Public records
Under present law, ambulance records relating to medical history, condition or treatment are confidential while other ambulance call records are subject to disclosure under the public records law. 78-71
Town services
A county does not possess the statutory authority to designate the level of ambulance services provided by the towns within that county. Absent a cooperative agreement between a county electing to provide ambulance services pursuant to section 59.07(41), Stats., and a town electing to provide ambulance services pursuant to section 60.565, a county dispatcher possesses considerable discretion to request assistance from the most appropriate and readily available statutorily authorized ambulance provider. 77-210
Historical tax
Admission fees collected by Circus World Museum in Baraboo are subject to sales tax under sec. 77.52(2)(a)2., Stats. 57-200
Authorized agents of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection have the authority to stop and search vehicles transporting livestock in Wisconsin so long as they comply with certain constitutional safeguards. 77-172
The termination of the life of animal by injection is not the practice of veterinary medicine. 65-231
If sec. 356 of 1977 Senate Bill 720 or the amendment to sec. 356 contained in Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 720 were enacted into law, either would be constitutionally invalid. 67-134
Employe Trust Funds Board
Discussion of authority of Board to change form of payment to members of retirement benefits resulting from additional deposits in the Wisconsin Retirement Fund, State Teachers Retirement System and Milwaukee Retirement Fund. (Unpub.). 80-1977
See CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS; OPEN MEETING; PUBLIC RECORDS and articles found in Introduction to 49 OAG (1960), 54 OAG (1965), and 65 OAG (1976)
Coroner's inquest
The Open Meeting Law does not apply to a coroner's inquest. 67-250
Public Record Law
Records kept by the Assembly Chief Clerk of telephone credit card numbers and of long-distance telephone calls of representatives are subject to the Public Record Law. Custodian may make determination whether to disclose or divulge records in specific instances. 66-202
Apprentices indentured under ch. 106, Stats., may lawfully be charged tuition at schools in the state vocational, technical and adult education system for related instruction that apprentices must receive as a condition of their apprenticeship. 65-37
A vocational, technical and adult education district which provides apprenticeship training may contract with other districts for payment of the costs of training persons who are residents of the other districts. Such district may not refuse, however, to admit nonresident Wisconsin students to an approved apprenticeship program, because the district of the student's residence fails to reimburse the district providing the instruction, unless the state board of vocational, technical and adult education adopts rules sanctioning such refusal. 69-257
Administration, Department of
Enactment of secs. 58 and 59 of ch. 418, Laws of 1977, placed the responsibility of the purchase of goods and services used by state government with the Department of Administration. The purchase of all goods and services by the Department of Administration is made pursuant to subch. IV of ch. 16, Stats. 64 OAG 4 (1975) is no longer applicable. (Unpub.). 83-1979
A county may, through its boards and commissions, purchase services from various nonprofit organizations within the scope of such board or commission's authority. 67-297
County board
Heavy movable diesel engine utilized in county lime quarry is equipment rather than materials or supplies and may be purchased by county board or committee to which board has delegated power if funds have been appropriated without resort to competitive bidding if county has not otherwise required by resolution or ordinance. Secs. 59.08(1), 66.29(1)(c), Stats. 66-198
County executive's veto
A veto of an appropriation by the county executive under section 59.031(5), Stats., does not restore the appropriation to the level in the county executive's proposed budget. 80-214
Court settlement
Section 70.62(4)(em)1., Stats., only permits county board to increase tax levy over maximum to pay increased costs which relate to payment of a court judgment or court confirmed award, or out-of-court settlement after a civil action or special proceeding has been commenced in a court. 70-209
Disaster relief
The Wisconsin Constitution does not preclude grants (including those made retroactively) of state money to individuals and families, or to private corporations, for the purpose of affording disaster relief under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288). 64-39
Dual enrollment
Funds made available through the Elementary Secondary Education Act may be used in dual enrollment programs to transport children from parochial schools to public schools and return. 65-126
Federal aid
Previous opinions on the distribution of payments in lieu of taxes discussed. (Unpub.). 16-1982
Section 59.20(13), Stats., does not control the distribution of monies received from the federal government under 31 U.S.C. sec. 1601, et seq., 45 OAG 78 withdrawn. 67-277
Legal limitations on the use of the Governor's contingency fund appropriated by sec. 20.525(1)(c), Stats., discussed. 66-43
Governor's veto
Appropriation bills are subject to partial veto but in order for legislation to constitute an appropriation there must be found within the bill authority to expend funds and a stipulation as to amount, manner and purpose of such expenditure. (Unpub.). 24-1976
Certain of the Governor's partial vetoes to ch. 107, Laws of 1977, were invalid. The entire bill should be returned to the originating house for reconsideration. 66-310
Governor's veto of one digit of a separable part of an appropriation bill constitutes an objection within the meaning of Wis. Const. art. V, sec. 10, and the entire part is returned to the Legislature for reconsideration. 62-238