See also COURTS
Good time" credit
A person confined in the county jail for civil (remedial) contempt of court is not eligible for "good time" credit under section 53.43, Stats. 74-96
Courts of record in the State of Wisconsin have the authority to hold juveniles in contempt of court; limited circumstances under which sanction of imprisonment may be imposed discussed. 70-98
Bids and bidders
The Department of Transportation may make a reevaluation of a bidder's prior qualification or reject the lowest bid on the ground of irresponsibility of the successful bidder, but, in both instances, notice and an opportunity for hearing on such reevaluation must be given to the contractor. 63-60
The preference for Wisconsin businesses included in sections 16.75 and 16.855, Stats., applies only when a Wisconsin business and an out-of-state business submit identical, low bids. 74-47
CESA service
1971 Assembly Bill 1577 would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and sec. 18 of art. I of the Wisconsin Constitution. Guidelines to possibly avoid constitutional objection to CESA service contracts with private schools discussed. 62-75
Erroneous bid
Where a governmental entity determines that an apparent low bidder is entitled to relief from an erroneous bid, under sec. 66.29(5), Stats., the bidder should be allowed to correct his bid. Normally, if the bid is otherwise in order and still remains the low bid after the adjustment necessary to correct the mistake, the bid should be accepted. It is questionable whether any actionable claim for damages would survive a determination that a bidder was entitled to relief from his erroneous bid under the provisions of sec. 66.29(5), Stats. 62-144
Fire protection
A city probably can contract with a county to provide fire protection to a county institution located outside of boundaries of said city. 62-84
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, ch. 135, Stats., discussed. 66-10
Milwaukee County zoo and museum
The Milwaukee County board may not delegate the exclusive authority to approve contracts for budgeted public works projects to the museum board or to the zoological board. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the attorney general will not issue opinions concerning the meaning or intent of municipal ordinances. 77-120
Private interest in public contracts
A county board supervisor risks violations of sec. 946.13, Stats., where he is appointed counsel for indigent defendants and fees exceed $2,000 per annum. 62-62
Alderman and police officer husband could continue to hold offices as long as alderman does not violate sec. 946.13(1), Stats., with respect to police officer's contract. 63-45
1. Corporation counsel employed on part-time basis cannot accept employment as defense counsel for those whose interests are directly adverse to the state or county. 2. Section 256.22(3), Stats., does not prohibit a district attorney from compensating his partner, out of his own funds, for assistance in prosecuting a state case. 3. County Board cannot change status of office of district attorney from one in which he is permitted to practice law privately to one in which he is not, so as to be effective during the term for which such officer was elected. 67-31
Appointment of counsel for indigent involves a public contract. 62-118
County supervisor who is pharmacist is probably not in violation of sec. 946.13, Stats., when he furnishes prescription services to medicaid patients where state is solely liable for payment. 64-108
Land conservation committee responsibilities and prohibition of private interest in public contracts discussed. 76-184
Office of Commissioner on Policy Board of Consortium of counties under federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and office of President of District Vocational Technical and Adult Educational School Board which would be applicant and competitor for funds allocated are incompatible; however, counties under present statutes do not have power to form Consortium for purposes of federal acts where Governor has not designated them as participating units of government under sec. 16.54(6), Stats. 63-453
Section 946.13, Stats., prohibiting private interest in public contracts may impose criminal liability upon the University of Wisconsin employes who in their private capacities deal contractually with the State of Wisconsin to provide services and equipment. (Unpub.). 64-1977
Public works
Towns must let "public contracts" pursuant to the competitive bidding procedures of secs. 60.29(1m) and 66.29, Stats. Contracts which are not "public contracts" are not subject to either advertising or competitive bidding procedures. The definition of public contract includes "supplies" and "materials," but does not include "equipment." Police cars need not be purchased by competitive bid under secs. 60.29 and 66.29, Stats., since they are "equipment" and not "supplies [or] material." 66-284
Section 946.13, Stats., which prohibits private interests in public contracts, applies to county board or department purchases aggregating more than $5,000 from a county supervisor-owned business. 76-178
Snow removal
Section 86.105, Stats., does not authorize counties to contract to plow private parking lots. Because of increased availability of private sector alternatives any activity engaged in pursuant to said statute should meet the stringent restrictions set forth in 50 OAG 98 (1961), in an analogous context. 67-304
State contracts
State contracts for the purchase of professional architectural and engineering consulting services must comply with the bidding requirements of sec. 16.75(1), Stats., unless waived by the Governor. 65-251
State highways
Contracts providing for the maintenance of state highways by the counties may be executed by the county highway committees without the approval of the county boards. 65-140
Termination of joint tenancy
A certificate of termination of joint tenancy is not an instrument of conveyance which requires a real estate transfer return under sec. 77.22(1), Stats. (Unpub.). 19-1982
Turnkey" construction method
County housing authority, in providing housing for the low income and elderly, can, by reason of sec. 59.075(4), Stats., utilize "Turnkey" construction method without bids. 66-31
Where the village board administers a community development block grant program, a member of the village board would violate section 946.13(1)(a), Stats., if he or she obtained a loan in excess of $5,000 under the program. Acting in his private capacity as a contractor, the board member would violate section 946.13(1) if he contracted to perform the construction work for a third person who obtained a loan under the program. 76-278
CESA and purchase of real estate

School district members of cooperative educational service agencies who unsuccessfully oppose purchase of real estate are obliged to pay their share of the costs of the acquisition of that real estate, and the CESA may sue those districts if they do not fulfill their financial obligation. The board of control may set the appropriate share for the school districts if the money used for acquisition is not state or local aids under section 116.08(1), Stats. 80-296
Contracts, constitutional consideration
1971 Assembly Bill 1577 would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and sec. 18 of art. I of the Wisconsin Constitution. Guidelines to possibly avoid constitutional objection to CESA service contracts with private schools discussed. 62-75
Driver education programs in schools
A school district and a cooperative educational service agency may not, without legislative authority, contract with a private driving school and receive state aid for pupil driving instruction services performed by such driving school. 76-26
Real estate
Legislative grant of power to CESA districts to "acquire space" includes power to purchase real estate. 68-139
Compilations of court opinions
Appellate court opinions cannot be protected by copyright and copyright protection applicable to compilations of court opinions is very limited if present at all. 81-45
Computerized records
Computerized compilation of bibliographic records discussed in relation to copyright law; under public records law requester is entitled to copy of computer tape or a printout of information contained on the tape. 75-133
Court decisions
Appellate court opinions cannot be protected by copyright and copyright protection applicable to compilations of court opinions is very limited if present at all. 81-45
Judicial opinions
Appellate court opinions cannot be protected by copyright and copyright protection applicable to compilations of court opinions is very limited if present at all. 81-45