Section E1Bd 1.06 Wis. Adm. Code, and the forms developed to effectuate that rule, EB-11 and EB-12, which require corporations and associations to register and twice yearly report their expenditures for the establishment and administration of a political fund and for solicitation of political contributions to such fund, improperly impose substantive requirements in addition to those reasonably within the intendment of sec. 11.38(1)(a)2., Stats., and are therefore unenforceable. 67-193
Public funds
Chapter 108, Laws of 1973, contemplates the appropriation of public funds for a valid public purpose, not for works of internal improvement, and is constitutional. 62-212
Revenue bonds
The state may use the proceeds from general obligation bonds to fund an expansion of the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award Program. 81-114
State funds"
Only the portion of 1987 Assembly Bill 265 that increases benefits for persons no longer working for a Wisconsin Retirement System participating employer is subject to the three-fourths vote requirement of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution. The Public Employe Trust Fund constitutes "state funds" as used in article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution. 76-224
Surplus funds in local unit of government
A local unit of government may not create and accumulate unappropriated surplus funds. However, a local unit of government may maintain reasonable amounts necessary in the exercise of sound business principles to meet the immediate cash flow needs of the municipality during the current budgetary period or to accumulate needed capital in non-lapsing funds to finance specifically identified future capital expenditures. 76-77
Transfer of
Under section 65.90(5), Stats., a vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the county board is needed to transfer funds from the contingency fund to use for a purpose not anticipated in the budget. 76-145
Unemployment compensation
Borrowing money from the federal government to replenish Wisconsin's Unemployment Compensation Fund, under the arrangements prescribed by federal law, does not contravene either Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 3 or 4. 71-95
Eye removals
Special training is required of medical personnel as well as morticians before they perform eye enucleation. 77-207
Insurance agent
A plan whereby a funeral service person (a licensed funeral director, operator of a licensed funeral establishment or an employe of the same) also acts as an insurance agent and as such writes a life insurance policy naming as the beneficiary a funeral director or establishment and additionally negotiates a contract wherein the named insured in the policy contracts with a funeral director or establishment for providing burial or funeral services to the insured is illegal. 76-291
Insurance beneficiary
Section 632.41(2), Stats., does not prohibit the naming of a funeral director as beneficiary of a life insurance policy in conjunction with a separate agreement between the insured and the funeral director that the proceeds will be used for funeral and burial expenses. 71-7
Life insurance policy sales
Funeral service persons may be involved in the sale of life insurance if such insurance is not linked in any way to funeral or burial services. 78-182
Personal property, use of
A manufacturer's plan, involving the utilization of funeral directors on a fee basis in the sale of movable concrete burial vaults to consumers for future use and for delivery to a cemetery to be later designated, constitutes use of personal property under a prearranged funeral plan. Accordingly, provision for deposit of funds in account in seller's name would be contrary to sec. 445.125, Stats., which requires trust account. 71-141
Although sec. 156.03(2)(a), Stats., authorizes the state health officer and the examining council by joint action to make rules governing the business practices of funeral directors and embalmers; such rules, unless specifically exempted therefrom, should be enacted pursuant to the provisions of ch. 227, Stats., or otherwise, they could be subjected to a declaratory judgment proceeding and probably would be declared null and void. 63-154

- G -
Under article IV, section 24 of the Wisconsin Constitution the Legislature may not authorize any scheme involving prize, chance, and consideration without amending the constitution unless the scheme falls within the bingo, raffle, on-track pari-mutuel or state lottery exceptions to the constitution. 80-53
If any element of the Oneida tribe television bingo game occurs off the reservation, it is subject to prosecution under Wisconsin criminal law. 80-332
Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, 25 U.S.C.A. §§ 2701-2721 (West Supp. 1989), gambling activities as defined and prohibited in chapter 945, other than lotteries and pari-mutuel on-track wagering, are not permitted by any person within or without Indian country in the State of Wisconsin. This prohibition includes all non-lottery gambling such as casino-type games, gambling machines and other devices. The Legislature can statutorily authorize non-lottery gambling within Indian country. 79-14
Laws regarding gambling will apply on Indian reservations if they prohibit gambling activities entirely, but not if they merely regulate these activities. Most state laws regarding the newly allowed gambling activities of lotteries and parimutuel betting will not apply on Indian Reservations because these activities will no longer be entirely prohibited. 77-24
The State's anti-gambling laws are enforceable against Indians on Indian reservations under the authority of P. L. 280. 72-182
Las Vegas nights"
Games such as "Las Vegas nights" wherein participants must make a payment or donation in order to gamble with play money and then use the play money at the end of the evening to bid on prizes constitute illegal lotteries under Wisconsin law. The law does not exempt benevolent and nonprofit organizations. 70-59
Under article IV, section 24 of the Wisconsin Constitution, and chapter 565, Stats., the state lottery board may conduct any lottery game which complies with the ticket language in the constitution and chapter 565. The term "lottery" in the constitution and statutes does not include any other forms of betting, the playing or operation of gambling machines and devices and other forms of gambling defined in chapter 945. The Legislature can statutorily authorize other non-lottery gambling including casino-type games.
Mississippi River
Wisconsin prohibits gambling on the Wisconsin portion of the Mississippi River. An Iowa licensed river boat equipped with casino-type gambling games may be in violation of chapter 945 if it enters Wisconsin water. 79-206
Pari-mutuel enabling legislation
Section 562.057, Stats., which permits simulcasting of races conducted at other racetracks to a racetrack licensed by the Wisconsin Racing Board, does not violate article IV, section 24(5) of the Wisconsin Constitution requiring "on-track" betting. 77-299
Section 562.057, Stats., which permits simulcasting of races conducted at other racetracks to a racetrack licensed by the Wisconsin Racing Board, does not violate article IV, section 24(5) of the Wisconsin Constitution requiring "on-track" betting. 77-299
Wisconsin prohibits gambling on the Wisconsin portion of the Mississippi River. An Iowa licensed river boat equipped with casino-type gambling games may be in violation of chapter 945 if it enters Wisconsin water. 79-206
Simulcasting of races
Section 562.057, Stats., which permits simulcasting of races conducted at other racetracks to a racetrack licensed by the Wisconsin Racing Board, does not violate article IV, section 24(5) of the Wisconsin Constitution requiring "on-track" betting. 77-299
Tavern League of Wisconsin
The Tavern League of Wisconsin is not a "service organization" within the meaning of section 163.90, Stats., so as to be eligible for a raffle license in the State of Wisconsin. 73-114
Video poker machines
The operation of video poker games in Wisconsin, which involve the elements of prize, chance and consideration, constitutes the operation of gambling machines, does not constitute the conduct of an illegal lottery and the Legislature may therefore authorize the operation of video poker games by appropriate repeals or amendments to chapter 945, Stats., should it choose to do so. 79-33
AFDC grants
The recently enacted provisions of section 49.41(2), Stats., which provide that effective April 1, 1988, grants of AFDC may be garnisheed by landlords as provided under section 812.233, conflict with provisions of Title IV-A of the Social Security Act. 77-56
Circuit Court Clerk
In garnishment actions, a clerk of circuit court is not authorized to collect the deposit and disbursement fees set forth in section 814.61(12)(a), Stats., unless the garnishee has paid money into Court and obtained a court order directing the Clerk of Courts to deposit the money in a safe depository. State agencies are not required to pay the fees outlined in section 814.61 (except for the filing fee in section 814.61(1)), nor are they required to pay the fee for filing a garnishment action under section 814.62(1). 73-3