Section 348.15(3)(b)2. and (5r), Stats., discussed. 62-100
Prospecting on state park and forest lands
Department of Natural Resources may grant contracts for mining beneath beds of navigable lakes and waters and licenses for prospecting on state park and forest lands, but it may not grant leases for mining purposes on state park and forest lands. (Unpub.). 58-1976
Spectator sport facilities
Department of Natural Resources has no authority to construct spectator sport facilities in state forests, nor has it authority to lease state forest lands for such purpose. 63-519
State parks and forests
Fees collected by the Department of Natural Resources for admissions to state parks and forests are subject to sales taxation under sec. 77.52(2)(a)2., Stats. 66-205
Woodland Tax Law
Although public tax-exempt entities such as municipalities may neither enter nor continue their lands in the forest tax programs of chapter 77, Stats., private entities whose property would otherwise normally be tax-exempt under chapter 70 may participate in such programs. 77-280
City council
Pursuant to sec. 895.35, Stats., a city council can, in limited circumstances, reimburse a council member for reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in defending an alleged violation of the Open Meeting Law, but it cannot reimburse such member for any forfeiture imposed. Section 895.46(1), Stats., is not applicable to forfeiture actions. Such member could not be reimbursed, indirectly, under liability insurance policy procured by a municipality, for any forfeiture imposed. 66-226
Civil procedure action
A judgment rendered in circuit court for payment of a forfeiture can and should be docketed, does accumulate postjudgment interest at the rate of twelve percent per annum and may be enforced using those collection remedies which are available in connection with judgments entered in other civil proceedings. 2-1995
The procedure to be used in seeking forfeitures for violations of statutes is set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345, 778, 799, 750-58 and 801-47, Stats. The procedures set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345 and 778 have priority. Where those chapters are not applicable, chapter 799 is accorded the next level of priority. Finally, where chapter 799 is not applicable, the rules of practice and procedure in chapters 750-58 and 801-47 are. 77-270
County Board
Neither the clerk of court nor the county board has the authority to adopt a non-refundable processing fee for persons desiring to pay a fine or forfeiture imposed by the court through installment payments in the absence of a statute specifically providing for such processing fee. 80-223
Before payment of a settlement is made in resolution of an action against the county, the County Board as a whole must approve it; if an action against the county results in assessment for a forfeiture, the Board may not refuse to pay it but the authorization for payment may be direct or, depending upon the amount, through the delegation permitted under sec. 59.07(3), Stats. 70-15
District Attorney
The procedure to be used in seeking forfeitures for violations of statutes is set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345, 778, 799, 750-58 and 801-47, Stats. The procedures set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345 and 778 have priority. Where those chapters are not applicable, chapter 799 is accorded the next level of priority. Finally, where chapter 799 is not applicable, the rules of practice and procedure in chapters 750-58 and 801-47 are. 77-270
The District Attorney has the authority to institute an action for forfeiture for violation of the Open Meetings Law only after receiving a verified complaint pursuant to sec. 19.97(1), Stats. (Unpub.). 34-1981
Ethics Code violation
County Board may provide for a penalty in the nature of a forfeiture for violation of a Code of Ethics ordinance but may not bar violators from running for office. 66-148
Federal forfeiture action
Money resulting from a state forfeiture action under sections 161.555 and 973.075(4), Stats., must be deposited in the state school fund. Money granted to the state after a federal forfeiture proceeding need not be. 76-209
Health and Social Services, Department of
Department of Health and Social Services has no authority to impose forfeitures upon persons violating sec. 146.30, Stats., or to initiate court actions for same using agency personnel. (Unpub.). 15-1975
Processing fees
Neither the clerk of court nor the county board has the authority to adopt a non-refundable processing fee for persons desiring to pay a fine or forfeiture imposed by the court through installment payments in the absence of a statute specifically providing for such processing fee. 80-223
Small claims procedure
The procedure to be used in seeking forfeitures for violations of statutes is set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345, 778, 799, 750-58 and 801-47, Stats. The procedures set forth in chapters 23, 66, 345 and 778 have priority. Where those chapters are not applicable, chapter 799 is accorded the next level of priority. Finally, where chapter 799 is not applicable, the rules of practice and procedure in chapters 750-58 and 801-47 are. 77-270
State forfeiture action
Money resulting from a state forfeiture action under sections 161.555 and 973.075(4), Stats., must be deposited in the state school fund. Money granted to the state after a federal forfeiture proceeding need not be. 76-209
Traffic regulation
Section 349.06(1), Stats., authorizes local authorities to enact and enforce any ordinance which is in strict conformity with traffic regulation provisions of ch. 350, Stats., for which the penalty for violation is a forfeiture. 66-161
The responsibility for providing and funding facilities for protective placements under ch. 55, Stats., is primarily on the county. The statute does not require a county nursing home to accept such a placement. 66-249
