law, ambulance records relating to medical history, condition or treatment are confidential while other ambulance call records are subject to disclosure under the public records law. 78-71
Child abuse
Members of a social services board in a county with a county executive or a county administrator may be granted access to child abuse and neglect files pursuant to section 48.981(7)(a)2. of the statutes if such access is necessary to allow them to perform their statutory duties. 79-212
A county department of social services has no discretion to refuse to disclose reports and records of child abuse or neglect to the subject of the report or the subject's attorney under section 48.981(7)(a)1. and (c), Stats. 77-84
A district attorney or corporation counsel may reveal the contents of a report made under section 48.981 in the course of a criminal prosecution or one of the civil proceedings enumerated under section 48.981(7)(a)10. 81-66