120.02(3)(a)3.3. An allocation of the number of candidates to be elected to 1, 2 and 3 year terms at the first election, the 3-year terms to be filled by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the highest number of votes, the 2-year terms to be filled by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the next highest number of votes and the 1-year terms to be filled by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the next highest number of votes.
120.02(3)(b)(b) In case of a tie vote in the election of school board members, the election shall be determined by lot and the loser by lot shall become next in order of election if additional positions on the school board are to be filled.
120.02(3)(c)(c) The tenure of school board members whose terms have not expired shall not be affected.
120.02(3)(d)(d) If a school board in its order changing a school district type under s. 117.27 designates a school board of 5, 7 or 9 members, it shall prepare a plan for allocating terms in accordance with this subsection.
120.02(3)(e)(e) Whenever a school district with more than 3 school board members votes to reduce the number of school board members, one less school board member shall be elected annually thereafter until the school board is reduced to the approved number of members, but not less than one member shall be elected each year.
120.02(4)(4)Election to numbered seats. If, at least 30 days prior to the day of the annual meeting, in a common or union high school district, or at least 70 days prior to the day of the election of school board members in a unified school district, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 which sets forth a plan for the assignment of a number to each seat on the school board is filed with the school district clerk, the school district clerk shall incorporate notice of receipt of such petition in the notice of the annual meeting or election required under s. 120.06 (8) (c). The petition shall be signed by not less than 100 electors residing in the school district, except that in school districts which contain, in whole or in part, a city of the 2nd or 3rd class in which one or more electors of the school district reside, the petition shall be signed by not less than 500 electors residing in the school district. If a majority vote of the annual meeting or election approves the plan set forth in the petition, the plan shall remain in operation until revised by the same procedure.
120.05120.05School board officials.
120.05(1)(a)(a) The members of a school board shall be the officers of a school district.
120.05(1)(b)(b) In the case of a 3-member school board, the school district president, treasurer and clerk shall constitute the school board. At the first election of a 3-member school board, the clerk shall be elected for a one-year term, the treasurer for a 2-year term and the president for a 3-year term.
120.05(1)(c)(c) In the case of a school board with more than 3 members, the school board shall annually elect a school district president, vice president, treasurer and clerk from among its members at a school board meeting held on or within 30 days after the 4th Monday in April.
120.05(1)(d)(d) A school district officer shall be a resident of the school district in which the officer serves. A school district officer who represents an apportioned area pursuant to a plan adopted under s. 120.02 (2) shall be a resident of the apportioned area for which he or she is elected or appointed at the time the officer takes the oath of office. If a school district officer who represents an apportioned area ceases to be a resident of that area after beginning his or her term but continues to be a resident of the school district, the officer may continue to serve for the balance of the term for which he or she was elected or appointed.
120.05(2)(2)If the territory of a common school district and a union high school district is identical, the school board of the common school district shall constitute the school board of the union high school district.
120.05(3)(3)If the school district president, vice president, treasurer or clerk of any school board is unable to discharge the duties of the office due to disability or absence, the school board may appoint a person to discharge the duties of such person until the disability or absence no longer exists. In the case of a 3-member school board the appointee shall be an elector of the school district. In the case of a larger school board the appointee for the president shall be the vice president and the appointee for the other officers shall be another school board member. The school board shall determine the compensation of such appointees. A person acting as school district clerk or school district treasurer shall have the powers of a deputy and shall take and file an official bond covering the person’s acts unless the bond of such officer includes a bond for the officer’s deputy. This subsection does not apply to vacancies caused by absence from the school district for a period exceeding 60 days covered by s. 17.03 (4m).
120.05 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 138 s. 13; 1975 c. 199; Stats. 1975 s. 120.05; 1979 c. 173; 1985 a. 218, 304; 2017 a. 365.
120.05 AnnotationThe offices of president of a common school district board and chairperson of a town board within the district and the offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74 Atty. Gen. 50.
120.06120.06Election of school board members. In a common or union high school district:
120.06(1)(1)The school board shall be elected at the spring election.
120.06(2)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), school board members shall be electors of the school district and shall be elected at large by a plurality vote of the electors of the school district.
120.06(2)(b)(b) School board members elected to a school board in an election under s. 117.22 (2) (bm) shall reside in the territory of the school district created by the reorganization.
120.06(3)(3)The regular terms of school board members shall be 3 years, except as otherwise provided under s. 17.26.
