An ad valorem tax upon automobiles where the assessment would be based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price and the age of the vehicle, and where the rate would be unrelated to the tax rate upon other taxable property, would violate the uniformity requirement of Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 1. (Unpub.). 99-1977
The legal description of condominium units must conform to the requirements of chapter 703, Stats., the Condominium Law. The requirements of chapter 236, dealing with platting and subdividing, may not be used to legally describe condominium units. 75-94
Conservation area
Section 70.11(24), Stats., is unconstitutional as violative of the uniformity clause in Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 1. 66-326
Indians residing on nontaxable land are electors of the town of residence. Where new towns are created by division, each such town must be 36 sections in area, unless each such town, after division, has 75 electors and taxable real estate of $200,000 or more. 66-256
Mall; Stevens Point
Expenses incurred by city in converting street to mall may be assessed against state and assessment paid if approved by Board of Commissioners of Public Lands. (Unpub.). 45-1975
State Street Mall-Capitol Concourse
State property not subject to assessment of special charges under sec. 66.60(16), Stats., for maintenance of State Street Mall-Capitol Concourse project as proposed by the City of Madison. Section 66.64, Stats., is limited to special assessments for improvements. 69-269
Tax Increment Law
Tax Increment Law appears constitutional on its face and the Department of Revenue should carry out its duties and responsibilities under the law as directed by the Legislature. 65-194
Paper requirement
1. Section 236.20(1)(a), Stats., requires that plats be submitted on the paper described therein. Plats submitted on other paper are objectionable. 2. Only the original ink-drawn plat on the required paper can be recorded with the Register of Deeds. 67-8
Credit union membership
Organizations and associations eligible for credit union membership under sec. 186.05(1)(b), Stats., defined and discussed. 65-77
Political fund
Wisconsin Administrative Code section E1Bd 1.06, and the forms developed to effectuate that rule, EB-11 and EB-12, which require corporations and associations to register and twice yearly report their expenditures for the establishment and administration of a political fund and for solicitation of political contributions to such fund, improperly impose substantive requirements in addition to those reasonably within the intendment of sec. 11.38(1)(a)2., Stats., and are therefore unenforceable. 67-193
Collective bargaining
Attorney General declines to render an opinion on what is subject to collective bargaining in view of a preferred legislative intent that such questions be resolved through the declaratory judgment procedure before the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission subject to judicial review. 63-590
Local Emergency Planning Committee
A local emergency planning committee created by the county board pursuant to section 59.07(146), Stats., is in many respects treated as other county committees. The county board has the authority to appropriate funds for the committee and the county's relationship to the committee is the same as the county's relationship to the other county bodies created under section 59.07, with the exception that the county must be consistent with the authority exercised by the state emergency response commission. The county corporation counsel should provide legal advice and assistance to the LEPC. If the LEPC or its members are sued, the attorney general represents them; and the state would pay the judgment if the requirements of section 895.46 have been satisfied. 78-27
Except in extraordinary circumstances, the attorney general will not issue opinions concerning the meaning or intent of municipal ordinances. OAG 26-88 discussed and adhered to. (Unpub.). 58-1988
The Milwaukee County board may not delegate the exclusive authority to approve contracts for budgeted public works projects to the museum board or to the zoological board. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the attorney general will not issue opinions concerning the meaning or intent of municipal ordinances. 77-120
Payment of judgments
Pursuant to sec. 20.865, Stats., both segregated revenues and general purpose revenues of the general fund are available for the payment of judgments arising out of segregated fund activities in the same proportion in which they were, or would have been, used to finance a program appropriation for the payment of such judgments; sec. 20.865(1)(a), Stats., includes authority for payment of settlements made by the Attorney General pursuant to sec. 165.25(6), Stats. (Unpub.). 18-1975
Service of process
Discussed within the meaning of sec. 262.06(3), Stats. (1973). 63-467
Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility
Entitlement to indemnity and immunity from suit of prosecuting counsel retained by the Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility discussed. 75-49
The members of the Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility and the members of the Professional Responsibility Committees are officers within the meaning of secs. 895.45 and 895.46, Stats., and are protected by civil immunity when acting within the scope of their office in the absence of malicious, willful and intentional misconduct. (Unpub.). 48-1978
Civil immunity
Entitlement to indemnity and immunity from suit of prosecuting counsel retained by the Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility discussed. 75-49
The members of the Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility and the members of the Professional Responsibility Committees are officers within the meaning of secs. 895.45 and 895.46, Stats., and are protected by civil immunity when acting within the scope of their office in the absence of malicious, willful and intentional misconduct. (Unpub.). 48-1978
Conflict of interest
1. Corporation counsel employed on part-time basis cannot accept employment as defense counsel for those whose interests are directly adverse to the state or county. 2. Section 256.22(3), Stats., does not prohibit a district attorney from compensating his partner, out of his own funds, for assistance in prosecuting a state case. 3. County board cannot change status of office of district attorney from one in which he is permitted to practice law privately to one in which he is not, so as to be effective during the term for which such officer was elected. 67-31
Family Court Commissioner's law partner is prohibited from serving as counsel in any divorce action in county which Commissioner holds office but may serve as counsel in divorce actions in other counties. This prohibition may not be waived by the parties to the divorce action. 67-64
Section 196.675(1), Stats., would be violated where a partner of a district attorney compensated on a part-time basis was retained by a public utility, if the partner-district attorney were to financially benefit directly or indirectly. 75-111
Corporation counsel
1. Corporation counsel employed on part-time basis cannot accept employment as defense counsel for those whose interests are directly adverse to the state or county. 2. Section 256.22(3), Stats., does not prohibit a district attorney from compensating his partner, out of his own funds, for assistance in prosecuting a state case. 3. County board cannot change status of office of district attorney from one in which he is permitted to practice law privately to one in which he is not, so as to be effective during the term for which such officer was elected. 67-31
Restrictions on business corporations providing medical, legal and dental services discussed. 75-200
District attorney
1. Corporation counsel employed on part-time basis cannot accept employment as defense counsel for those whose interests are directly adverse to the state or county. 2. Section 256.22(3), Stats., does not prohibit a district attorney from compensating his partner, out of his own funds, for assistance in prosecuting a state case. 3. County board cannot change status of office of district attorney from one in which he is permitted to practice law privately to one in which he is not, so as to be effective during the term for which such officer was elected. 67-31
Family Court Commissioner
Family Court Commissioner's law partner is prohibited from serving as counsel in any divorce action in county which Commissioner holds office but may serve as counsel in divorce actions in other counties. This prohibition may not be waived by the parties to the divorce action. 67-64
County is a necessary part of an action on a claim where it has received an assignment under sec. 49.65, Stats. The county may take steps necessary to enforce its claim. Compromise and attorney fees discussed. 65-119
Financial disclosure