A registered nurse functioning as an emergency medical technician may perform any service he or she is authorized to perform as a nurse. (Unpub.). 38-1981
Services performed
The Department of Health and Social Services by rule may authorize the ambulance attendants to perform emergency care services which the statutes specify also are performable by paramedics, but only to the extent the Department finds that the attendants can perform those services safely by reason of their training. Attendants can perform those services under proper supervision of a physician unless the Department provides otherwise by rule, but the physician's decision to delegate a service to an attendant is reviewable by the Medical Examining Board and the attendant's decision to accept the delegation is reviewable by the Department. 68-299
It would be inadvisable to treat individuals transported across state lines for emergency medical care differently than other individuals when determining whether emergency detention proceedings should be initiated pursuant to section 51.15, Stats. While section 51.15(7) does not authorize contractual agreements with counties outside of Wisconsin, sections 51.75(11), 51.87(3) and 66.30(5) each contain a legal mechanism through which financial or other responsibility for the care and treatment of individuals from such counties may be shared under certain specified circumstances. 78-59
Open meeting
A telephone conference call involving members of a governmental body is a meeting which must be reasonably accessible to the public and the required public notice must be given. 69-143
Madison Redevelopment Authority
The Madison Redevelopment Authority proceeding under sec. 66.431, Stats., to eliminate blight or slums, may include in its plan the ultimate sale of acquired property to the Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District for a campus. (Unpub.). 95-1976
Limited to a specific fact situation the Department of Natural Resources need not comply with the eminent domain procedure of ch. 32, Stats., when acquiring property if there is a bona fide intention not to condemn the property sought, but it must comply with Wisconsin Relocation Assistance Law if it has the statutory power to condemn the property acquired. 68-3
Accumulated Sick Leave Conversion Credit
Statutory changes to the state accumulated sick leave conversion credit program contained in 1991 Wisconsin Act 39 (1991 budget bill) which determine the conversion credit based on a salary rate determined after terminating employment violate article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution.
The Employe Trust Funds board has the standing to allege that the statutory changes are unconstitutional notwithstanding the general rule that state agencies or public officers cannot question the constitutionality of a statute. 80-187
Authority to set rates to retirement fund
The Employe Trust Funds Board must under section 40.05(2n), Stats., divide post-1990 contribution rate adjustments between employer and employe contributions. An increase in employe contributions based upon such division is not a constitution contract clause violation. The Board lacks the authority to redetermine the unfunded accrued actuarial liability for calendar year 1991 rate setting purposes as an alternative to a contribution increase. 80-101
Constitutionality of ASLCC in 1991 Budget Bill
Statutory changes to the state accumulated sick leave conversion credit program contained in 1991 Wisconsin Act 39 (1991 budget bill) which determine the conversion credit based on a salary rate determined after terminating employment violate article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution.
The Employe Trust Funds board has the standing to allege that the statutory changes are unconstitutional notwithstanding the general rule that state agencies or public officers cannot question the constitutionality of a statute. 80-187
Contributions by employe and employer to retirement fund
The Employe Trust Funds Board must under section 40.05(2n), Stats., divide post-1990 contribution rate adjustments between employer and employe contributions. An increase in employe contributions based upon such division is not a constitution contract clause violation. The Board lacks the authority to redetermine the unfunded accrued actuarial liability for calendar year 1991 rate setting purposes as an alternative to a contribution increase. 80-101
Employe and employer contributions to retirement fund
The Employe Trust Funds Board must under section 40.05(2n), Stats., divide post-1990 contribution rate adjustments between employer and employe contributions. An increase in employe contributions based upon such division is not a constitution contract clause violation. The Board lacks the authority to redetermine the unfunded accrued actuarial liability for calendar year 1991 rate setting purposes as an alternative to a contribution increase. 80-101
Employment of an actuary
Employment of an actuary by the Employe Trust Funds Board under sec. 40.02, Stats., is not subject to the general contracting procedures set forth in secs. 16.70 through 16.76, Stats. (Unpub.). 34-1980
Equitable claim
The specific appeal procedures provided for the Public Employe Trust Funds do not take precedence over the general grant of authority to the Claims Board to hear claims against state agencies, but the Claims Board lacks authority to order payment of the claim from the trust funds. 74-196
Powers discussed
Authority of the Employe Trust Funds Board, the Teachers Retirement Board and the Wisconsin Retirement Board in contested cases discussed. 79-139
Requirements for Board membership
An appointee to the Employe Trust Funds Board whose appointment is based upon membership in the Wisconsin Retirement Board or Teachers Retirement Board continues as a member of the Employe Trust Funds Board even if he or she is no longer a member of the appointing board. The appointing board may, however, remove and replace their appointees to the ETF Board "at pleasure." 75-127
Board authority discussed
The Employe Trust Funds Board must under section 40.05(2n), Stats., divide post-1990 contribution rate adjustments between employer and employe contributions. An increase in employe contributions based upon such division is not a constitution contract clause violation. The Board lacks the authority to redetermine the unfunded accrued actuarial liability for calendar year 1991 rate setting purposes as an alternative to a contribution increase. 80-101
Deferred compensation plans
Section 40.80(2m), Stats. (as created by 1989 Wisconsin Act 31), requires the Deferred Compensation Board to establish administrative rules for alternative or supplemental deferred compensation plans but does not require that any such plans be offered. 79-168
Group insurance Board
Section 632.895(5m), Stats., which requires that disability insurance policies must provide coverage for grandchildren of the insured, does not apply to group insurance contracts between health maintenance organizations and the group insurance board of the Department of Employe Trust Funds. Under sections 40.51(7) and 40.03(6)(a)2., the group insurance board may not establish a pool of municipal employers to provide health care benefits on a self-funded basis. 76-311
Supplemental retirement funds
The Department of Employe Trust Funds is not authorized to administer supplemental retirement funds established by collective bargaining under sec. 111.70, Stats. (Unpub.). 59-1979
See also LABOR
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
A police and fire commission is an employer under section 103.15, Stats., and may not test paramedic candidates for the HIV virus. Civil liability of the commission and the city it serves for claims brought by individuals who can prove that they contracted the HIV virus through employment-related contacts with paramedics discussed. 77-181
Classified service
When section 63.065, Stats., permits a person to return from approved leave of absence to classified service without loss of seniority, the statute means that the person is treated for seniority purposes as though he or she never left the position in classified service. 78-11
Collective bargaining
Matters within the scope of bargaining as set forth in sec. 111.91, Stats., agreed to by the Department of Administration and a state employe union are not effective until submitted as tentative agreements to and approved by the Joint Committee on Employment Relations. Action of the Secretary of the Department of Administration in agreeing to so-called non-recrimination clause was within his discretion but the clause itself is unenforceable until approved by the Joint Committee on Employment Relations. 67-38