120.06(4)(4)School board members elected for regular or unexpired terms shall take office, provided they have taken and filed the official oath, on the 4th Monday in April.
120.06(6)(a)(a) In a school district which does not contain territory lying within a 2nd class city, the school board may, or in a common or union high school district the school board or annual meeting may, by resolution adopted not later than the last Tuesday in November preceding an election for members of the school board, require that nomination papers be filed by all candidates seeking election to the school board. If the school board or annual meeting has previously required the filing of nomination papers in such a school district, the body imposing the requirement may, by similar resolution adopted not later than the last Tuesday in November preceding an election for members of the school board, rescind the requirement.
120.06(6)(b)1.1. No later than the 4th Tuesday in November prior to the spring election, the school district clerk shall publish a type A notice of the school district election under s. 10.01 (2) (a).
120.06(6)(b)2.2. Except as authorized in this paragraph, no later than 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January prior to the spring election, or on the next day if Tuesday is a holiday, any qualified elector of the school district may file a sworn declaration of candidacy with the school district clerk in the form provided in s. 8.21 at the place specified in the notice. If the school district contains territory lying within a 2nd class city, or if the school board or annual meeting requires nomination papers under par. (a), any qualified elector of the school district who desires to be a candidate shall in addition file nomination papers in the form prescribed under s. 8.10 (2) and (3) with the school district clerk at the place specified in the notice.
120.06(6)(b)3.3. If an incumbent fails to file a declaration of candidacy, and nomination papers, where required, within the time prescribed by this paragraph, all candidates for the office held by the incumbent, other than the incumbent, may file a declaration of candidacy and nomination papers, where required, no later than 72 hours after the latest time prescribed in this paragraph. No extension of the time for filing a declaration of candidacy or nomination papers applies if the incumbent files written notification with the school district clerk, no later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Friday preceding the latest time prescribed in this paragraph for filing declarations of candidacy, that the incumbent is not a candidate for reelection to his or her office, and the incumbent does not file a declaration of candidacy for that office within the time prescribed in this paragraph.
120.06(6)(b)3m.3m. If, under subd. 3., an incumbent files written notification that the incumbent is not a candidate for reelection to his or her office or fails to file a declaration of candidacy within the time prescribed by this paragraph, the school district clerk shall promptly provide public notice of that fact on the school district’s Internet site or, if the school district does not maintain an Internet site, by posting notices in at least 3 different locations within the school district.
120.06(6)(b)4.4. In the case of a 3-member school board, the qualified elector shall state in his or her declaration of candidacy and on the face of his or her nomination papers, if any, the office for which the elector is a candidate. In the case of an apportioned or numbered school board, the qualified elector shall state in his or her declaration of candidacy and on the face of his or her nomination papers, if any, the apportioned area or numbered seat for which the elector is a candidate.
120.06(6)(b)5.5. If a candidate has not filed a registration statement under s. 11.0202 (1) (a) by the time he or she files a declaration of candidacy, the candidate shall file the statement with the declaration. A candidate shall file an amended declaration under oath with the school district clerk in the event of a change in any information provided in the declaration as provided in s. 8.21.
120.06(7)(a)(a) No later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the school district clerk shall verify the declarations of candidacy and certify the names of candidates who have filed valid nomination papers, where required, and who qualify for office. In making verifications or certifications, the school district clerk shall designate the form of each candidate’s name to appear on the ballot in the manner prescribed in s. 7.08 (2) (a). Once filed, a declaration of candidacy or nomination papers may not be withdrawn.
120.06(7)(b)(b) The school board shall require a primary election if there are more than 2 candidates for any seat on a 3-member board or more than twice as many candidates as there are members to be elected to an unnumbered school board of more than 3 members. In school districts in which a plan of apportionment of school board members under s. 120.02 (2), an apportionment plan that apportions the territory of the school district into election districts under s. 120.42 (1m), or a plan for election of school board members to numbered seats has been adopted, the school board shall require a primary election for particular apportioned areas for which there are more than twice as many candidates as there are members to be elected and for any numbered seat for which there are more than 2 candidates. When there is a primary election it shall be held in conjunction with the spring primary.
120.06(8)(8)The school district clerk shall do all of the following:
120.06(8)(a)(a) Notify the municipal clerk of each municipality lying wholly or partially within the school district of the primary election if one is to be held and of the spring election and furnish those municipal clerks with a copy of the notice of the school board election.
