Commitment fees
Commitment fees which are bona fide in nature are not a part of interest under sec. 138.05, Stats., although across the board fees imposed without regard for the customer's need or desire for a bona fide commitment are unlikely to meet the lender's burden of showing that the fee represents the reasonable value of services rendered. 69-28
Lenders need not comply with the provisions of sec. 138.053, Stats., unless the right to increase the interest rate subsequent to the execution of the contract is conferred by the contract itself. 70-32
Loan fees
Loan fees which relate to the amount borrowed rather than to identifiable expenses incurred as a result of the particular transaction must be considered as interest for purposes of ch. 138, Stats. These loan fees are to be amortized over the contract term of the loan to determine the actual rate and a subsequent voluntary prepayment will not render an otherwise legal rate usurious. These fees must be rebated in accordance with sec. 138.05(2), Stats., when the rate, including such fees, exceeds 10 percent. 65-67
Section 138.05(1)(a), Stats., operates to limit the interest rate which a securities broker-dealer may charge to a noncorporate customer under a margin account agreement; a choice-of-law provision in margin account agreement will have the effect of avoiding the applicability of sec. 138.05(1)(a), Stats., to interest charges made under the agreement if and only if the agreement bears "a reasonable relation" to the state of the chosen law. 64-11
The interest to be set by the Board of Veterans Affairs on loans funded from prepayments on loans funded with general obligation bonds under sec. 45.79(4)(a), Stats., as amended by ch. 155, Laws of 1979, is the rate charged on loans under the most recent general obligation bond issue. (Unpub.). 26-1980
Section 36.29(1), Stats., which prohibits investment of University funds in companies which practice or condone discrimination is not an undue burden on interstate commerce, does not improperly interfere with foreign relations and is not impermissibly vague. 67-20
Permit fees
Motor carrier permit fees required by sec. 194.04(4)(a), (b), and (c), Stats., are not in conflict with Interstate Commerce Commission regulations and may be collected. The permit fee required by sec. 194.04(4)(d), Stats., is in conflict with such regulations and may not be collected. 63-206
Costs of treatment
It would be inadvisable to treat individuals transported across state lines for emergency medical care differently than other individuals when determining whether emergency detention proceedings should be initiated pursuant to section 51.15, Stats. While section 51.15(7) does not authorize contractual agreements with counties outside of Wisconsin, sections 51.75(11), 51.87(3) and 66.30(5) each contain a legal mechanism through which financial or other responsibility for the care and treatment of individuals from such counties may be shared under certain specified circumstances. 78-59
Section 346.93, Stats., contains two prohibitions: first, an absolute ban on a minor's possession of intoxicating liquor in a motor vehicle; second, a ban on a minor's possession of any malt beverage in a motor vehicle while any person under 18 years of age is a passenger or present in such motor vehicle. In order for a violation of that second prohibition to occur, a person under the age of 18 years in addition to the violator of the statute must be present in the vehicle. 66-215
Bed and breakfast
An owner of a bed and breakfast establishment who does not hold an alcohol beverages license may personally consume alcohol beverages or serve alcohol beverages at social events held on the premises without violating section 125.09(1), Stats., provided that consumption of alcohol beverages occurs in a portion of the bed and breakfast establishment that is not open to the public or to renters.
