230.12(3)(e)1.1. The administrator, after receiving recommendations from the board of regents and the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, shall submit to the joint committee on employment relations a proposal for adjusting compensation and employee benefits for University of Wisconsin System employees. The proposal shall be based upon the competitive ability of the board of regents to recruit and retain qualified faculty and academic staff, data collected as to rates of pay for comparable work in other public services, universities and commercial and industrial establishments, recommendations of the board of regents and any special studies carried on as to the need for any changes in compensation and employee benefits to cover each year of the biennium. The proposal shall also take proper account of prevailing pay rates, costs and standards of living and the state’s employment policies. The proposal for such pay adjustments may contain recommendations for across-the-board pay adjustments, merit or other adjustments and employee benefit improvements. Paragraph (b) and sub. (1) (bf) shall apply to the process for approval of all pay adjustments for University of Wisconsin System employees. The proposal as approved by the joint committee on employment relations and the governor shall be based upon a percentage of the budgeted salary base for University of Wisconsin System employees. The amount included in the proposal for merit and adjustments other than across-the-board pay adjustments is available for discretionary use by the board of regents.
230.12(3)(e)2.2. The administrator, after receiving recommendations from the board of the Wisconsin Technical College System, shall submit to the joint committee on employment relations a proposal for adjusting compensation and employee benefits for the director and executive assistant of the Wisconsin Technical College System. The proposal shall include the salary ranges and adjustments to the salary ranges for the general senior executive salary groups established under s. 20.923 (7). Paragraph (b) and sub. (1) (bf) shall apply to the process for approval of all pay adjustments for such employees. The proposal as approved by the joint committee on employment relations and the governor shall be based upon a percentage of the budgeted salary base for such employees under s. 20.923 (7).
230.12(4)(4)Compensation plan implementation provisions.
230.12(4)(a)(a) When an approved compensation plan or an amendment thereto becomes effective, required individual pay adjustments shall be made in accordance with determinations made by the administrator to implement the approved plan.
230.12(4)(b)(b) The administrator may, without prior approval of the joint committee on employment relations, determine the circumstances under which it is appropriate for an appointing authority to grant, and authorize an appointing authority to grant, a general wage or parity adjustment, or appropriate portion thereof, previously approved by the committee under this section to employees who did not receive the adjustment on the effective date of the adjustment set forth in the plan. No general wage or parity adjustment may become effective for any employee prior to the effective date of the individual employee transaction, but the administrator may authorize an appointing authority to grant a lump sum payment to an employee to reflect any wage or parity adjustment that the employee did not receive during the period between the effective date of the adjustment set forth in the plan and the effective date of the individual employee transaction.
230.12(5)(5)Within range pay adjustments.
230.12(5)(a)(a) Pay advancement techniques, application. The varying circumstances and needs of the widely diverse occupational groups of state service must be recognized and met through several methods of systematic pay advancement. To this end the compensation program shall contain either individual or combinations of pay advancement techniques, and the pay schedules therein may contain provisions for a variety of methods of within range progression, including, but not limited to discretionary performance awards, equity adjustments, “time in grade” adjustments, and other appropriate within range adjustments as may be provided in the compensation schedule.
230.12(5)(b)(b) Date. Any authorized pay adjustments under this section shall be awarded by each appointing authority for the agency subject to par. (d) on the date or dates in the approved plan.
230.12(5)(c)(c) Increase limits. Unless otherwise defined in the pay schedule the total amount for all such within range increases shall not exceed the amount for such increases specified and approved by the joint committee on employment relations in its action on the administrator’s proposal for such increases.
230.12(5)(d)(d) Individual increase limit. No appointing authority shall award an employee cumulative performance award increases or other types of cumulative within range pay adjustments exceeding a total of 10 percent of the employee’s base pay during a fiscal year. This paragraph does not apply to a specific type of pay increase authorized by the compensation plan if the plan specifically refers to this paragraph and specifically provides that the type of pay increase referenced in the plan is not subject to this paragraph.
230.12(5)(e)(e) Appeal of discretionary performance award. An employee who is dissatisfied with the evaluation methodology and results used by an agency to determine any discretionary performance award, or the amount of such an award, may grieve the decision to the appointing authority under the agency’s grievance procedure. The decision of the appointing authority is final and may not be appealed to the commission under s. 230.44 or 230.45 (1) (c).
230.12(6)(6)Additional hours of work provisions. Provisions relating to compensation for hours of work in addition to the standard basis of employment under s. 230.35 (5) (a) shall be provided for in the compensation plan. The provisions shall include the rate or rates to be paid to employees and the standards for determining which employees receive such compensation.
230.12(7m)(7m)Pay adjustment filing requirements. Except as provided in the rules of the administrator and in the compensation plan, pay increases shall be made only on the dates prescribed under sub. (8). Appointing authorities shall at such times each year as specified by the secretary file with the administrator and with the secretary of administration a list of employees showing their then existing pay rates and their proposed new pay rates.
230.12(8)(8)Effective date of compensation adjustments. Except as provided in s. 20.923 (3), all compensation adjustments for state employees shall be effective on the beginning date of the pay period nearest the statutory or administrative date.