120.06(8)(b)(b) Determine for the primary, if any, and again for the spring election the order in which the names of candidates shall appear on the ballot by supervising the drawing of lots not later than the 2nd Tuesday in January, or the next day if the first Tuesday is a holiday, and the 2nd day following the completion of the canvass of the primary election, if any.
120.06(8)(c)(c) Cause to be given a class 1 notice, in accordance with ch. 985, on the Monday before the primary election, if one is to be held, and on the Monday before the spring election. If publication is made in a newspaper which does not publish on Monday, publication shall be made on the closest preceding day on which the newspaper publishes. If the school district clerk determines that due to the method of delivering newspapers in the school district more effective notice will be provided by publication at an earlier date, the school district clerk may publish the notice not earlier than 3 days before the primary or election. The notice shall contain the following information:
120.06(8)(c)1.1. The date of the election.
120.06(8)(c)2.2. The names of all candidates in the order in which they are listed on the ballot.
120.06(8)(c)3.3. The location and open hours of polling places and a designation of which persons should vote at each polling place.
120.06(8)(c)4.4. A facsimile ballot and the relevant portions of the voting instructions under s. 10.02 (3).
120.06(8)(d)(d) Where paper ballots are utilized at a spring primary or election, provide the municipal clerk an adequate supply of ballots for the primary or election at least 22 days before the primary or election.
120.06(8)(e)(e) Receive all ballots after they have been counted, reported and secured.
120.06(8)(f)(f) After the spring primary, if any, after the spring election, and after any special primary, election or referendum, assure that the returns are canvassed as provided in sub. (14) and s. 7.53 (3).
120.06(8)(g)(g) Retain and supervise the destruction of election materials from the primary, if any, and the spring election pursuant to s. 7.23 insofar as applicable.
120.06(8)(h)(h) Whenever a recount of a primary or other election is required, assure that the recount is conducted by the municipal and school district boards of canvassers pursuant to s. 9.01.
120.06(9)(a)(a) The primary and spring elections for school board members shall be conducted by the election officials for state and municipal elections. In a school board election or referendum held in conjunction with a state, county, municipal, or judicial election, the polling places for the state, county, municipal, or judicial election shall be the polling places for the school board election or referendum, and the municipal election hours shall apply. If no state, county, municipal, or judicial election is held on the day of the school board election or referendum, the school board may select the polling places to be used. The election costs shall be charged as provided in ss. 5.68 and 7.03.
120.06(9)(b)(b) The school board may not select a polling place to be closed under par. (a) if:
120.06(9)(b)1.1. Ten percent or more of the electors voting in the last school board election voted at the polling place; or
120.06(9)(b)2.2. The polling place is located in a municipality which is located entirely within the school district.
120.06(9)(c)(c) The school board shall post a notice on the door of any polling place not selected indicating all polling places selected and open for voting.
120.06(10)(10)Within 8 days after the election or appointment of any person to the school board, the school district clerk shall notify the person of his or her election or appointment. Notice of election shall be provided in the manner prescribed in s. 7.53 (3) (a). On or prior to the day provided for taking office, a school board member shall take and file the official oath.
120.06(11)(11)The absentee ballot provisions of ss. 6.84 to 6.89 apply to elections under this section. Voting machines or an electronic voting system shall be used in any city, village or town lying wholly or partially within a school district conducting an election under this section if the machines or system are required under s. 5.40.
120.06(12)(12)An election in accordance with s. 17.26 to fill an unexpired term on a school board shall be held in the same manner as a regular school board election is held. In the case of a school board of more than 3 members, elections to fill unexpired terms shall be held simultaneously with the elections for regular terms, the regular terms to be filled by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the highest number of votes and the unexpired terms to be filled by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the next highest number of votes.
120.06(13)(13)A person attempting to vote at an election of school board members may be challenged as provided in s. 6.92, 6.925 or 120.08 (3).
120.06(14)(14)The school district clerk shall receive the returns of each school district election, as compiled by the inspectors at each polling place of each municipality in which the school district is contained, from the municipal clerk of that municipality. The school district shall then canvass and determine the results of the election.
120.06(15)(15)Unless otherwise provided by this chapter, s. 117.22, or other applicable law, the elections for school board members shall be guided by the municipal election laws.
120.07120.07School board member; refusal of salary.
120.07(1)(1)In this section:
120.07(1)(a)(a) “Salary” means the annual salary for a school board member or the amount for each school board meeting the school board member actually attends.
