Liquor license laws
An owner of a bed and breakfast establishment who does not hold an alcohol beverages license may personally consume alcohol beverages or serve alcohol beverages at social events held on the premises without violating section 125.09(1), Stats., provided that consumption of alcohol beverages occurs in a portion of the bed and breakfast establishment that is not open to the public or to renters.
Proprietors of a bed and breakfast establishment may solicit and accept voluntary contributions from guests at a social event held on the premises to defray costs of alcohol beverages, but bed and breakfast proprietors who do not hold an alcohol beverages license may not serve alcohol beverages at a social event where alcohol beverages are served only to those who pay an admission fee, without violating section 125.04(1). 80-218
CETA employe
The City of Milwaukee cannot terminate a CETA employe's membership in the Retirement System on grounds not in effect by the time membership was attained, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Legislature. (Unpub.). 41-1978
County Board
Does not have power to establish number of days elected officials may utilize for vacation or sick leave or to grant longevity pay to elected officials, but can pay premiums for individual or group hospital, surgical and life insurance for them. 66-329
Employe Trust Funds Board
Discussion of authority of Employe Trust Funds Board to change the form of payment to members of retirement benefits resulting from additional deposits in the Wisconsin Retirement Fund, State Teachers Retirement System and Milwaukee Teachers Retirement Fund. (Unpub.). 80-1977
Circuit court
Has neither statutory nor inherent authority to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of a violator of a county ordinance who has received a citation pursuant to sec. 66.119, Stats., and who neither posts a cash deposit nor appears at the citation return date. 70-280
County ordinance
Bench warrant issued under sec. 968.09, Stats., may be directed to all law enforcement officers in the state without regard to whether the defendant is charged with violation of a state statute or county ordinance. The form of the warrant should be tailored to meet the form suggested by sec. 968.04(3)(a)7., Stats. 62-208
Fines and forfeitures
Section 968.09, Stats., does not authorize the issuance of a bench warrant upon the failure to pay a fine or forfeiture. (Unpub.). 27-1982
State statute
Bench warrant issued under sec. 968.09, Stats., may be directed to all law enforcement officers in the state without regard to whether the defendant is charged with violation of a state statute or county ordinance. The form of the warrant should be tailored to meet the form suggested by sec. 968.04(3)(a)7., Stats. 62-208
Licensing of bicycles, the creation of bicycle courts and the impoundment of bicycles is a matter of statewide concern. Cities and villages cannot exercise such regulation in the absence of express legislative authorization. 66-99
Architectural services
Section 59.08(1), Stats., does not apply to architectural services. 76-182
Land acquired in name of a county by its county highway committee for use as gravel pit can be sold by the county board, when no longer required for highway purposes, at public sale pursuant to sec. 83.08(4), Stats. Public sale must be held on notice, by auction or written bids, with sale to highest qualified bidder. 66-208
County board supervisor and law firm employe
A county board supervisor who is an employe of a law firm which has been hired by a third party to represent it in negotiations with the county board does not violate either section 946.13(1)(a) or (b), Stats., if a supervisor has absolutely nothing to do with the contract either as an attorney or as a supervisor. 75-172
County land
Land acquired in name of a county by its county highway committee for use as gravel pit can be sold by the county board, when no longer required for highway purposes, at public sale pursuant to sec. 83.08(4), Stats. Public sale must be held on notice, by auction or written bids, with sale to highest qualified bidder. 66-208
Diesel engines
Heavy movable diesel engine utilized in county lime quarry is equipment rather than materials or supplies and may be purchased by county board or committee to which board has delegated power if funds have been appropriated without resort to competitive bidding if county has not otherwise required by resolution or ordinance. Secs. 59.08(1), 66.29(1)(c), Stats. 66-198
Erroneous bid
Where a governmental entity determines that an apparent low bidder is entitled to relief from an erroneous bid under sec. 66.29(5), Stats., the bidder should be allowed to correct his bid. Normally, if the bid is otherwise in order and still remains the low bid after the adjustment necessary to correct the mistake, the bid should be accepted. It is questionable whether any actionable claim for damages would survive a determination that a bidder was entitled to relief from his erroneous bid under the provisions of sec. 66.29(5), Stats. 62-144
County housing authority, in providing housing for the elderly, can, by reason of sec. 59.075(4), Stats., utilize "turnkey" construction method without bids. 66-31
Police cars
Towns must let "public contracts" pursuant to the competitive bidding procedures of secs. 60.29(1m) and 66.29, Stats. Contracts which are not "public contracts" are not subject to either advertising or competitive bidding procedures. The definition of public contract includes "supplies" and "materials," but does not include "equipment." Police cars need not be purchased by competitive bid under secs. 60.29 and 66.29, since they are "equipment" and not "supplies [or] material." 66-284
Preference for Wisconsin businesses
The preference for Wisconsin businesses included in sections 16.75 and 16.855, Stats., applies only when a Wisconsin business and an out-of-state business submit identical, low bids. 74-47
Reevaluation of a bidder
The Department of Transportation may make a reevaluation of a bidder's prior qualification or reject the lowest bid on the ground of irresponsibility of the successful bidder, but, in both instances, notice and an opportunity for hearing on such reevaluation must be given to the contractor. 63-60
Municipalities may require bidders to include a list of subcontractors. Counties may reject a proposal for failure to include a complete list, except when omitted subcontractors themselves submitted timely, written bids to the general contractor. 76-29
State contracts
State contracts for the purchase of professional architectural and engineering consulting services must comply with the bidding requirements of sec. 16.75(1), Stats., unless waived by the Governor. 65-251
State office building
Subject to certain limitations, the lease of state office building space to a restaurant or other commercial enterprise serving both state employes and the general public is constitutionally permissible. Such leases do not require competitive bidding. 69-121
Municipalities may require bidders to include a list of subcontractors. Counties may reject a proposal for failure to include a complete list, except when omitted subcontractors themselves submitted timely, written bids to the general contractors. 76-29
University employe
Section 946.13, Stats., prohibiting private interest in public contracts may impose criminal liability upon the University of Wisconsin employe who in their private capacities deal contractually with the State of Wisconsin to provide services and equipment. (Unpub.). 64-1977