See 51.42/51.437 BOARD; MINORS
Administrative services co-ordinator
County board may create position of administrative services co-ordinator and county clerk; transfer of duties currently performed by the county clerk would be permissible only where some other specific statute permits transfer. County officer cannot be paid separate salary for performing services which are incidental to his office. 67-1
Alderman and police officer husband could continue to hold offices as long as alderman does not violate sec. 946.13(1), Stats., with respect to police officer's contract. 63-43
Compatibility of the office of alderperson with positions of city employe, teacher in city school district and firefighter discussed in general terms. 67-177
Assistant medical examiner
See Medical examiner
A probate registrar is an official of the county court, and secs. 256.22 and 59.40, Stats., would prohibit an attorney who serves as probate registrar from practicing law in county court. 63-55
CETA official
Office of Commissioner on Policy Board of Consortium of counties under federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and office of President of District Vocational Technical and Adult Educational School Board which would be applicant and competitor for funds allocated are incompatible; however, counties under present statutes do not have power to form Consortium for purposes of federal Act where Governor has not designated them as participating units of government under sec. 16.54(6), Stats. 63-453
City employe
Compatibility of the office of alderperson with positions of city employe, teacher in city school district and firefighter discussed in general terms. 67-177
Commissioner of town sanitary district
Offices of commissioner of town sanitary district having territory within three towns, and supervisor of the town board of town having largest assessed valuation of taxable property of such district, are incompatible where the town board also serves as the appointing authority for commissioners of the town sanitary district. 69-108
Community mental health board member
Incompatible with county hospital trustee when services offered are the same. 65-138
Congressional home secretary"
Article XIII, sec. 3, Wis. Const., does not bar a "congressional home secretary" from serving as a member of the Natural Resources Board. 64-1
Conservation warden
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
The offices of coroner and deputy coroner are incompatible with that of city police officer; and the office of coroner is incompatible with that of assistant chief of a volunteer fire department. 78-49
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
Counsel for indigent
A county board supervisor risks violations of sec. 946.13, Stats., where he is appointed counsel for indigent defendants and fees exceed $2,000 per annum. 62-62
County assessor
Offices of county assessor and town supervisor are compatible. 63-599
County board member
County board member cannot serve on joint county-city hospital board created under sec. 66.47, Stats., by reason of secs. 59.03(4), 66.11 (2), Stats., but city council member could, and whether such member can receive additional remuneration for such service depends on whether he was appointed by the county board chairman, mayor, or mayor and county board chairman. 66-145
County board supervisor
A county board supervisor risks violations of sec. 946.13, Stats., where he is appointed counsel for indigent defendants and fees exceed $2,000 per annum. 62-62
County-city hospital
County board member cannot serve on joint county-city hospital board created under sec. 66.47, Stats., by reason of secs. 59.03(4), 66.11 (2), Stats., but city council member could, and whether such member can receive additional remuneration for such service depends on whether he was appointed by the county board chairman, mayor, or mayor and county board chairman. 66-145
County health care center administrator
The office of superintendent or administrator of a county health care center providing mental health related services, appointed under section 46.19(1), Stats., and the office of member of the county community programs board, appointed under section 51.42(4), are incompatible. 77-150
County hospital trustee
Incompatible with member of community mental health board when services offered are same. 65-138
County housing authority director
The office of member of a county planning and zoning commission is incompatible with the position of executive director of the county housing authority. 81-90
County planning and zoning commissioner
The office of member of a county planning and zoning commission is incompatible with the position of executive director of the county housing authority. 81-90
County supervisor
County board in county over 500,000 can provide that members of transit board be appointed by county board chairman and confirmed by county board. However, the supervisor would be ineligible to serve on such transit board. 67-231
Office of county supervisor and position of assistant state public defender are compatible. 75-178
Deputy coroner
The positions of county coroner and tribal police officer are incompatible governmental positions but the positions of deputy county coroner and tribal conservation warden are not incompatible. 77-293
Family Court Commissioner's law partner
Family Court Commissioner's law partner is prohibited from serving as counsel in any divorce action in county which Commissioner holds office but may serve as counsel in divorce actions in other counties. This prohibition may not be waived by the parties to the divorce action. 67-64
Farmers Home Administration, State Director of
Position of State Director of the Farmers Home Administration is probably an "office of profit or trust under the United States" as that term is used in Wis. Const. art. XIII, sec. 3, and a person holding such office would be ineligible to at the same time serve as a member of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board. 67-51
Fire department assistant chief
The offices of coroner and deputy coroner are incompatible with that of city police officer; and the office of coroner is incompatible with that of assistant chief of a volunteer fire department. 78-49