Removal of member, 17.15 (5)
Vacancy, filling, 17.27 (3m)
Managed care programs, client management, 46.2804
Partnership program, insurance and medical assistance benefits, 49.45 (31)
Powers and duties of department, counties and and secretary, 46.281
Resource centers, 46.283, 46.285
Rule-making, 46.288
Medical home projects, 49.45 (24j)
Medical services and support programs:
AZT and pentamidine reimbursement program, 49.686
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.683
Hemophilia treatment services, 49.685
Kidney disease, aid for treatment, 49.68
Patient requirements, rebate agreements, cost containment, 49.687
Physical health risk assessment, 49.45 (57)
Recovery of aid and funeral expenses from estates, 49.682
State supplemental payments, 49.77
Mental health:
Consultation reimbursement, 49.45 (29y)
Early intervention services, birth to 3 participants, 49.45 (54)
Federal waiver, 46.99
In-home and community services, 49.45 (29w), (45)
Institutions for, coverage program, 49.45 (53m)
Licensed treatment professionals, services provided in schools, 49.45 (30c)
Mental health institute, services, 49.45 (30r)
Psychological services, community based, 49.45 (30e)
Treatment facility, certification to receive funds, 51.04
Delinquent taxpayers and unemployment insurance contributors, denial and revocation, 51.032
Midwife services, 49.45 (30x)
Milwaukee prenatal, postpartum and young child care coordination, 49.45 (44)
Nursing facility resident protection, 49.499
Nursing homes:
Operation by multiple political subdivisions not prohibited, 49.49 (7)
Payments to, 49.45 (6m)
Obstetric and gynecological care payments, 49.45 (8r)
Fraud, 946.61
Paternity, establishing, 49.45 (19)
Payment adjustments, federal funding for certain services, 49.45 (52)
Payments for certain services, 49.45 (53)
Payments to counties, 49.45 (3)
Penalties, 49.45 (11)
Personal care services, reimbursements, 49.45 (42)
Personal funds, 49.45 (7)
Pharmacy payment system, 49.45 (8v)
Pharmacist reimbursement, 49.45 (39m)
Physician practice payment pilot program, 49.45 (24g)
Plans of care, waiver application, 49.45 (37)
Preadmission screening and resident review, 49.45 (6c)
Pregnant woman, benefits, 49.465 (2)
Premiums, purchase plan, 49.472
Financial eligibility determinations, 46.269
Prescription drugs:
Assistance for elderly, 49.688
Cost control purchasing agreements, 49.45 (49m)
Prior authorization, 49.45 (49)
Presumptive eligibility, 49.465
Prescription drugs, abortion provider reimbursement billing, 49.45 (49g)
Primary care provider pilot, 49.45 (24)
Prohibited provider charges, penalties, 946.91 (5)
Business transfer, liability for repayments, 49.45 (21)
Certification of providers, 49.45 (16)
Child support delinquents; denial, nonrenewal, suspension, 49.48
Payment restrictions on institutions engaging in unfair labor practices, 111.18
Psychotherapy and alcohol and other drug abuse services, 49.45 (30f)
Purpose, 49.47 (1)
Recipients, community integration program for residents of state centers, 46.275
Financial eligibility determinations, 46.269
Recovery of payments:
Correct payments, 49.496, 49.849
Incorrect payments, payment recovery, 49.497, 49.85
Unpaid employer penalties, 49.497 (1r)
Rehabilitation, complex technology; use by recipients, 49.45 (9r)
Referrals, 49.45 (9m)
Rule-making powers of department, 49.45 (10)
Rural critical care access supplement, 49.45 (3p)
School medical services, 49.45 (39)
Skilled nursing facilities, requirements for, 49.498
Spousal maintenance and income protection, 49.455
State plan amendments and provider payments submission, 49.45 (2t)
Telehealth and communications technology, services provided through, 49.45 (61)
Tribal care coordination agreements, 49.45 (5g)
Trust fund, 25.77
Uninsured health plans, 49.493
Value-based purchasing, 49.45 (49r)
Violations, jurisdiction, report, 49.846
Wheelchair repairs, prior authorization prohibited, 49.45 (9p)
public assistance_4. relief block grants, american indians 4. Relief Block Grants, American Indians