Budget Bill
Failure of the Governor to express his objections to several possible partial vetoes of the 1981-82 Budget Bill make any such possible vetoes ineffective. 70-189
The Governor can designate counties as agencies of the State to contract with nonprofit private agencies to utilize funds to provide public service jobs under Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. 66-15
Contingency fund
Legal limitations on the use of the Governor's contingency fund appropriated by sec. 20.525(1)(c), Stats., discussed. 66-43
Lieutenant Governor voting in Legislature
Meaning of "absence" within Wis. Const. art. V, sec. 7, discussed. 68-109
Partial veto
See also Veto
Appropriation bills are subject to partial veto but in order for legislation to constitute an appropriation there must be found within the bill authority to expend funds and a stipulation as to amount, manner and purpose of such expenditure. (Unpub.). 24-1976
Certain of the Governor's partial vetoes to ch. 107, Laws of 1977, were invalid. The entire bill should be returned to the originating house for reconsideration. 66-310
Public records
Scope of the duty of the Governor to allow members of the public to examine and copy public records in his custody discussed. 63-400
Shared revenue distributions
The base amount for determining 1983 shared revenue distributions is $675,000,000. (Unpub.). 22-1982
Veterans Affairs, Secretary of
Governor has power to set his salary subject to statutory restraints. 67-257
Salary adjustments for the incumbent Secretary discussed. 67-262
The Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs may only be removed from office by the Governor for cause. The Board has no authority to discharge, suspend, or take disciplinary action that would prevent his Secretary from fulfilling the statutory duties of his office. 65-229
See also Partial Veto
The Governor's partial veto of section 1117g of 1991 Wisconsin Act 269 did not result in a complete and workable law. The partial veto, therefore, was invalid. Because the Governor's approval was not necessary for the bill to become law, the invalidity of the partial veto results in the law being enforced as passed by the Legislature. 80-327
Governor's veto of inseparable part of section 3 of Senate Bill 598 constitutes an objection to all of section 3 within the meaning of art. V, sec. 10, Wis. Const., and the entire section 3 is returned to the Legislature for reconsideration. Article V, sec. 10, Wis. Const., discussed. 63-313
Governor's veto of one digit of a separable part of an appropriation bill constitutes an objection within the meaning of art. V, sec. 10, Wis. Const., and the entire part is returned to the Legislature for reconsideration. 62-238
Public debt
The state may not contract public debt to finance its contribution to the proposed Great Lakes Protection Fund because the projects intended to be funded are not water improvements within the meaning of article VIII, section 7(2)(a)1. of the Wisconsin Constitution. 78-100
Liability of placement agencies and foster parents
The potential liability of placement agencies and foster parents for the torts of foster children is the same as natural parents' liability. They are only liable for property damage or physical injury which results from a failure to provide reasonable supervision. The greater exposure falls on the foster parent. Section 895.035, Stats., does not apply to placement agencies or foster parents. 66-164

- H -
Board powers discussed
In counties with a county executive, the county Handicapped Children's Education Board exercises advisory and policy-making functions associated with the special education programs and services authorized by the county board under section 115.83, Stats., and the county executive supervises the administrative functions. While the county Handicapped Children's Education Board and the county executive share budgetary responsibilities, the county executive makes the annual budget recommendation to the county board. County personnel and procurement ordinances, and other similar ordinances which regulate administration of county government generally, apply to the operation of such county special education programs and services to the extent such ordinances are otherwise authorized and do not conflict with the state laws regulating such special education programs and services. 77-196
See CIVIL SERVICE, Political activities
Administrative costs
The Department of Health and Social Services may not reimburse counties for administrative costs incurred in providing temporary assistance to state dependents. 70-17
AFDC; promulgation of rules for overpayments discussed. 65-128
Ambulance attendants
The Department of Health and Social Services has authority to establish standards for ambulance attendants under sec. 146.50, Stats. Discussion of malpractice liability of state officers and employes. 67-145
Child abuse and neglect investigations
Discussion of the responsibility of county departments of social services to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect. Department staff members may interview the child on public school property, and may exclude school personnel from the interview. School personnel cannot condition on-site interviews on notification of the child's parents. 79-49
A county department of social services or county department of human services may not contract with other agencies to obtain section 48.981, Stats., reporting or investigatory services in situations other than the performance of independent investigations required by section 48.981(3)(d). A cooperative contract might be possible under section 66.30(2) in order to effectuate this purpose but the services must be furnished by the county department as defined in section 48.02(2g) and not by any other public or private agency. 76-286
Child-placing agencies, case records
If the Department of Health and Social Services does not wish to designate a child-placing agency licensed under section 48.60, Stats., to conduct searches under sections 48.432(4)(b) and 48.433(6)(b), the child-placing agency has no enforceable right to be so designated. Whether or not there is such a designation, the Department of Health and Social Services has an absolute right of access to the case records of the licensed child-placing agency for purposes of the search program under sections 48.432 and 48.433. (Unpub.). 22-1984
Child support records
The Department of Health and Social Services should be granted access to otherwise confidential records because that access is necessary to complete a legislatively mandated study. (Unpub.). 23-1984