A county Register of Deeds must record Department of Natural Resources' orders under the Forest Croplands Program, sec. 77.02(3), Stats., and the Woodland Tax Law, sec. 77.16(3), Stats., notwithstanding sec. 59.57(12), Stats., which requires that recording fees be paid in advance of recordation. 66-246
Real estate transfer fee
Section 77.22, Stats., requires the Register of Deeds to enter the amount of real estate transfer fee paid on the face of the deed. The information on the return is confidential, but this confidential status is qualified by sec. 77.23, Stats., with respect to the Department of Revenue and local assessors. (Unpub.). 25-1976
Evidence Rule
Under new Evidence Rule 906.09, defendant may not be cross-examined about prior convictions until the Court has ruled in proceedings under Rule 901.04 that such convictions are admissible. Nature of former convictions may now be proved under the new rule. Defendant has burden of proof to establish that a former conviction is inadmissible to impeach him because obtained in violation of his right to counsel, under Loper v. Beto, 405 U.S. 473. Rule of Loper v. Beto, 405 U.S. 473, does not apply to claimed denial of constitutional rights other than the right to counsel, although the conviction would be inadmissible for impeachment if it had been reversed on appeal, whether on constitutional or other grounds, or vacated on collateral attack. 63-424
Alternative or supplemental plans
Section 40.80(2m), Stats. (as created by 1989 Wisconsin Act 31), requires the Deferred Compensation Board to establish administrative rules for alternative or supplemental deferred compensation plans but does not require that any such plans be offered. 79-168
Open meeting
A member of the Dentistry Examining Board has a right to tape record an open meeting of the Board, providing he does so in a manner that does not interfere with such meeting; and the Board cannot lawfully deny such right. A Board member does not have a right to tape record a closed meeting of the Board. 66-318
Restrictions on business corporations providing medical, legal and dental services discussed. 75-200
Crime victims compensation
Under ch. 949, Stats., DILHR is not authorized to direct payment of expenses incurred by victims of crime for dental, chiropractic, podiatric, or optometric services. (Unpub.). 84-1977
Housing agency
The Department of Development is authorized to act as a public housing agency for the purpose of participating in the federal lower-income housing assistance program set forth in 42 U.S.C. sec. 1437f (Ch. 8). The Department is not required to obtain local approval prior to participating in the Ch. 8 program. (Unpub.). 61-1980
See 51.42/51.437 BOARD
Adoption agencies
A contract between the Department of Health and Social Services and an association of private adoption agencies does not result in legally prohibited religious discrimination where any religious preferences are limited to the statutory religious matching requirement. (Unpub.). 32-1983
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
County collective bargaining agreement providing for payment of employe contribution to Wisconsin Retirement System only for those deputy sheriffs under age fifty-five violates the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act. 72-91
Bartenders' licenses
Section 66.054(11), Stats., which permits the issuance of bartenders' licenses to persons of "good moral character" does not automatically preclude issuance to a former offender, especially in light of sec. 111.32(5)(h), Stats., which prohibits discrimination in employment or occupational licensing based upon a criminal conviction (with certain exceptions). 68-202
Counties may adopt and enforce fair housing ordinances under section 66.432, Stats., in municipalities within such counties which already have enacted their own fair housing ordinance. No double jeopardy problem arises if a county and a municipality in the county simultaneously seek to enforce their fair housing ordinances in connection with a single act of discrimination, provided that a violation of one or both of the ordinances is punishable only by a forfeiture. Section 66.432 authorizes cities, villages, towns and counties to prohibit bases of discrimination in addition to those specified in sections 66.432 and 101.22. 74-234
Cities, counties, and other local governmental entities not being a part of the executive or legislative branches of state government are neither "contracting agencies" of the State within the meaning of sec. 16.765(1), Stats., which requires a nondiscrimination clause in contracts, nor are such entities "subdivisions" of the State within the meaning of sec. 16.755(1), Stats., which empowers the Council on Small and Minority Business to review the extent of small business participation in purchasing by the State and its subdivisions. 68-306
Conviction records
1. A licensing agency may not ask an applicant about juvenile delinquency records. 2. A licensing agency may request information from an applicant regarding conviction records under sec. 111.32(5)(h), Stats. 67-327
A county may enact an ordinance requiring its contractors to agree to a policy of non-discrimination in employment, even though such an ordinance provides broader protection than that afforded by state and federal equal employment opportunity laws, as long as such ordinance does not conflict with such laws. 70-64
Cities, counties, and other local governmental entities not being a part of the executive or legislative branches of state government are neither "contracting agencies" of the State within the meaning of sec. 16.765(1), Stats., which requires a nondiscrimination clause in contracts, nor are such entities "subdivisions" of the State within the meaning of sec. 16.755(1), Stats., which empowers the Council on Small and Minority Business to review the extent of small business participation in purchasing by the State and its subdivisions. 68-306
The state and local units of government are not "purchasers" under sec. 100.31, Stats., and sellers of drugs are not prohibited from offering or according to them pricing arrangements which are not made available to other purchasers. 65-59
Fair Employment Act
Register in Probate is protected by the Fair Employment Act which protection is not affected by a defect in the appointment. 67-169
Fair Housing Ordinance
Counties may adopt and enforce fair housing ordinances under section 66.432, Stats., in municipalities within such counties which already have enacted their own fair housing ordinance. No double jeopardy problem arises if a county and a municipality in the county simultaneously seek to enforce their fair housing ordinances in connection with a single act of discrimination, provided that a violation of one or both of the ordinances is punishable only by a forfeiture. Section 66.432 authorizes cities, villages, towns and counties to prohibit bases of discrimination in addition to those specified in sections 66.432 and 101.22. 74-234
The Wisconsin Open Housing Law permits, but does not require, the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations to receive and process class action complaints of housing discrimination. 70-250