115.52(3)(c)4.4. ‘Independent living skills.’ With the approval of the state superintendent, the program may allow individuals to receive instruction in and practice independent living skills in state-owned housing at the program’s facility in Delavan.
115.52(3)(d)(d) Provision of services. In addition to providing services at the program’s facility in Delavan, the program may provide services at any location in the state and may operate regional satellite facilities throughout the state to provide services.
115.52(4)(4)Nondiscrimination. All pupils in the program may equally and freely enjoy the benefits and privileges of the program, have the use of the library and books of instruction, and receive board, lodging, and linens, without discrimination, except that the director of the program may determine that board, lodging, and linens may not be provided to an individual because appropriate services are not available for that individual at the program’s residential facilities.
115.52(5)(5)Charges. The state superintendent may charge for meals, living quarters, laundry, and other services furnished to employees of the program and their families. The state superintendent may charge for services furnished to visitors to the program’s facilities and participants in training programs and institutes.
115.52(6)(6)Leasing of space. The state superintendent may lease space at the program’s facilities in Delavan that is not required by the program to any person if the state superintendent determines that the use will not be inconsistent with the operation of the program.
115.525115.525Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
115.525(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “center” means the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
115.525(1m)(1m)Purpose. The purpose of the center is to serve as a statewide educational resource relating to visual impairments to benefit all Wisconsin children who are visually impaired.
115.525(2)(2)Governance. The state superintendent shall maintain and govern the center. The state superintendent shall appoint an individual who has training and experience in educating pupils who are visually impaired to serve as the director of the center.
115.525(3)(3)Services. The center shall provide services that benefit children throughout the state who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(a)(a) School.
115.525(3)(a)1.1. ‘Residents 3 to 20 years old.’ The center shall operate a school at which any resident of this state 3 to 20 years old who is visually impaired, and for the duration of a school term any resident of this state who is visually impaired and becomes 21 years old during that school term, shall be received and taught free of charge if the individualized education program for the resident under s. 115.787 and the educational placement under s. 115.79 specify the school operated by the center as the appropriate placement.
115.525(3)(a)2.2. ‘Residents 21 years old or older.’ The state superintendent may admit to the school operated by the center a resident of the state who is visually impaired and is 21 years of age or older prior to the beginning of a school term upon the payment of fees fixed by the state superintendent and upon the recommendation of the secretary of health services, the director of the technical college system or the director of the center.
115.525(3)(a)3.3. ‘Nonresidents.’ A nonresident of this state, who is visually impaired, who either is 3 to 20 years old or becomes 21 years old during a school term, whose individualized education program under 20 USC 1414 (d) and educational placement specify the school operated by the center as the appropriate placement and who is capable of receiving instruction may be received at the school upon payment in advance of the fees fixed by the state superintendent, but no nonresident may be received to the exclusion of a resident pupil.
115.525(3)(a)4.4. ‘Pupil use of residential facilities.’ Except as provided in sub. (4), the director of the center shall make the residential facilities at the center available to all pupils received at the school operated by the center.
115.525(3)(a)5.5. ‘School term.’ The state superintendent shall fix the period of the school term at the school operated by the center at not less than 38 weeks, prescribe the school sessions and confer diplomas upon meritorious pupils who have completed the prescribed curriculum. Pursuant to a pupil’s individualized education program under s. 115.787, a pupil may be placed at the school for less than a school term.
115.525(3)(a)6.6. ‘Transportation.’ The center may provide transportation for resident pupils at the school operated by the center.
115.525(3)(b)(b) Other statewide services. The center may do any of the following:
115.525(3)(b)1.1. Provide testing, evaluation and assessment services to assist local educational agencies, cooperative educational service agencies and county children with disabilities education boards.
115.525(3)(b)2.2. Provide technical assistance and consultation services to entities such as local educational agencies, cooperative educational service agencies, county children with disabilities education boards, private schools, and tribal schools.
115.525(3)(b)3.3. Develop and disseminate curriculum and instructional materials.
115.525(3)(b)4.4. Provide in service and other training to teachers and other staff serving pupils who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(b)5.5. Provide training, technical assistance and consultation services for parents of children who are visually impaired and for professionals who work with children who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(b)6.6. Provide materials in braille, large print and other appropriate formats to children who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(b)7.7. Train teachers and braillists about braille codes and formats used by individuals who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(b)8.8. Loan books and other materials from the library described in par. (c) 2.
