611.26(3)(b)5.5. Acting as administrative agent for a government instrumentality performing an insurance, public assistance or related function. 611.26(3)(b)6.6. Providing services related to insurance operations, including accounting, actuarial, appraisal, auditing, claims adjusting, collection, data processing, loss prevention, premium financing, safety engineering and underwriting services. 611.26(3)(b)7.7. Holding or managing property used by the corporation alone or with its affiliates for the convenient transaction of its business. 611.26(3)(b)8.8. Providing such other services or performing such other activities as the commissioner may declare ancillary by rule. 611.26(3)(b)9.9. Owning corporations which would be authorized as subsidiaries under subds. 1. to 8. and under subs. (1) and (2). 611.26(4)(4) Other subsidiaries. An insurance corporation may form or acquire other subsidiaries than those under subs. (1) to (3). The investment in such subsidiaries may be counted toward satisfaction of the compulsory surplus requirement of s. 623.11 and the security surplus standard of s. 623.12 to the extent that the investment is a part of the leeway investments of s. 620.22 (9) for the first $200,000,000 of assets or to the extent that the investment is within the limitations under s. 620.23 (2) (a) and (b) for other assets. The commissioner may limit investment in subsidiaries under this subsection by rule or order. Unless approved by the commissioner, an insurance corporation may not do any of the following: 611.26(4)(a)(a) Invest in one or more subsidiaries more than 10 percent of its assets or 50 percent of its capital and surplus, whichever is less. 611.26(4)(b)(b) Invest in one or more subsidiaries to the extent that the insurer’s capital and surplus with regard to policyholders will not be reasonable in relation to the insurer’s outstanding liabilities or adequate to meet the insurer’s financial needs. 611.26(5)(5) Notice to commissioner. An insurance corporation shall notify the commissioner promptly of the formation or acquisition of any subsidiary under this section. 611.28611.28 Changes in business plan. 611.28(1)(1) Development stage. Within 5 years after the initial issuance of a certificate of authority no substantial change, alteration or amendment may be made in the business plan and the insurer may not substantially deviate from it unless notice of the proposed change is filed with the commissioner 30 days in advance of the proposed effective date. The commissioner may defer the effective date for an additional period not exceeding 30 days by written notice to the corporation before expiration of the initial 30-day period. The commissioner may, within the 30-day period or its extension, prohibit the proposed action if it is contrary to law or to the interests of insureds, creditors or the public in this state. 611.28(2)(2) Continuing control. The commissioner may by rule or order specify portions of the business plan to which the requirement of sub. (1) shall apply even after the initial 5-year period, if he or she finds after a hearing that it is required to protect the interests of insureds, creditors or the public in this state. 611.29611.29 Amendment of articles. 611.29(1)(1) Right to amend articles. A stock corporation may amend its articles under ss. 180.0726, 180.1001 to 180.1007, 180.1706, 180.1707 and 180.1708 (4) and a mutual may amend its articles under ss. 181.1001, 181.1002 (1), 181.1003, 181.1005 and 181.1006, except that papers required by those sections to be filed with the department of financial institutions shall instead be filed with the commissioner. Subject to sub. (3), the stock corporation or mutual may amend its articles in any desired respect including substantial changes of its original purposes. No amendment may be made contrary to s. 611.12 (1) to (3). 611.29(2)(2) Filing. For 5 years after the initial issuance of a certificate of authority, proposed amendments of the articles which are not changes in the business plan shall be filed with the commissioner at least 30 days before the amendment is submitted to the shareholders or policyholders for approval, or if such approval is not required, at least 30 days before the effective date. 611.29(3)(3) Articles of amendment; mutuals. In addition to the requirements of s. 181.1005, the articles of amendment of a mutual shall, if mail voting is used, state the number of policyholders voting by mail and the number of such policyholders voting for and against the amendment. 611.29(4)(4) Filing of articles of amendment. No amendment may become effective until the articles of amendment have been filed with the commissioner. 611.29(5)(5) Effect of amendment of articles. Section 180.1009 applies to stock corporations and s. 181.1008 applies to mutuals. SECURITIES OF DOMESTIC INSURANCE CORPORATIONS
611.31611.31 Securities regulation. 611.31(1)(1) Registration. No securities issued by a domestic insurance corporation may be sold by or for the corporation unless they are registered or exempt from registration under ch. 551. 611.31(2)(2) Approval by commissioner. Securities of a domestic insurance corporation may not be registered under ch. 551 without prior approval of the commissioner of insurance. Issuance of an organization permit under s. 611.13 constitutes such approval for the securities described in the permit. 611.31(3)(3) Holding companies. No issuer of securities which is being organized in this state or elsewhere solely or partly for the purpose of organizing a corporation under this chapter may register or sell its securities in this state unless it obtains an organization permit under s. 611.13. No security may be registered or sold in this state if there is any representation that an insurer will be organized or purchased in this state with the proceeds of the sale, unless the issuer obtains an organization permit under s. 611.13.