Proprietors of a bed and breakfast establishment may solicit and accept voluntary contributions from guests at a social event held on the premises to defray costs of alcohol beverages, but bed and breakfast proprietors who do not hold an alcohol beverages license may not serve alcohol beverages at a social event where alcohol beverages are served only to those who pay an admission fee, without violating section 125.04(1). 80-218
It is not illegal, under sec. 176.07, Stats., to allow the carry-out of intoxicating liquor from a "Class B" licensed premises between 12 midnight and 8 a.m. if the sale of the liquor occurred before 12 midnight. "Sale" defined. 69-168
Class "B" liquor licensees
Class "B" liquor licensees must be similarly treated by a municipality as to the hours they may be open for sales of liquor. 63-597
Closing time
Legislature has manifested intent that closing hour for premises for which retail Class "B" liquor and beer licenses have been issued in counties having less than 500,000 population advance from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. from 1:00 a.m. on the last Sunday in April until 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday in October of each year. 63-113
Country clubs
Country clubs opening any part of their facilities to the general public lose their eligibility for "country club" liquor or beer licenses issued by the Secretary of the Department of Revenue pursuant to secs. 176.05(4a) and 66.054(23), Stats. 69-248
Drunk driving
Upon a second or subsequent conviction of drunk driving within five years of a previous conviction for the same offense, the court may not waive, under sec. 345.60, Stats., the revocation of operating privileges by the Division of Motor Vehicles as required by sec. 343.31(1)(b), Stats. 62-31
Franchise sales area statements
Intoxicating liquors; wholesale permitees, franchise sales area statements, price discrimination. Section 176.05(1a)(b), Stats., does not prohibit a wholesaler from selling intoxicating liquor to a retailer located outside the area described in the area statement provided the sale takes place within that area. State law does not prohibit nor does it require a separate charge by wholesaler for delivery of intoxicating liquor to a retailer. 70-258
A gift of intoxicating liquors, made by a liquor manufacturer, rectifier or wholesaler to a liquor retailer, does not violate the "tied-house" prohibitions of ch. 176, Stats., when the liquor is dispensed by the licensed retailer, free of charge, at a wine-tasting party or similar event held for the sole benefit of a charitable organization or institution. 66-276
Huber Law
Sheriffs jail policy prohibiting Huber Law prisoners from pursuing employment in business establishments that dispense alcoholic beverages impermissibly conflicts with the Huber Law. 74-113
Implied Consent Law
Section 343.305, Stats., as repealed and recreated by ch. 193, Laws of 1977, does not vest in municipal courts the power to conduct hearings to determine the reasonableness of a refusal to submit to chemical tests to determine blood alcohol levels, since a municipal court has only those powers expressly conferred on it by statute, and such statute contains no express language conferring the hearing power above-mentioned on a municipal court. The power of a municipal court to preside over ordinance matters would not include such hearings, since local government lacks authority to enact the provisions of sec. 343.305, Stats., as an ordinance. 67-185
State liquor laws, including licensing requirements, are applicable to liquor establishments owned or operated by either Tribe members or non-Indians, and located on Indian reservations. Any license issued counts toward the local quota. 75-123
The State of Wisconsin has no jurisdiction to require the Sokaogon (Mole Lake) Indian Tribe to secure a liquor license from the Town of Nashville in order to sell alcoholic beverages on the Mole Lake Indian Reservation during its annual Bluegrass Festival. 69-183
Tribally owned or operated liquor establishments must comply with state liquor laws, including licensing requirements. Indian tribes are within the coverage of ch. 125, Stats., and any license issued to a tribe counts toward the local quota. 76-80
Licenses and permits
Municipalities may not require by ordinance that all grocery and liquor store employes and bartenders must obtain bartenders' or operators' licenses, such ordinances being in conflict with the provisions of ch. 125, Stats. 76-86
The State of Wisconsin has no jurisdiction to require the Sokaogon (Mole Lake) Indian Tribe to secure a liquor license from the Town of Nashville in order to sell alcoholic beverages on the Mole Lake Indian Reservation during its annual Bluegrass Festival. 69-183
Where a licensed Class "B" retailer of fermented malt beverages also conducts a restaurant business on the premises, sec. 66.054(8)(a), Stats., does not operate to permit the licensee to conduct any other business on the premises. 66-176
An adult who furnishes beer or liquor to a minor may not be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a child under sec. 947.15(1)(a), Stats., if based on the minor's possession of such items. 70-276
Section 346.93, Stats., contains two prohibitions: first, an absolute ban on a minor's possession of intoxicating liquor in a motor vehicle; second, a ban on a minor's possession of any malt beverage in a motor vehicle while any person under 18 years of age is a passenger or present in such motor vehicle. In order for a violation of that second prohibition to occur, a person under the age of 18 years in addition to the violator of the statute must be present in the vehicle. 66-215
Retail premises
No violation of sec. 176.07, Stats., is committed where premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail are so constructed, either by original construction or by remodeling, as to eliminate at all times any view of the interior of such premises from the outside. 64-213
Blend of liquor taxed under sec. 139.03(2t), Stats., and other liquor may be taxed proportionately without violating sec. 139.03(3), Stats. 68-138
Tied-house prohibitions
Section 125.33(1)(a), Stats., prohibits a person from having an interest in real estate leased to a Class "B" licensee while also being a director, officer or shareholder of a brewery. 77-76