1"(7rm) Grant for sludge study and marketing.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,2 2(a) In this subsection, "board" means the recycling market development board.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,4 3(b) Subject to paragraph (e), the board shall award a grant of $133,000 to the
4West Central Wisconsin Biosolids Facility Commission if all of the following apply:
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,6 51. The commission submits a plan to the board detailing the proposed use of
6the grant and the board approves the plan.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,9 72. The commission enters into a written agreement with the board that
8specifies the conditions for use of the grant proceeds, including reporting and
9auditing requirements.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,11 103. The commission agrees in writing to submit to the board the report required
11under paragraph (d) 2. by the time required under paragraph (d) 2.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,14 12(c) If the board awards a grant under this subsection, the department of
13commerce shall pay the grant proceeds from the appropriation under section 20.143
14(1) (tm) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,16 15(d) If the commission receives a grant under this subsection, the commission
16shall do all of the following:
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,19 171. Use the grant proceeds to determine the feasibility of creating sludge-based
18products and of marketing those products and to develop markets for the biosolid
19materials being produced from waste products by the commission.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,21 202. Within 6 months after spending the full amount of the grant, submit to the
21board a report detailing how the grant proceeds were used.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,23 22(e) The board may not award and the department may not pay grant proceeds
23under this subsection after June 30, 2001.".
AB133-SSA1-SA1,499,24 241173. Page 1507, line 12: after that line insert:
1"(8h) Recycling market development staff.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,4 2(a) The authorized FTE positions for the department of commerce, funded from
3the appropriation under section 20.143 (1) (st) of the statutes, are decreased by 4.0
4SEG project positions for staff for the recycling market development board.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,9 5(b) The authorized FTE positions for the department of commerce, funded from
6the appropriation under section 20.143 (1) (st) of the statutes, are increased by 2.0
7SEG positions for a loan portfolio manager to manage past and future financial
8assistance awarded by the recycling market development board and for a commodity
9specialist to develop and direct strategy for recycling market development.".
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,11 101174. Page 1507, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and
11ending with page 1508, line 12 and substitute:
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,12 12"(2fm) Private business prison employment contracts.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,15 13(a) In this subsection, "prison contract" means a contract between the
14department of corrections and a private business under section 303.01 (2) (em), 1997
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,18 16(b) Notwithstanding section 303.01 (2) (em), 1997 stats., beginning on the
17effective date of this subsection, the department of corrections may not enter into,
18renew or extend a prison contract.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,21 19(c) The department of corrections shall take all steps necessary, consistent with
20the terms of the contract, to terminate each prison contract no later than the 210th
21day after the day of publication.".
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,23 221175. Page 1509, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and
23ending with page 1511, line 12.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,500,24 241176. Page 1511, line 12: after that line insert:
1"(6q) Transferring prisoners to county facilities from out-of-state jails
2and prisons.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,501,18 3(a) Solicitation and acceptance of proposals. Before October 31, 2000, the
4department of corrections shall solicit proposals from counties for contracts, to
5commence during the first quarter of calendar year 2001, under which prisoners who
6are confined in other states under section 301.21 of the statutes may be returned to
7Wisconsin and confined in a county jail or house of correction. If one or more counties
8propose to enter into a contract with the department that meets the requirements
9of this subsection, and the number of prisoners who could be transferred under the
10proposed contracts is 1,000 or more, the department shall reduce by 1,000 the
11number of Wisconsin prisoners confined in other states under section 301.21 of the
12statutes by entering into one or more such contracts, consistent with the competitive
13process it has established under paragraph (d). If the proposed contracts meet the
14requirements of this subsection, but the number of prisoners who could be
15transferred under the proposed contracts is less than 1,000, the department shall
16enter into all such proposed contracts and shall reduce the number of prisoners
17confined in their states under section 301.21 of the statutes by the number of
18prisoners who are to be transferred under the contracts.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,501,22 19(b) Contract requirements. Each contract entered into by the department under
20this subsection shall include a termination date, shall identify the regulations and
21rules of the department and of the county jail or house of correction to which the
22prisoners will be subject and shall contain provisions regarding all of the following:
AB133-SSA1-SA1,501,25 231. Prisoner participation in employment programs, the disposition or crediting
24of prisoner earnings and the crediting of proceeds from or disposal of any products
25resulting from prisoner employment.
12. Delivery and retaking of prisoners.
AB133-SSA1-SA1,502,3 23. Regular reporting by the county concerning the prisoners confined under the
AB133-SSA1-SA1,502,5 44. Any other matters that are necessary and appropriate to fix the obligations,
5responsibilities and rights of the department and the county.