(27q) Penalty for converting agricultural land. The treatment of sections
777.48 and 77.485 of the statutes first applies to penalties imposed on January 1,
(29q) Combined reporting. The treatment of sections 71.25 (5) (a) 9. and 10.,
15(b) 1. and 2. and (9) (a), 71.255, 71.26 (3) (L) and (x) and (4), 71.29 (2), 71.44 (1) (e),
1671.46 (3), 71.48, and 71.84 (2) (a) of the statutes first applies to taxable years
17beginning on January 1, 2002.".
Limit on corporate income tax deduction. The treatment of section
2071.26 (3) (e) 1. of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1
21of the year in which this subsection takes effect, except that if this subsection takes
22effect after July 31 this act first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of
23the year following the year in which this subsection takes effect.".
(6g) Family violence option.
3(a) The treatment of section 49.152 (1) of the statutes first applies to petitions
4for review filed on the effective date of this paragraph.
5(b) The treatment of sections 49.145 (2) (f) 1. a. and b. and (n) 1. (intro.), 49.147
6(5) (b) 1. (intro.) and (5g), 49.1473, and 49.148 (1) (intro.), (a), (b) 1., 1m. (intro.), 3.,
7and 4., and (c) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of sections 49.145
8(2) (n) 3. and 49.147 (3) (c), (4) (b), and (5) (b) 2. of the statutes, and the creation of
9sections 49.145 (2) (n) 3. b. and 49.147 (3) (c) 3., (4) (b) 3., and (5) (b) 2. b. of the statutes
10first apply to Wisconsin works eligibility determinations made on the effective date
11of this paragraph.".
(c) The treatment of section 767.27 (2) and (2m) of the statutes first applies
15to actions in which a child or family support order under chapter 767 of the statutes,
16as affected by this act, including a revision order under section 767.32 of the statutes,
17as affected by this act, is granted on the effective date of this paragraph.".
(9q) Income calculation for Wisconsin works. The treatment of section
2049.145 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes first applies to eligibility determinations for the
21Wisconsin works program that are made on the effective date of this subsection.".
Wage claim liens. Notwithstanding section 109.09 (2) (c), 1999 stats., the
24treatment of section 109.09 (2) (c) of the statutes first applies to a lien under section
1109.09 (2) (a) of the statutes for wages earned on the effective date of this
(9f) Bonuses for Wisconsin works agency staff. The treatment of section
549.143 (2) (g) of the statutes first applies to contracts entered into, extended,
6modified, or renewed on the effective date of this subsection.".