The responsibility for providing and funding facilities for protective placements under ch. 55, Stats., is primarily on the county. The statute does not require a county nursing home to accept such a placement. 66-249
State may require proof beyond a reasonable doubt in civil commitments although a lesser burden would be sufficient under the United States Constitution. 68-406
Assessments subsidizing HIRSP
Mandatory assessment against "all insurers" which subsidizes Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan, subchapter II of chapter 619, Stats., does not apply to the state's self-insurance plan because laws of general application do not apply to the sovereign. "Public employer" self-insurance plans are also exempt because, for purposes of this statute, they share in the state's sovereignty and, thus, in its immunity to general laws. 77-230
Chronic renal disease program
Responsibility for administration of chronic renal disease program under sec. 49.48, Stats., discussed. (Unpub.). 10-1978
Commissioner of Insurance
The Commissioner of Insurance lacks the authority to regulate administrators of self-funded or self-insured employe benefit plans under section 3516r of 1991 Wisconsin Act 39 (the budget bill) since such regulation is preempted by ERISA and therefore precluded by section 633.16, Stats., as created by the bill. 80-290
Credit unions
Credit unions' authority to engage in the sale of insurance is limited to credit life and credit accident and sickness insurance. 73-58
Funeral directors
A plan whereby a funeral service person (a licensed funeral director, operator of a licensed funeral establishment or an employe of the same) also acts as an insurance agent and as such writes a life insurance policy naming as the beneficiary a funeral director or establishment and additionally negotiates a contract wherein the named insured in the policy contracts with a funeral director or establishment for providing burial or funeral services to the insured is illegal. 76-291
Funeral service persons may be involved in the sale of life insurance if such insurance is not linked in any way to funeral or burial services. 78-182
Governmental bodies, officers, agents, or employes
Where a licensing agency waives the insurance requirement under sec. 48.627(1)(a) and (b), Stats., it does not assume any liability beyond the limited recovery in tort claims under secs. 893.80(3) and 893.82(6). 76-1
Group Insurance Board
Section 632.895(5m), Stats., which requires that disability insurance policies must provide coverage for grandchildren of the insured, does not apply to group insurance contracts between health maintenance organizations and the group insurance board of the Department of Employe Trust Funds. Under sections 40.51(7) and 40.03(6)(a)2., the group insurance board may not establish a pool of municipal employers to provide health care benefits on a self-funded basis. 76-311
Health insurance
Section 20.927, Stats., relating to expenditure of state and local funds for performance of an abortion, does not apply to health insurance plans provided for state and local government employes by the Group Insurance Board. 1-1995
The amendment of section 40.05(4)(bc) by section 276 of 1991 Wisconsin Act 269, after issuance of OAG 7-92, renders such section not in violation of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution.
Changes to the state health insurance program embodied in sections 40.05(4)(bc) and 40.51(10m) are not in violation of the prohibition of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution, given the presumption of constitutionality and the lack of case law showing that all changes in benefits are subject to the prohibition. 81-28
Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan
Mandatory assessment against "all insurers" which subsidizes Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan, subchapter II of chapter 619, Stats., does not apply to the state's self-insurance plan because laws of general application do not apply to the sovereign. "Public employer" self-insurance plans are also exempt because, for purposes of this statute, they share in the state's sovereignty and, thus, in its immunity to general laws. 77-230
Rustproofing warranties
Wisconsin law authorizes but does not require the commissioner of insurance to demand periodic reports from an insurer relating to rustproofing warranties it insures. The commissioner has authority to require an insurer to increase the amount of insurance backing a rustproofer's warranties in Wisconsin. Section 100.205, Stats., was not intended to negate the application of general insurance law to rustproofing warranties. 78-113
Self-insured or self-funded employe benefit plans
The Commissioner of Insurance lacks the authority to regulate administrators of self-funded or self-insured employe benefit plans under section 3516r of 1991 Wisconsin Act 39 (the budget bill) since such regulation is preempted by ERISA and therefore precluded by section 633.16, Stats., as created by the bill. 80-290
State health insurance program
The amendment of section 40.05(4)(bc) by section 276 of 1991 Wisconsin Act 269, after issuance of OAG 7-92, renders such section not in violation of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution.
Changes to the state health insurance program embodied in sections 40.05(4)(bc) and 40.51(10m) are not in violation of the prohibition of article IV, section 26 of the Wisconsin Constitution, given the presumption of constitutionality and the lack of case law showing that all changes in benefits are subject to the prohibition. 81-28
Transplants For Life, Inc.
Transplants For Life, Inc., a plan which encourages members to donate organs for transplant and rewards members for such donations, does not constitute insurance under Wisconsin law. 68-245
Wisconsin Health Care Liability Insurance Plan
The Wisconsin Health Care Liability Insurance Plan is an agency, function or activity of the Wisconsin state government. (Unpub.). 27-1978
The professional health care liability insurance policy for hospitals issued under the Health Care Liability Insurance Plan may include as "persons insured" the named hospital and its nonexcluded employes while acting within the scope of their duties as hospital employes. (Unpub.). 31-1975
Wisconsin Physicians Insurance
Commissioner of Insurance may not permit WPS, a nonprofit plan, to be organized into a stock insurance company under ch. 611, Stats. Sections 148.01(1), 148.01(3), 148.03, 148.03(1), 148.03(2), 200.26(4), 201.045, 204.31(3m), and 611.71-611.78, Stats., discussed. 63-48
City council
A city council of a city other than the first class does not have legal authority to obligate the city and authorize the use of city funds for payment of health insurance premiums on policies for the benefit of alderpersons and other elected officials, irrespective of their years of service, who have left office. 70-77
Liability of self-insured county performing state highway maintenance is not increased by virtue of maintenance contract with State. 69-137
Employe benefit plans
The Commissioner of Insurance lacks the authority to regulate administrators of self-funded or self-insured employe benefit plans under section 3516r of 1991 Wisconsin Act 39 (the budget bill) since such regulation is preempted by ERISA and therefore precluded by section 633.16, Stats., as created by the bill. 80-290
Funeral directors and embalmers
Section 632.41(2), Stats., does not prohibit the naming of a funeral director as beneficiary of a life insurance policy in conjunction with a separate agreement between the insured and the funeral director that the proceeds will be used for funeral and burial expenses. 71-7
A county's obligation to continue life insurance for those judges who have exercised the sec. 753.07(4), Stats., option does not terminate when the county salary supplements end on July 1, 1980. 69-133
Rejected Risk Plan
The Wisconsin Auto Insurance Plan and Rejected Risk Plan do not constitute unconstitutional delegations of authority and are otherwise constitutional. The boards of these plans are private, independent, ongoing concerns, not state agencies, and members of these boards are not public officers. Questions regarding the plans and boards discussed. 71-127
Rustproofing warranties
Wisconsin law authorizes but does not require the commissioner of insurance to demand periodic reports from an insurer relating to rustproofing warranties it insures. The commissioner has authority to require an insurer to increase the amount of insurance backing a rustproofer's warranties in Wisconsin. Section 100.205, Stats., was not intended to negate the application of general insurance law to rustproofing warranties. 78-113
Wisconsin Auto Insurance Plan
The Wisconsin Auto Insurance Plan and Rejected Risk Plan do not constitute unconstitutional delegations of authority and are otherwise constitutional. The boards of these plans are private, independent, ongoing concerns, not state agencies, and members of these boards are not public officers. Questions regarding the plans and boards discussed. 71-127
Commitment fees