Incriminating evidence. No person may be excused from testifying or from producing books, accounts and papers in any proceeding based upon or growing out of any violation of
chs. 195 to
197, on the ground or for the reason that the testimony or evidence may tend to incriminate or subject the person to penalty or forfeiture. A person who testifies under this section may not be:
196.48(1)(a)(a) Prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for testifying or producing evidence.
(2) Exempted from prosecution or punishment for perjury in testifying.
Transmission system requirements. 196.485(1)(a)
(a) "Affiliated interest of a person" means any of the following:
1. Any person owning or holding directly or indirectly 5% or more of the voting securities of the person.
2. Any person in any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of voting securities of the person.
3. Any corporation 5% or more of whose voting securities is owned by any person owning 5% or more of the voting securities of the person or by any person in any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of the voting securities of the person.
4. Any person who is an officer or director of the person or of any corporation in any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of the voting securities of the person.
5. Any corporation operating a servicing organization for furnishing supervisory, construction, engineering, accounting, legal or similar services to the person, which corporation has one or more officers or one or more directors in common with the person, and any other corporation which has directors in common with the person if the number of directors of the corporation is more than one-third of the total number of the person's directors.
(am) "Contribute a transmission facility" means to divest a person's interest in the transmission facility and to transfer ownership of the transmission facility, and associated deferred tax reserves and deferred investment tax credits to the extent permitted by law, to another person.
(b) "Cooperative" means a cooperative association organized under
ch. 185.
(be) "Director" means, with respect to a transmission company organized as a corporation under
ch. 180, a member of the board of directors of the transmission company.
1. A public utility that is involved in the generation, transmission, distribution or sale of electric energy.
(c) "Federal agency" means, with respect to a transmission utility that is a cooperative, the rural utilities service and, with respect to a transmission utility that is a public utility, the federal energy regulatory commission.
(d) "Independent system operator" means an independent system operator that requires the approval of a federal agency to operate transmission facilities in this state or a region.
a. The person does not own electric generation facilities or does not sell electric generation capacity or energy in a market within the geographic area that, on December 31, 1997, was served by the Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc., Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement or Southwest Power Pool reliability council of the North American Electric Reliability Council.
(do) "Land right" means any right in real property, including fee simple ownership or a right-of-way or easement, that has been acquired for a transmission facility that is located or intended to be located on the real property.