Tenants operating a business or farm are entitled to business or farm replacement costs payable pursuant to sec. 32.19(4m), Stats. 68-114
The Department of Natural Resources does not have authority to waive the permit requirements of sec. 30.12(2), Stats., for individuals who would otherwise be subject to the statute; however, chs. 30 and 83, Stats., read together, indicate that county highway construction is not subject to the permit requirements of sec. 30.12(2), Stats. 64-91
County Board
Section 83.025(1), Stats., as amended by ch. 160, Laws of 1973, does not require counties to develop a functional and jurisdictional classification of highways. Nor is a properly approved classification plan a prerequisite to a county board's exercise of its authority pursuant to sec. 83.025(1), Stats., as amended, to incorporate town roads into the county trunk highway system without prior approval of town boards. 63-125
County highway department
The county highway department may perform ditching and culvert work on private lands to promote a public purpose as soil conversation. However, activity in this area should respect available private sector alternatives, and ensure that accounting procedures will protect all taxpayers equally. 76-69
County forest roads which are open to vehicular traffic are highways which can be designated as all-terrain vehicle routes under section 23.33(8)(b), Stats., and minors under sixteen years of age holding valid all-terrain vehicle safety certificates can operate all-terrain vehicles on highways which have been designated as all-terrain vehicle routes under the limited conditions set forth in section 23.33(4). 77-52
Fire call
Each town board providing fire protection and whose fire fighting facility responds to a fire call occasioned by a motor vehicle fire on a county trunk highway maintained by the county is entitled to reimbursement by the county an amount not to exceed $100. 63-326
Forest Crop Law
Section 77.03, Stats., relating to enrolling land in the Forest Cropland Program, creates a right of access across an owner's non-enrolled lands to reach the owner's landlocked enrolled lands for the purposes of hunting and fishing. 71-163
The exceptions established by sec. 348.20(3), Stats., are not applicable to violations of weight limits established under sec. 348.175, Stats. 64-164
Hardship acquisitions"
The Highway Commission may properly engage in "hardship acquisitions" under sec. 84.09, Stats., without the filing of an environmental impact statement under either federal or state law but must in such instances comply with the requirements of secs. 84.09 and 32.25(1), Stats. 62-200
Maintenance of state highways
Contracts providing for the maintenance of state highways by the counties may be executed by the county highway committees without the approval of the county boards. 65-140
Menominee Tribe
The State has jurisdiction over members of the Menominee Tribe on public roads and highways within the Menominee Reservation in respect to the enforcement of state traffic laws that are necessary to protect the highways against depredation or that would impair their use as a public right-of-way. State law enforcement officers can arrest any person who commits a federal offense in their presence. 66-115
Owner of abutting land
The rights of property owners abutting a highway are subject to reasonable regulations imposed by highway maintenance authorities and are subordinate to the public's interest over the use of the land within the boundaries of a highway right-of-way. 75-10
Public parking lots
The word "highway," as used in secs. 343.05(1) and 343.44(1), Stats., does not include public parking lots. 65-45
Rights-of-way boundaries of nondedicated roads created by affirmative act are determined by the order laying out the road, not by the location of the road's centerline. The rights-of-way boundaries of roads created by adverse users are only those portions of land adjacent to the traveled track reasonably necessary for highway purposes, unless the road has also been worked pursuant to sec. 80.01(2), Stats. 69-87
Town citizens have no power to enact a law authorizing the town to sell road repair materials and services to private residents. (Unpub.). 54-1982
Traffic ordinance
County under sec. 349.06, Stats., can enact and enforce a traffic ordinance in strict conformity with state statutes which is applicable to town roads. 30 OAG 431 (1941) and 38 OAG 184 (1949) no longer state the law in this respect because of subsequent statutory changes. 64-172
Truck traffic
Counties do not have any general police power authority to control truck traffic, but are restricted to controlling truck traffic under secs. 349.15 and 349.16, Stats. The exercise of the police power under sec. 349.15, Stats., need not be based on the condition of the roadbed, but may be exercised to promote the general welfare of the public. 66-110
Emergency medical relief claims
Counties are liable to reimburse emergency medical relief claims upon satisfaction of the prerequisites in sec. 49.02(5), Stats., and medical facilities are not foreclosed from submitting such claims nor are counties empowered to deny such claims because of assurances made by the facility in exchange for benefits received under the Hill-Burton Act. 70-24
Indemnity and other liability protections granted by the Legislature
It was constitutional for the Legislature to extend indemnity and other liability protections to the corporation and its agents and employes who manage and operate a state-owned circus museum. 75-182
Open Meeting Law
The Historical Sites Foundation, Inc., created under the provisions of ch. 181, Stats., by the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin acting in their individual capacities, is a private corporation and as such is not subject to the requirements of the open meetings law, sec. 19.81, Stats. 73-53
Circus World Museum
Admission fees collected by Circus World Museum in Baraboo are subject to sales tax under sec. 77.52(2)(a)2., Stats. 67-200
It was constitutional for the Legislature to extend indemnity and other liability protections to the Corporation and its agents and employes who manage and operate a state-owned circus museum. 75-182
Curators, Board of
The State Historical Society of Wisconsin is a state agency. The Board of Curators of the Society falls within the coverage of sections 893.82 and 895.46, Stats. The only members of the Board that have to comply with section 19.43 by virtue of their appointment to the Board are the three members nominated by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. 74-54
Historic Sites Foundation, Inc.
The Historic Sites Foundation, Inc., created under the provisions of chapter 181, Stats., by the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin acting in their individual capacities, is a private corporation and as such is not subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Law, section 19.81, Stats. 73-53
It was constitutional for the Legislature to extend indemnity and other liability protections to the Corporation and its agents and employes who manage and operate a state-owned circus museum. 75-182
Malt beverages
Under sec. 44.02(5), Stats., the Society may sell fermented malt beverages in the Village Tavern at Stonefield Village. 65-185
There is no statutory requirement that schools be closed on the Mondays succeeding the holidays listed in sec. 115.01(10)(a)1., Stats., when those holidays fall on Sunday. 67-129
Municipal Justice files oath and bond with Clerk of Circuit Court who files certified copy of bond with Clerk of Municipality for which Justice was elected. Town Boards, including those authorized to exercise village powers, cannot prohibit conduct the same or similar to that prohibited by chs. 941 to 947, Stats., except as provided in sec. 66.051(1), (2) and (3), Stats., or other express statutes. 66-58