Repeat offenders
A repeat OWI offender serving the mandatory term of imprisonment may be confined in a rehabilitation facility if that facility is a "locked" facility under the control and direct authority of the county sheriff and, at a minimum, that facility must satisfy all other characteristics for a jail set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code. 79-75
Second offense
Where a person is charged under sec. 346.63(1), Stats. (operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant or controlled substance), as a second offense, the charge may not be reduced to a violation as a first offense and the court does not have discretion to sentence under sec. 346.65(2)(a)1., Stats., sentencing for first offense. At trial the burden and verdict requirements of a criminal proceeding apply. It is mandatory that the department treat this as a second offense for purposes of revocation under sec. 343.31(1)(b), Stats. 69-47

- E -
Apprentices indentured under ch. 106, Stats., may lawfully be charged tuition at schools in the state vocational, technical and adult education system for related instruction that apprentices must receive as a condition of their apprenticeship. 65-37
A vocational, technical and adult education district which provides apprenticeship training may contract with other districts for payment of the costs of training persons who are residents of the other districts. Such district may not refuse, however, to admit nonresident Wisconsin students to an approved apprenticeship program, because the district of the student's residence fails to reimburse the district providing the instruction, unless the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education adopts rules sanctioning such refusal. 69-257
Church schools
See also Parochial schools
Article I, sec. 18, Wis. Const., prohibits the use of funds received under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended, to pay salaries of persons teaching in church affiliated private schools. 64-136
In the administration of Title IV, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended, funds may not be spent to provide educational services on the premises of church affiliated private schools but such funds may be spent to provide services, through "dual enrollment" or "shared time" programs; nor may school districts be required to equalize, on a per enrollee basis, expenditures as between private and public school students; nor may the Department of Public Instruction administer Title IV programs if local school districts refuse or are legally unable to do so. 64-139
1971 Assembly Bill 1577 would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and sec. 18 of art. I of the Wisconsin Constitution. Guidelines to possibly avoid constitutional objection to CESA service contracts with private schools discussed. 62-75
Cosmetology Examining Board
Cosmetology Examining Board may admit to examination a student who has successfully completed prescribed courses of study at a registered school where the student's diploma is withheld by the school for the student's failure to meet his or her financial obligation to the school. 65-113
Dual enrollment
Funds made available through the Elementary Secondary Education Act may be used in dual enrollment programs to transport children from parochial schools to public schools and return. 65-126
In the administration of Title IV, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended, funds may not be spent to provide educational services on the premises of church affiliated private schools but such funds may be spent to provide services, through "dual enrollment" or "shared time" programs; nor may school districts be required to equalize, on a per enrollee basis, expenditures as between private and public school students; nor may the Department of Public Instruction administer Title IV programs if local school districts refuse or are legally unable to do so. 64-139
Exceptional education needs
The Department of Health and Social Services must treat a parent's failure to respond as a denial of permission for evaluation and placement for exceptional educational needs. The Department of Health and Social Services has no authority to appoint a surrogate parent when a child's parent cannot be located, and must utilize alternative procedures under state law. 71-28
Parochial schools
See also Church schools
Because of lack of statutory authority, speech therapists may not supply services to students attending therapy sessions in parochial school buildings. 63-8
The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Wis. Const. art. I, sec. 18, prohibit public schools leasing classrooms from parochial schools in order to provide educational programs for parochial school students. 67-283
Public assistance
The term "legal settlement" as used in sec. 121.77(1), Stats., is interpreted. 65-301
Wisconsin Constitution art. I, sec. 18, prohibiting the drawing of money from the treasury for the benefit of religious societies, or religious or theological seminaries is a proscription against using public monies for such purpose. Section 3 of 1977 Assembly Bill 500 which purports to establish a separate fund outside of the State Treasury if enacted would not avoid this prohibition since the public nature of the money is not changed. 67-71
The term "legal settlement" as used in sec. 121.77(1), Stats., is interpreted. 65-301
School bus
A motor vehicle used by a vocational school to transport students in extracurricular activities is not a school bus as defined in sec. 340.01(56), Stats. After June 30, 1977, the transportation of minors who are fulfilling their compulsory school requirements, to or from vocational school, must be done in school buses. (Unpub.). 54-1976
A school owned or operated automobile, used in casual and occasional transportation of school children to extracurricular activities is not a school bus as defined in sec. 340.01(56), Stats., and sec. 121.54(7), Stats., does not prohibit such use. 64-45
State Superintendent does not have authority to determine whether public schools are segregated or the authority to take enforceable action to desegregate public schools. 65-282
Speech therapists
Because of lack of statutory authority, speech therapists may not supply services to students attending therapy sessions in parochial school buildings. 63-8
Student loans
Legislature may direct Public Land Commissioners to invest monies from sale of public lands in student loans but may not direct a specific investment. That portion of 17 OAG 516 (1929) inconsistent with this opinion is repudiated. 65-28
Funds made available through the Elementary Secondary Education Act may be used in dual enrollment programs to transport children from parochial schools to public schools and return. 65-126
A motor vehicle used by a vocational school to transport students in extra curricular activities is not a school bus as defined in sec. 340.01(56), Stats. After June 30, 1977, the transportation of minors who are fulfilling their compulsory school requirements, to or from vocational school, must be done in school buses. (Unpub.). 54-1976
A school owned or operated automobile, used in casual and occasional transportation of school children to extracurricular activities is not a school bus as defined in sec. 340.01(56), Stats., and sec. 121.54(7), Stats., does not prohibit such use. 64-45
Students living less than two miles from school may not be transported by the School Board at parental expense. 62-95
Vocational and adult education
Neither art. X, sec. 3, Wis. Const., nor any other constitutional provision prohibits the charging of tuition for any course of instruction offered at a school in the system of vocational, technical and adult education operated pursuant to ch. 38, Stats. The charging of tuition at such schools, and the manner and extent whereby such charges are to be made, is a matter of policy which the Legislature is free to determine in the exercise of its legislative power under art. IV, sec. 1, Wis. Const. 64-24
Students who attend state vocational, technical and adult education institutions are eligible for tuition grants under sec. 39.30, Stats. 65-182
Wisconsin Higher Education Corporation
The Wisconsin Higher Education Corporation may provide administrative services to lenders, charge a reasonable fee and may transfer any excess funds it receives from such fees to the appropriations of the Higher Educational Aids Board, or the State. (Unpub.). 3-1977
Collective bargaining
Section 19.85(3), Stats., requires that a governmental body conduct its discussions and deliberations regarding final ratification of a collective bargaining agreement in open session. 81-139
Public notice requirements
Discussion of public notice requirements for meetings of city district school board under secs. 19.81-19.98 and 120.48, Stats. 66-93
Open meeting