Revocation of operating privileges
Upon a second or subsequent conviction of drunk driving within five years of a previous conviction for the same offense, the court may not waive, under sec. 345.60, Stats., the revocation of operating privileges by the Division of Motor Vehicles as required by sec. 343.31(1)(b), Stats. 62-31
Revocation or suspension of licenses
Local governments can prohibit first acts of operating after revocation or suspension but second offense will not be a crime. 71-132
Suspension or revocation of operating privilege under secs. 343.30(1) and (1m), Stats., applies to both the regular driver's license and to the chauffeur's license. 63-240
Authorized agents of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection have the authority to stop and search vehicles transporting livestock in Wisconsin so long as they comply with certain constitutional safeguards. 77-172
Speed limits
Section 343.30(1n), Stats., does not apply to violations of sec. 346.57(4)(hm), Stats., created by ch. 157, Laws of 1973. 63-20
An anonymous telephone tip to the police that a specified vehicle is being driven by an unlicensed person does not create an articulable and reasonable suspicion of illegality justifying an investigatory stop of the auto and driver. Under certain very limited circumstances, however, information from an anonymous informant may authorize a stop-and-frisk or an investigatory vehicle stop. 68-347
Stop and search
Authorized agents of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection have the authority to stop and search vehicles transporting livestock in Wisconsin so long as they comply with certain constitutional safeguards. 77-172
Suspension or revocation of license
Local governments can prohibit first acts of operating after revocation or suspension but second offense will not be a crime. 71-132
Suspension or revocation of operating privilege under secs. 343.30(1) and (1m), Stats., applies to both the regular driver's license and to the chauffeur's license. 63-240
An ad valorem tax upon automobiles, where the assessment would be based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price and the age of the vehicle, and where the rate would be unrelated to the tax rate upon other taxable property, would violate the uniformity requirement of Wis. Const. art. VIII, sec. 1. (Unpub.). 99-1977
A motor vehicle registration fee which varies with the value of the motor vehicle or which is based upon the manufacturer's suggested retail price and the age of the motor vehicle would not violate article VIII, section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution because the vehicle registration fee is a privilege tax, not a property tax. 79-135
Traffic offenses
Imprisonment or suspension of license under section 345.47(1)(a) and (b), Stats., does not eliminate the liability of a defendant for payment of the $150 surcharge provided for in section 346.655. The county does not become liable for the surcharge if not paid. An application for an occupational license is not a special proceeding requiring the payment of clerk's fees under section 814.61(1). 73-24
The ordinance adopted by the Village of West Milwaukee which authorizes the placement of an immobilization device on an automobile of an individual who has ten or more outstanding or otherwise unsettled traffic violations does not constitute a valid exercise of a municipality's authority under Wisconsin law. 77-73
Trucks, weight limitations
Transportation of forest products; sec. 348.15(3)(b)2. and (5r), Stats., discussed. 62-100

- B -
Judges and court commissioners have power, prior to the filing of a criminal complaint, to release on bail persons arrested for commission of a felony. 65-102
Forfeiture of
The entire amount of bail forfeited under sec. 969.13(4), Stats., is to be retained by the county treasurer and no part thereof is to be paid to the state treasurer. 62-247
Release on bail denied discussed
Acting under the authority of section 969.07, Stats., local law enforcement officials may deny release from custody to a person arrested for a misdemeanor if in the officials opinion the person is not in a fit condition to care for his or her own safety or would constitute, because of his or her physical condition, a danger to the safety of others. 75-209
A forfeited cash bond cannot be used to pay restitution to the victim of a crime. 68-71
Chapter 112, section 10, Laws of 1979 which allows courts to revoke bail for violating judicially imposed conditions of bail does not violate Wis. Const. art. I, sec. 8. 69-164
Surety bond
Law enforcement officers may be authorized by court rule to accept surety bonds for, or, under specified circumstances, 10 percent cash deposits of, the amount listed in a misdemeanor bail schedule when an accused cannot be promptly taken before a judge for bail determination. However, such rules may not afford officers discretion as to the amount or form of bail an individual accused must post. 63-241
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) regulation
The Wisconsin Commissioner of Banking does have a compelling interest in regulating banking activities on Indian reservations under chapters 217 and 218 and section 138.09, Stats., even though Public Law 280 does not specifically grant such regulatory authority. 80-337
Banking Review Board
Banking Review Board members are not authorized to act in cases involving banks in which they or their spouses own stock. 75-197
Copying vital statistics
A bank, its employes and agents violate section 69.24(1)(a), Stats., when copying a certified copy of a vital record for use by the Federal Reserve Bank. 78-232
Death certificates, copying of
A bank, its employes and agents violate section 69.24(1)(a), Stats., when copying a certified copy of a vital record for use by the Federal Reserve Bank. 78-232
Indian reservations
The Wisconsin Commissioner of Banking does have a compelling interest in regulating banking activities on Indian reservations under chapters 217 and 218 and section 138.09, Stats., even though Public Law 280 does not specifically grant such regulatory authority. 80-337
Loan fees which relate to the amount borrowed rather than to identifiable expenses incurred as a result of the particular transaction must be considered as interest for purposes of ch. 138, Stats. 65-67
Junior Achievement Bank
Would be a banking business within the meaning of sec. 224.02, Stats., and violates sec. 224.03, Stats. 62-254
Constitutionality of ch. 45, Laws of 1981, delegating authority to commissioners of various financial institutions, discussed. 71-195