115.525(3)(b)9.9. Serve as a clearinghouse for information about children who are visually impaired, including information related to library resources, adapted materials and current research.
115.525(3)(b)10.10. Assist in providing assistive technology services, as defined in s. 115.76 (2), for pupils who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(b)11.11. Lend, rent or lease technological materials and assistive technology devices, as defined in s. 115.76 (1), to local educational agencies, cooperative educational service agencies and county children with disabilities education boards.
115.525(3)(b)12.12. Facilitate the preparation of teachers of pupils who are visually impaired by providing assistance to teacher preparation programs.
115.525(3)(b)13.13. Coordinate and collaborate with public and private agencies and organizations that provide services to individuals who are visually impaired, including the development of employment skills and opportunities.
115.525(3)(b)14.14. Provide other statewide services that relate to the education of children who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(c)(c) Additional services.
115.525(3)(c)1.1. ‘Birth to 2 services.’ The center may provide instruction or services, or both, for children who are under the age of 2 and are visually impaired and their parents. The instruction or services are subject to the approval of, and shall comply with requirements established by, the department.
115.525(3)(c)2.2. ‘Library.’ Embossed, clear type or large type books acquired by the center constitute a circulating collection for persons who are visually impaired. The collection shall be kept at the center and be under the supervision of its director. All school age children of the state who are visually impaired may use such books upon compliance with criteria established by the director of the center and approved by the state superintendent.
115.525(3)(c)3.3. ‘Summer programs.’ The center shall provide summer programs each year for children who are visually impaired.
115.525(3)(c)4.4. ‘Adult summer program.’ The center shall provide a summer program each year for adults who are visually impaired. The state superintendent may contract with other entities to provide this program.
115.525(3)(c)5.5. ‘Independent living skills.’ With the approval of the state superintendent, the center may use state-owned housing on the grounds of the center in Janesville as a facility in which individuals receive instruction in and practice independent living skills.
115.525(3)(d)(d) Provision of services. In addition to providing services at the center’s facility in Janesville, the center may provide services at any location in the state and may operate regional satellite facilities throughout the state to provide services.
115.525(4)(4)Nondiscrimination. All pupils at the center may equally and freely enjoy the benefits and privileges of the center, have the use of the library and books of instruction and receive board, lodging and laundry, without discrimination, except that the director of the center may determine that board, lodging and laundry may not be provided to an individual because appropriate services are not available for that individual at the center’s residential facilities.
115.525(5)(5)Charges. The state superintendent may charge for meals, living quarters, laundry and other services furnished to employees of the center and their families. The state superintendent may charge for services furnished to visitors at the center and participants in training programs and institutes.
115.525(6)(6)Leasing of space. The state superintendent may lease space at the center in Janesville that is not required by the center to any person if the state superintendent determines that the use will not be inconsistent with the operation of the center.
115.525 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 9; 2007 a. 20 s. 9121 (6) (a); 2009 a. 302; 2013 a. 8.
115.53115.53State superintendent; powers. The state superintendent may:
115.53(2)(2)Arrange for vocational, trade or academic training for any pupil in either the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired or the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing qualified to take such training advantageously, in either a public school or technical college or a private business establishment in Janesville or Delavan. The public school and the technical college shall be paid the regular tuition for full-time attendance and proportionally for part-time attendance by the school district responsible for the provision of a free appropriate public education under subch. V.
115.53(3)(3)Arrange for otological or ophthalmic examination of any pupil or prospective pupil of the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The examination shall be paid for from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (b), (gL), or (gs).
115.53(4)(4)Apply to the board of directors of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority for admission to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics of any pupil at the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The application shall be accompanied by the report of a physician appointed by the director of the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the director of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired and shall be in the same form as reports of other physicians for admission of patients to such hospital.
115.53(5)(5)Arrange for visits by members of the staff of either the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired to other public schools or to families of children who are hearing impaired or children who are visually impaired, whenever it appears to the state superintendent that such visits will be of advantage to such children.
115.53(6)(6)Charge the school district responsible for a pupil’s placement in a school under this subchapter for the costs of transporting the pupil to and from the pupil’s home on weekends. All fees received under this subsection shall be deposited in the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (gt).
115.53 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PI 12, Wis. adm. code.
115.53 AnnotationThe state superintendent does not have the authority to determine whether public schools are segregated or the authority to take enforceable action to desegregate public schools. 65 Atty. Gen. 282.