120.07(1)(b)(b) “School board member” includes a school board member-elect.
120.07(2)(a)1.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 120.10 (3), a school board member may send written notification to the school district clerk and the school district treasurer that the school board member wishes to refuse to accept the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive.
120.07(2)(a)2.a.a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b., for the taxable year in which the school board member’s election is certified or the board member is appointed under s. 17.26, the school board member shall send the notification no later than the day on which the board member takes the official oath of office and before the board member performs any services in his or her capacity as a board member. The notification applies only to the taxable year in which the school board member’s election is certified.
120.07(2)(a)2.b.b. If the school board member’s current taxable year ends within 3 months of the day on which the board member’s election is certified or the board member is appointed to the board, the notification applies until the end of his or her next taxable year.
120.07(2)(a)3.3. Except as provided in subd. 2., a school board member shall send the notification at least 30 days before the start of the school board member’s next taxable year and the notification applies only to that taxable year. A school board member may renew his or her refusal by sending a notification annually as provided in this subdivision.
120.07(2)(a)4.4. A school board member may not rescind a notification sent under this paragraph.
120.07(2)(b)1.1. If a school district clerk and school district treasurer receive a notification under par. (a), the school district treasurer may not pay the school board member the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive during the time period to which the notification applies, beginning with the first pay period that commences after the notification applies.
120.07(2)(b)2.2. If a school board member’s notification no longer applies, the school district treasurer shall pay the school board member any salary that he or she is entitled to receive, beginning with the first pay period that commences after the expiration of the notification.
120.07 HistoryHistory: 2017 a. 9.
120.08120.08School district meetings. Every elector of a common or union high school district is eligible to vote at an annual or special meeting of the school district.
120.08(1)(1)Annual meeting.
120.08(1)(a)(a) Common school districts shall hold an annual meeting on the 4th Monday in July at 8 p.m. and union high school districts shall hold an annual meeting on the 3rd Monday in July at 8 p.m. unless the electors at one annual meeting determine to thereafter hold the annual meeting on a different date or hour, or authorize the school board to establish a different date or hour. No annual meeting may be held before May 15 or after October 31. The first school district meeting in a common or union high school district created under s. 117.08, 117.09, or 117.27 shall be considered an annual meeting.
120.08(1)(b)(b) The place of the annual meeting shall be in a schoolhouse in the school district. If a schoolhouse which will accommodate the electors is not available, the place of the annual meeting shall be the nearest available place designated by the school board.
120.08(1)(c)(c) The school district clerk shall publish a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, of the time and place of the annual meeting, the last insertion to be not more than 8 days nor less than one day before the annual meeting. The school district clerk shall give like notice for any adjourned meeting, if the adjournment is for more than 30 days. No annual meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of notice.
120.08(2)(2)Special meeting.
120.08(2)(a)(a) Upon petition filed with the school district clerk signed by 3 percent of the electors residing in the school district or 100 electors, whichever is fewer, or upon the motion of the school board in a common or union high school district, a special meeting shall be called by the school district clerk or, in his or her absence, by the school district president or school district treasurer. If the petition includes a subject beyond the power of the special meeting to transact, the school district clerk shall reject such subject and so notify each elector signing the petition.
120.08(2)(b)(b) Notice of a special meeting shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985. The last insertion shall be not more than 8 days nor less than one day before the day of the special meeting. If no hour for the special meeting is fixed in the notice, it shall be held at 8 p.m.
120.08(2)(c)(c) A special meeting has the powers of the annual meeting. No more than 2 special meetings may be held between annual meetings to consider or act upon the same subject, except that in counties having a population of 750,000 or more no more than 4 such meetings may be held. No tax may be voted at a special meeting, unless notice thereof is included in the notice under par. (b). The amount of the tax proposed to be voted shall be set forth in the notice. The special meeting may vote a tax of a lesser amount than stated in the notice, but not a greater amount.
120.08(3)(3)Challenge. If a person attempting to vote at an annual or special meeting is challenged, the chairperson of the meeting shall state to the person challenged the qualifications necessary to vote at the meeting. If such person declares that he or she is eligible to vote and if such challenge is not withdrawn, the chairperson shall administer the following oath or affirmation to him or her: “You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you are an actual resident of this school district and that you are qualified, according to law, to vote at this meeting”. A person taking such oath or affirmation shall be permitted to vote, but if that person refuses to take such oath or affirmation that person may not vote.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)