Liquor license laws
An owner of a bed and breakfast establishment who does not hold an alcohol beverages license may personally consume alcohol beverages or serve alcohol beverages at social events held on the premises without violating section 125.09(1), Stats., provided that consumption of alcohol beverages occurs in a portion of the bed and breakfast establishment that is not open to the public or to renters.
Proprietors of a bed and breakfast establishment may solicit and accept voluntary contributions from guests at a social event held on the premises to defray costs of alcohol beverages, but bed and breakfast proprietors who do not hold an alcohol beverages license may not serve alcohol beverages at a social event where alcohol beverages are served only to those who pay an admission fee, without violating section 125.04(1). 80-218
Shoplifting statute
The temporary detention provision of the shoplifting statute, sec. 943.50, Stats., cannot be used by hotel proprietors to detain guests who take hotel property without authorization. Sections 943.13(1)(b) and 943.21, Stats., do not appear to apply to a hotel guest who overstays the agreed-upon visit without obtaining an extended reservation. Rights of hotel proprietors in such situations discussed. 69-217
Community living arrangements
A community living arrangement which has a capacity for eight or fewer persons and which meets all other statutory criteria is entitled to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family residences are a permitted use. Any such community living arrangement which has a capacity of from nine to fifteen persons is entitled to locate in any zoning district where multi-family residences containing more than two families are a permitted use, and is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or two family uses are permitted. Such a community living arrangement which has a capacity of more than fifteen persons is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family uses are permitted. A community living arrangement which meets all applicable statutory criteria is not entitled to locate in an exclus
County may appropriate money to county housing authority under secs. 59.075, 66.40-66.404, Stats., but such authority is separate body politic and county cannot pay per diem or other compensation to commissioners. See sec. 66.40(5)(b), Stats. 62-303
Section 59.07(1), Stats., is not sufficiently broad to permit county to furnish housing for elderly and low-income persons where specific statutes provide for furnishing of such housing. 63-297
County funds
A county cannot use county funds and county employes to improve, reconstruct or repair homes of private citizens who do not qualify for aid under ch. 49, Stats., without utilizing a housing authority pursuant to secs. 59.075, 66.40-66.404, Stats. Employes of housing authority are not county employes. 64-106
Development, Department of
The Department of Development is authorized to act as a public housing agency for the purpose of participating in the federal lower-income housing assistance program set forth in 42 U.S.C. sec. 1437f (Section 8). The Department is not required to obtain local approval prior to participating in the Section 8 program. (Unpub.). 61-1980
The Wisconsin Open Housing Law permits, but does not require, the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations to receive and process class action complaints of housing discrimination. 70-250
Discrimination against children
Counties may adopt and enforce fair housing ordinances under section 66.432, Stats., in municipalities within such counties which already have enacted their own fair housing ordinance. No double jeopardy problem arises if a county and a municipality in the county simultaneously seek to enforce their fair housing ordinances in connection with a single act of discrimination, provided that a violation of one or both of the ordinances is punishable only by a forfeiture. Section 66.432 authorizes cities, villages, towns and counties to prohibit bases of discrimination in addition to those specified in sections 66.432 and 101.22. 74-234
Double jeopardy
Counties may adopt and enforce fair housing ordinances under section 66.432, Stats., in municipalities within such counties which already have enacted their own fair housing ordinance. No double jeopardy problem arises if a county and a municipality in the county simultaneously seek to enforce their fair housing ordinances in connection with a single act of discrimination, provided that a violation of one or both of the ordinances is punishable only by a forfeiture. Section 66.432 authorizes cities, villages, towns and counties to prohibit bases of discrimination in addition to those specified in sections 66.432 and 101.22. 74-234
Dwelling Code
Liability of local units of government in adopting and enforcing the One- and Two-Family Dwelling code discussed. 69-197
The One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code is applicable to additions of any buildings initially constructed after the effective date of the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code Act and the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations can exempt certain dwellings from aspects of Code. 67-191
Municipal housing authorities are not private depositors. 76-74
Group homes
See Community living arrangements
Multi-family residences
A community living arrangement which has a capacity for eight or fewer persons and which meets all other statutory criteria is entitled to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family residences are a permitted use. Any such community living arrangement which has a capacity of from nine to fifteen persons is entitled to locate in any zoning district where multi-family residences containing more than two families are a permitted use, and is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or two family uses are permitted. Such a community living arrangement which has a capacity of more than fifteen persons is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in any zoning district where single or multi-family uses are permitted. A community living arrangement which meets all applicable statutory criteria is not entitled to locate in an exclus
Municipal housing authority
Municipal housing authorities are not public depositors under ch. 34, Stats. 76-74
Rental unit energy efficiency statute
The rental unit energy efficiency statute, section 101.122, Stats., applies to the state. 76-207
Turnkey" construction method
County housing authority, in providing housing for the low income and elderly, can, by reason of sec. 59.075(4), Stats., utilize "turnkey" construction methods without bids. 66-31
Termination of the life of animals
The termination of the life of animals by injection is not the practice of veterinary medicine. 65-231
Blood tests
State Laboratory of Hygiene may charge fees for tests not conducted for local units of government, but it is not required to do so. Sec. 36.25(11)(f), Stats. (Unpub.). 49-1981

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A driver of a motor vehicle cannot be asked to take a test to determine alcoholic intoxication pursuant to sec. 343.305(2)(am), Stats., unless there has been a lawful arrest. 67-314
Blood test
Under the Implied Consent Law, sec. 343.305, Stats., hospitals must comply with the request of a law enforcement officer to administer chemical tests including a blood test. This assumes that the driver has not withdrawn his or her consent to submit to that test. Drivers who are unconscious or otherwise incapable of withdrawing their consent are presumed not to have withdrawn it. The refusal of hospitals, physicians, nurses, and other health professionals authorized to withdraw blood to comply with such request constitutes the refusal to aid an officer within the meaning of sec. 946.40, Stats. In complying with the request, the professional incurs no civil or criminal liability, except for any negligence in the course of compliance. The person performing the chemical test must report the findings to the Department of Transportation, the law enforcement agency, and the individual involved. Failure to report
Blood test methods
Methods by which a law enforcement agency may provide two tests for blood alcohol content under sec. 343.305(1), Stats., discussed. The agency is not required to actually own or physically possess the testing devices. 63-119
Confidentiality requirements
The taking of a blood sample pursuant to the Wisconsin Implied Consent Law is not a procedure in connection with the performance of a drug or alcohol abuse prevention function nor is the acquired blood sample itself a patient record. The confidentiality requirements set out in 42 U.S.C. § 290dd-3 and 21 U.S.C. § 1175 have no application to such a procedure. 73-45