Governor's partial vetoes
Certain of the Governor's partial vetoes to ch. 107, Laws of 1977, were invalid. The entire Bill should be returned to the originating house for reconsideration. 66-310
Health insurance plan, state
The amendment of section 40.05(4)(bc) by section 276 of 1991 Wisconsin Act 269, after issuance of OAG 7-92, renders such section not in violation of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution.
Changes to the state health insurance program embodied in sections 40.05(4)(bc) and 40.51(10m) are not in violation of the prohibition of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution, given the presumption of constitutionality and the lack of case law showing that all changes in benefits are subject to the prohibition. 81-28
Homestead property
Proposals for exemptions of "homestead property" from local property taxation probably are unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the state and federal constitutions and the Tax Uniformity Clause of the state constitution. 66-337
Income tax laws
Discussion of constitutional and policy considerations associated with federalization of state income tax laws. 66-331
1979 AB 353, requiring candidates for the Legislature to declare whether they will receive a lower salary, conflicts with election bribery laws, sec. 12.11, Stats. Further, if enacted, it would violate the constitutional principle that the Legislature cannot impose additional qualifications to office. Finally, its constitutionality under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is subject to question. 68-214
Lobbying law
Certain provisions of Substitute Amendment 1 to 1977 Senate Bill 286, revising subch. III of ch. 13, Stats., the State's Lobbying Law, are incompatible with the rights of Wisconsin citizens to petition the government and to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures and are therefore probably unconstitutional. The major portion of the bill is constitutional. (Unpub.). 15-1978
In principle, the purposes sought to be accomplished by Assembly Substitute Amendment 3 to 1977 Assembly Bill 93, revising subch. III of ch. 13, Stats., the State's Lobbying Law are compatible with the rights of Wisconsin citizens to petition the government and to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. Some of the means selected to accomplish those purposes may, on their face or as applied violate citizens' First Amendment right of petition. 67-85
Military service credit
Constitutionality of 1989 Assembly Bill 565, providing military service credit for State Teachers Retirement System and Milwaukee Teachers Retirement System teachers who retired in 1981, discussed. 79-125
Moraine Park District
That part of sec. 67.12(12)(e)5., Stats., requiring the petition requesting that a referendum be held on a vocational, technical and adult education district board's resolution to incur indebtedness to contain the signatures of electors from each county in the district equal to at least 2.5% of the population of the county is unconstitutional as applied to the Moraine Park District. Equal protection of the laws is denied to electors in certain counties of the district in that their signatures on the petition, because of the wide disparity in population among the counties, are accorded greatly disproportionate weight as compared to the signatures of electors in other counties. 66-349
Private or local act test
The provisions of the 1983 Budget Act restricting the expenditure of state and federal funds for the construction of additional lanes on I-43 in Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties do not violate the requirement of Wisconsin Constitution article IV, section 18 that private and local bills must embrace only one subject which must be expressed in the bill's title. 79-43
Public lands
Proposed statutory language to ch. 24, Stats., does not meet constitutional and other standards. Alternate proposal offered. (Unpub.). 14-1981
Radar detectors
Proposed legislation to create sec. 347.483 of the statutes, which would prohibit the use and sale of radar detectors meets due process requirements and is constitutionally sound. Moreover, such a law would not violate the Commerce or Supremacy Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. 68-256
Tax Increment Law
Tax Increment Law appears constitutional on its face and the Department of Revenue should carry out its duties and responsibilities under the Law as directed by the Legislature. 65-194
Textbook loans to school students. 77-66
Unemployment Compensation Fund
Borrowing money from the federal government to replenish Wisconsin's unemployment compensation funds under the arrangements prescribed by federal law, does not contravene either Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 3 or 4. 71-95
Uniformity clause
Municipal service fees on tax-exempt property may violate the uniformity and equal protection clauses of the Wisconsin Constitution. 79-64
A motor vehicle registration fee which varies with the value of the motor vehicle or which is based upon the manufacturer's suggested retail price and the age of the motor vehicle would not violate article VIII, section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution because the vehicle registration fee is a privilege tax, not a property tax. 79-135
An ad valorem tax upon automobiles, where the assessment would be based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price and the age of the vehicle, and where the rate would be unrelated to the tax rate upon other taxable property, would violate the uniformity requirement of Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 1. (Unpub.). 99-1977
Section 70.325, Stats., violates article VIII, section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution. 77-128
Wisconsin Retirement System
Constitutionality of 1989 Assembly Bill 565, providing military service credit for State Teachers Retirement System and Milwaukee Teachers Retirement System teachers who retired in 1981, discussed. 79-125
Work of internal improvement
Dredging a navigable waterway to alleviate periodic flooding is not a prohibited "work of internal improvement" within the meaning of Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 10. 69-176
See also COURTS
Good time" credit
A person confined in the county jail for civil (remedial) contempt of court is not eligible for "good time" credit under section 53.43, Stats. 74-96
Courts of record in the State of Wisconsin have the authority to hold juveniles in contempt of court; limited circumstances under which sanction of imprisonment may be imposed discussed. 70-98
Bids and bidders
The Department of Transportation may make a reevaluation of a bidder's prior qualification or reject the lowest bid on the ground of irresponsibility of the successful bidder, but, in both instances, notice and an opportunity for hearing on such reevaluation must be given to the contractor. 63-60
The preference for Wisconsin businesses included in sections 16.75 and 16.855, Stats., applies only when a Wisconsin business and an out-of-state business submit identical, low bids. 74-47
CESA service
1971 Assembly Bill 1577 would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and sec. 18 of art. I of the Wisconsin Constitution. Guidelines to possibly avoid constitutional objection to CESA service contracts with private schools discussed. 62-75
Erroneous bid
Where a governmental entity determines that an apparent low bidder is entitled to relief from an erroneous bid, under sec. 66.29(5), Stats., the bidder should be allowed to correct his bid. Normally, if the bid is otherwise in order and still remains the low bid after the adjustment necessary to correct the mistake, the bid should be accepted. It is questionable whether any actionable claim for damages would survive a determination that a bidder was entitled to relief from his erroneous bid under the provisions of sec. 66.29(5), Stats. 62-144
Fire protection
A city probably can contract with a county to provide fire protection to a county institution located outside of boundaries of said city. 62-84
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, ch. 135, Stats., discussed. 66-10
Milwaukee County zoo and museum
The Milwaukee County board may not delegate the exclusive authority to approve contracts for budgeted public works projects to the museum board or to the zoological board. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the attorney general will not issue opinions concerning the meaning or intent of municipal ordinances. 77-120