230.12(9)(9)Health insurance premium credits. The administrator may recommend to the joint committee on employment relations a program, administered by the department of employee trust funds, that provides health insurance premium credits to employees whose compensation is established under this section or s. 20.923 (2) or (3). The health insurance premium credits shall be used for the purchase of health insurance for a retired employee, or the retired employee’s surviving insured dependents; for an eligible employee under s. 40.02 (25) (b) 6e., or the eligible employee’s surviving insured dependents; for an employee who is laid off, but who is not on a temporary, school year, seasonal, or sessional layoff, and his or her surviving insured dependents; and for the surviving insured dependents of an employee who dies while employed by the state, and shall be based on the employee’s years of continuous service, accumulated unused sick leave and any other factor recommended by the director. Credits granted under the program to an employee who is laid off shall be available until the credits are exhausted, the employee is reemployed by the state, or 5 years have elapsed from the date of layoff, whichever occurs first. The approval process for the program is the same as that provided under sub. (3) (b) and the program shall be incorporated into the compensation plan under sub. (1).
230.12(10)(10)Deputy and assistant district attorney pay progression plan; calculation of base pay for certain assistant district attorneys.
230.12(10)(a)(a) There is established a pay progression plan for deputy and assistant district attorneys. The pay progression plan shall consist of 17 hourly salary steps, with each step equal to one-seventeenth of the difference between the lowest hourly salary and the highest hourly salary for the salary range for the position, as contained in the compensation plan. The pay progression plan shall be based entirely on merit.
230.12(10)(b)(b) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2013, all deputy and assistant district attorneys who have served with the state as deputy or assistant district attorneys for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013. All other deputy and assistant district attorneys, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013, when they have served with the state as deputy or assistant district attorneys for a continuous period of 12 months.
230.12(10)(c)(c) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2014, and with the first pay period that occurs on or after each succeeding July 1, all deputy and assistant district attorneys who have served with the state as deputy or assistant district attorneys for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of their supervising district attorney, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30. All other deputy and assistant district attorneys, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of their supervising district attorney, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30, when they have served with the state as deputy or assistant district attorneys for a continuous period of 12 months. No salary adjustment for a deputy or an assistant district attorney under this paragraph may exceed 10 percent of his or her base pay during a fiscal year.
230.12(10)(d)(d) Beginning on April 10, 2014, if a district attorney separates from that position and within 5 years is appointed to an assistant district attorney position, the person shall receive credit for his or her years of service as a district attorney and any years of service as an assistant district attorney, if applicable, for purposes of calculating his or her new base pay as an assistant district attorney.
230.12(11)(11)Assistant state public defender pay progression plan.
230.12(11)(a)(a) There is established a pay progression plan for assistant state public defenders. The pay progression plan shall consist of 17 hourly salary steps, with each step equal to one-seventeenth of the difference between the lowest hourly salary and the highest hourly salary for the salary range for assistant state public defenders contained in the compensation plan. The pay progression plan shall be based entirely on merit.
230.12(11)(b)(b) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2013, all assistant state public defenders who have served with the state as assistant state public defenders for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013. All other assistant state public defenders, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013, when they have served with the state as assistant state public defenders for a continuous period of 12 months.
230.12(11)(c)(c) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2014, and with the first pay period that occurs on or after each succeeding July 1, all assistant state public defenders who have served with the state as assistant state public defenders for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of the state public defender, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30. All other assistant state public defenders, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of the state public defender, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30, when they have served with the state as assistant state public defenders for a continuous period of 12 months. No salary adjustment for an assistant state public defender under this paragraph may exceed 10 percent of his or her base pay during a fiscal year.
230.12(12)(12)Assistant attorneys general pay progression plan.
230.12(12)(a)(a) There is established a pay progression plan for assistant attorneys general. The pay progression plan shall consist of 17 hourly salary steps, with each step equal to one-seventeenth of the difference between the lowest hourly salary and the highest hourly salary for the salary range for assistant attorneys general contained in the compensation plan. The pay progression plan shall be based entirely on merit.
230.12(12)(b)(b) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2013, all assistant attorneys general who have served with the state as assistant attorneys general for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013. All other assistant attorneys general, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, shall be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013, when they have served with the state as assistant attorneys general for a continuous period of 12 months.
230.12(12)(c)(c) Beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1, 2014, and with the first pay period that occurs on or after each succeeding July 1, all assistant attorneys general who have served with the state as assistant attorneys general for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of the attorney general, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30. All other assistant attorneys general, who are not paid the maximum hourly rate, may, at the discretion of the attorney general, be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the immediately preceding June 30, when they have served with the state as assistant attorneys general for a continuous period of 12 months. No salary adjustment for an assistant attorney general under this paragraph may exceed 10 percent of his or her base pay during a fiscal year.
230.12 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 55, 125, 215; 1971 c. 270 ss. 20, 27, 28, 30 to 32; 1971 c. 336; Stats. 1971 s. 16.086; 1973 c. 12, 51, 90; 1975 c. 28, 39, 199, 224; 1977 c. 29, 44; 1977 c. 196 ss. 36, 130 (3), (5), (11), 131; 1977 c. 272, 418, 449; Stats. 1977 s. 230.12; 1979 c. 221; 1981 c. 20 s. 2202 (33) (b); 1981 c. 153; 1983 a. 27 ss. 1611am to 1612am, 2200 (15); 1983 a. 140; 1985 a. 29, 34, 42, 119, 332; 1987 a. 33, 83, 340, 399, 403; 1989 a. 39, 56, 117, 119, 124, 153, 336, 359; 1991 a. 269; 1995 a. 37, 88; 1997 a. 14, 237; 1999 a. 42, 102; 2001 a. 16, 29, 35; 2003 a. 33, 91, 117; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 10, 32, 238; 2013 a. 20 ss. 2013m to 2015, 2365m, 9448; 2013 a. 207; 2015 a. 55, 58, 150; 2017 a. 366.