Menominee Indians
Individual Menominee Tribe members are eligible to participate in voluntary programs mandated in ch. 51, Stats., but the State cannot accept tribe members into involuntary programs on the basis of tribal court orders alone. 70-219
A juvenile court may order a 51.42 or 51.437 Board to provide care or treatment to a minor found to be in need of protection or services subject to conditions of ch. 51, Stats. 72-30
Multi-county boards
Although a multi-county combined 51.42/51.437 Board may make cuts in non-emergency services to the residents of a county that does not provide its proportionate share of funding to that board, an individual county may not escape its statutory obligation to provide non-emergency services to its residents under sections 51.42(1)(b) and 51.437(4), Stats., by refusing to make such funding available to the combined Board. 73-96
A multi-county sec. 51.42/51.437 Board is not an independent agency or body corporate, but is an agency of the contracting counties. The District Attorneys or Corporation Counsel of the contracting counties are required to furnish legal advice and representation to such Board. The sec. 51.42/51.437 Board, however, has limited power to contract with private attorneys for the furnishing of certain legal services to clients pursuant to secs. 47.03(17), 46.036, 51.42(5), 51.437(5) and 55.04(1)(a)8., Stats. Counties could jointly employ a county Corporation Counsel to furnish legal services of a civil nature to the Human Services Board by reason of secs. 59.025(3), 59.07(44), Stats. (Unpub.). 38-1982
Resignation of member
Member of combined 51.42/51.437 Board who is also County Board member may resign from combined Board and County Board has duty to fill vacancy within reasonable time. (Unpub.). 33-1975
Sheriff to furnish transportation
Section 51.20(14), Stats., requires Sheriff to furnish transportation to any individual who is the subject of a petition under sec. 57.20, Stats., at all stages of the proceedings, regardless of any provision for reimbursement for transportation costs. 68-223
Term of office
Although a county board of supervisors can require that a certain number of persons be supervisors at the time of their appointment to a 51.42, 51.437 or 115.86 Board, members are entitled to serve the term for which they were appointed, unless removed, without reference to the termination of their office as county board supervisors. (Unpub.). 12-1983
A city probably can contract with a county to provide fire protection to a county institution located outside of boundaries of said city. 62-84
A city probably can contract with a county to provide fire protection to a county institution located outside of boundaries of said city. 62-84
County trunk highway fire
Each town board providing fire protection and whose fire fighting facility responds to a fire call occasioned by a motor vehicle fire on a county trunk highway maintained by the county is entitled to reimbursements by the county an amount not to exceed $100. 63-326
Fourth Amendment warrant requirements
State Arson Bureau and local fire and police departments are subject to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirements of the United States Constitution in conducting searches for evidence of arson. If consent to search is sought, very general guidelines are that a tenant or co-tenant may consent to search of area under his control, while consent to search a common area may be given by landlord or, if objector could not reasonably expect privacy, by a tenant. 68-225
Joint department; three villages and one city
Section 61.65(2), Stats., permits three or more municipalities, including a mixture of three villages and a city, to establish and operate a joint fire department. Recourse to section 66.30 does not appear to be necessary or appropriate for the purpose of creating such a joint fire department. 74-154
Milwaukee Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
The Milwaukee Board of Fire and Police Commissioners does not have original rule-making authority under sec. 62.50(23), Stats. The Board can suspend rules prescribed by the chiefs of the fire and police departments and can enact rules to replace the suspended rules. 71-60
Milwaukee, City of
The City of Milwaukee has the authority to set a mandatory retirement age for its police and fire chiefs by charter ordinance within the guidelines of the United States Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Such mandatory retirement can apply to the incumbent chiefs. 69-232
Open Meeting Law
Volunteer fire department organized as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to sec. 213.05, Stats., is not a governmental or quasi-governmental corporation and is not subject to provisions of the Open Meeting Law, secs. 19.81-19.98, Stats. 66-113
Police and fire services combined
Village public safety officers are not entitled to the section 891.45, Stats., presumption unless they are designated as primarily firefighters by the village or they have duties as a firefighter during a five-year period for two thirds of their working hours. 78-185
Private employer
Classification of chapter 213 and chapter 181, Stats., fire departments; Public sector versus private sector departments; The classification of a fire department depends upon the statute under which it was organized. 80-61
Public employer
Classification of chapter 213 and chapter 181, Stats., fire departments; Public sector versus private sector departments; The classification of a fire department depends upon the statute under which it was organized. 80-61
Retirement funds
Section 40.21(4), Stats., limits prospective mandatory Wisconsin Retirement System coverage to present and future police and firefighter employes of cities and villages that had police and firefighter employes included in the Wisconsin Retirement Fund prior to March 31, 1978. 75-34
State regulation
Classification of chapter 213 and chapter 181, Stats., fire departments; Public sector versus private sector departments; The classification of a fire department depends upon the statute under which it was organized. 80-61
Town having fire department must provide protection for county-owned property such as a landfill site, and in case of failure to do so shall be liable for services of any fire department responding to request to fight fire in such town. County in its discretion can reimburse town for reasonable costs of services provided to landfill site within town. 67-6
Volunteer department
Classification of chapter 213 and chapter 181, Stats., fire departments; Public sector versus private sector departments; The classification of a fire department depends upon the statute under which it was organized. 80-61
Wisconsin law
Section 941.29(5)(a), Stats., has been invalidated by congressional action. Pardons granted after November 15, 1986, will give recipients the right to receive, possess or transport in commerce firearms unless the pardon expressly provides otherwise. 78-22
Correctional staff
Correctional staff have the authority, and possess the power of a peace officer in pursuing and capturing escaped inmates. 68-352
Criminal law
Section 941.29(5)(a), Stats., has been invalidated by congressional action. Pardons granted after November 15, 1986, will give recipients the right to receive, possess or transport in commerce firearms unless the pardon expressly provides otherwise. 78-22
Section 941.29(5)(a), Stats., has been invalidated by congressional action. Pardons granted after November 15, 1986, will give recipients the right to receive, possess or transport in commerce firearms unless the pardon expressly provides otherwise. 78-22
Although judges are conservators of the peace, they are not peace officers who are allowed to carry concealed weapons. 69-66
Ordinance by Town of Menasha exceeds authority
A town ordinance which purports to prohibit the use of firearms but exempts town residents and their guests is in effect a restriction on hunter numbers. As such, it infringes on and exceeds the authority of the Department of Natural Resources, and presents possible equal protection problems. 77-137