115.54115.54Compulsory education. If it appears, by affidavit, to any circuit judge that any child who is either hearing impaired or visually impaired and who is between the ages of 6 and 21 is deprived of a suitable education by the failure of the person having the care and custody of the child to provide a suitable education, the judge shall order the person to bring the child before the judge. If the material allegations of the affidavit are denied, the judge shall subpoena witnesses and hear testimony. If the allegations are admitted or established, the judge may order the child sent to the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired or to some class or other school for instruction, but the order may not make a direct charge for the class or school against any county.
115.54 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 449; 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 57.
115.58115.58Park grounds. The state superintendent may permit the city of Janesville to use portions of the grounds of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired at Janesville, which abut on the Rock river, for purposes of operating a city park. Any construction on such grounds is subject to prior approval by the state superintendent. Any agreement pursuant hereto shall be cancelable at the option of either party without liability. Any such grounds so used by the city of Janesville shall be supervised by the city and shall be subject to the ordinances of the city of Janesville applicable to city parks.
115.58 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 27 s. 9145 (1); 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9.
115.71115.71Definitions. In this subchapter:
115.71(1)(1)“Alternative school” means any nonsectarian private school or tribally operated school in this state which complies with the requirements of 42 USC 2000d and in which at least 75 percent of the pupils enrolled are American Indians.
115.71(2)(2)“American Indian” means any person who is:
115.71(2)(a)(a) A member of a tribe, band or other organized group of Indians, including those tribes, bands or groups terminated since 1940, or who is a descendant in the first or 2nd degree of any such member;
115.71(2)(b)(b) Considered by the federal government, on May 22, 1980, to be an Indian for any purpose;
115.71(2)(c)(c) An Eskimo, Aleut or other Alaska native; or
115.71(2)(d)(d) Determined to be an Indian under rules promulgated by the state superintendent under s. 115.28 (17) (c).
115.71(4)(4)“Home school coordinator” means a person employed by the school district to promote communication between the school and the American Indian community.
115.71(5)(5)“Tribal education authority” means the educational authority of a tribe, band or other organized group of American Indians, which may be vested in a tribal department or division of education, a tribal school board, a tribal education committee or any similar body.
115.71 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 346; 1981 c. 314 s. 146; 1995 a. 27 s. 9145 (1); 1997 a. 27.
115.72115.72Establishment of programs.
115.72(1)(1)Any school district enrolling American Indian pupils, or alternative school, may establish, on a voluntary basis, an American Indian language and culture education program. The program shall be designed to:
115.72(1)(a)(a) Make the school curriculum more relevant to the needs, interests and cultural heritage of American Indian pupils.
115.72(1)(b)(b) Provide reinforcement of the positive self-image of American Indian pupils.
115.72(1)(c)(c) Develop intercultural awareness among pupils, parents and staff.
115.72(2)(2)The American Indian language and culture education program may include:
115.72(2)(a)(a) Instruction in American Indian language, literature, history and culture.
115.72(2)(b)(b) In-service training and technical assistance for staff in regard to methods of teaching American Indian pupils.
115.72(2)(c)(c) Vocational education and counseling for American Indian pupils.
115.72(2)(d)(d) Modification of curriculum, instructional methods and administrative procedures to meet the needs of American Indian pupils.
115.72(2)(e)(e) Tests of the academic achievement of the American Indian pupils enrolled.
115.72(2)(f)(f) Identification of the educational needs of the American Indian pupils enrolled.
115.72(2)(g)(g) Classification of American Indian pupils enrolled by grade, level of education, age and achievement.
115.72(3)(3)The school board of a district establishing an American Indian language and culture education program may designate the school or schools in which the program shall be offered. The parent or guardian of an American Indian pupil may transfer the pupil to the school in which the program is offered, if it is in the same district, in order for the pupil to participate in the program.
115.72(4)(4)American Indian language and culture education programs established under this subchapter shall be located in school facilities in which regular classes in a variety of subjects are offered on a daily basis.
115.72 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 346.
115.73115.73Program requirements.
115.73(1)(1)Each school district and alternative school, before establishing a program under this subchapter, shall develop a plan which:
115.73(1)(a)(a) Identifies the activities, methods and programs to be used to meet the identified educational needs of the pupils to be enrolled in the program.
115.73(1)(b)(b) Describes how the program will be organized, staffed, coordinated and evaluated.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)