County agencies
County agencies do not have the authority to directly operate a foster home or what has been described as a "group foster home." (Unpub.). 39-1976
Detention facilities privately operated not approved
Statutes do not provide authority to the Department of Health and Social Services to approve privately operated secure detention facilities for juveniles and County Board and County Board of Public Welfare are without power to purchase secure detention services from a private operator. 73-115
Foster parent
The potential liability of placement agencies and foster parents for the torts of foster children is the same as natural parents' liability. They are only liable for property damage or physical injury which results from a failure to provide reasonable supervision. The greater exposure falls on the foster parent. Section 895.035, Stats., does not apply to placement agencies or foster parents. 66-164
Insurance requirement waived
Where a licensing agency waives the insurance requirement under section 48.627(1)(a) and (b), Stats., it does not assume any liability beyond the limited recovery in tort claims under sections 893.80(3) and 893.82(6). 76-1
Section 48.31, Stats., provides counties with express authority to establish and operate juvenile detention homes and shelter care facilities. Detention homes and shelter care facilities established and operated pursuant to sec. 48.31, Stats., do not require a ch. 48 license from the Department of Health and Social Services. Counties may lease property for detention home or shelter care use. 66-50
The potential liability of placement agencies and foster parents for the torts of foster children is the same as natural parents' liability. They are only liable for property damage or physical injury which results from a failure to provide reasonable supervision. The greater exposure falls on the foster parent. Section 895.035, Stats., does not apply to placement agencies or foster parents. 66-164
Prisons and prisoners
Community-based residential facilities and child welfare agencies, facilities, or group foster homes do not necessarily become prisons or jails by reason of the placement therein of adult criminal or juvenile offenders in the custody of the State. The question whether a particular facility has become a prison or jail depends on whether the primary purpose of the facility has become penal. 69-52
Religious organizations
A facility owned and operated by a religious organization is subject to licensure and regulation under ch. 50, Stats., and chapter HSS 3 Wis. Adm. Code, unless the facility is a convent, monastery or similar place where residents are all members of a religious hierarchy living in seclusion and operating under a set of religious vows or rules. The Department of Health and Social Services constitutionally license and regulate Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRFs) operated by religious organizations not exempt under sec. 50.01 (1), Stats., or sec. 50.03(9), Stats. Application of CBRF licensure and regulatory requirements to certain facilities operated by the Salvation Army discussed. 71-112
A community living arrangement which has a capacity for eight or fewer persons and which meets all other statutory criteria is entitled to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family residences are a permitted use. Any such community living arrangement which has a capacity of from nine to fifteen persons is entitled to locate in any zoning district where multi-family residences containing more than two families are a permitted use, and is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or two family uses are permitted. Such a community living arrangement which has a capacity of more than fifteen persons is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family uses are permitted. A community living arrangement which meets all applicable statutory criteria is not entitled to locate in an exclus
A local zoning ordinance which limits occupation of single family dwellings to one or more persons related by blood, adoption or marriage or not more than two unrelated persons while valid on its face, is unenforceable against a licensed foster home. Said license, whether granted directly or indirectly by the State, is an exercise of the sovereign power of the State and is immune from local zoning regulations. 66-342
Foster homes contracted for (i.e., leased) by the Department of Health and Social Services, pursuant to sec. 48.52, Stats., are immune from local zoning to the extent that the zoning conflicts with the Department's possessory use of property for purposes contemplated by ch. 48, Stats. However, immunity for leased facilities is subject to sec. 13.48(13), Stats., as amended by ch. 90, sec. 2, Laws of 1973. Section 48.64, Stats., agreements between the Department and proprietors of foster homes do not serve to immunize the proprietor's property from local zoning. County agencies providing child welfare services do not have authority to lease real property for foster home use. The Department may assert its immunity from local zoning for property it acquires a possessory interest in by virtue of a sublease pursuant to sec. 48.52(2), Stats. Property leased by the Department pursuant to sec. 48.52(2), St
Foster homes owned, operated or contracted for by the Department of Health and Social Services or a county agency are immune from local zoning ordinances. Foster homes owned, operated or contracted for by licensed child welfare agencies are not immune. All family operated foster homes are subject to local zoning. Municipal foster home licensing ordinances are unenforceable. Zoning ordinances utilizing definitions of "family" to restrict the number of unrelated persons who may live in a single family dwelling are of questionable constitutionality. 63-34