196.795(2)(d)(d) The commission shall hold a hearing concerning an application for a certificate of approval to form a holding company under this subsection. The hearing may not be a hearing under s. 227.42 or 227.44.
196.795(2)(e)(e) No later than 120 days after an application has been docketed under par. (c), the commission shall issue its findings of fact, conclusions of law and special order approving or rejecting the application. The commission shall issue a certificate of approval to form a holding company unless it finds that the formation of the holding company would materially harm the interests of utility consumers or investors. The commission, in issuing a certificate of approval under this subsection, may only impose terms, limitations or conditions on such approval which are consistent with and necessary to satisfy the requirements of sub. (5) (b) to (s).
196.795(2)(f)(f) At any time subsequent to the time the commission approves the formation of a holding company under par. (e), the commission may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, modify any term, limitation or condition imposed under par. (e) or add any limitation, term or condition under par. (e). Any term, limitation or condition modified or added under this paragraph shall be consistent with and necessary to satisfy the requirements of sub. (5) (b) to (s).
196.795(3)(3)Takeovers. No person may take, hold or acquire, directly or indirectly, more than 10 percent of the outstanding voting securities of a holding company, with the unconditional power to vote those securities, unless the commission has determined, after investigation and an opportunity for hearing, that the taking, holding or acquiring is in the best interests of utility consumers, investors and the public. This subsection does not apply to the taking, holding or acquiring of the voting securities of any holding company existing before November 28, 1985, if such holding company is a company which provides public utility service.
196.795(4)(4)Capital impairment. If the commission finds that the capital of any public utility affiliate will be impaired by the payment of a dividend, the commission may, after an investigation and opportunity for hearing, order the public utility affiliate to limit or cease the payment of dividends to the holding company until the potential for impairment is eliminated.
196.795(5)(5)Regulation of holding company systems.
196.795(5)(a)(a) No holding company which is not a public utility and no nonutility affiliate is subject to any regulatory power of the commission except under this section, ss. 196.52, 196.525 and 196.84 and except under ch. 201 if the commission has made a determination under sub. (7) (a) which makes such holding company a public service corporation, as defined under s. 201.01 (2).
196.795(5)(b)(b) The commission has full access to any book, record, document or other information relating to a holding company system to the extent that such information is relevant to the performance of the commission’s duties under ch. 201, this chapter or any other statute applicable to the public utility affiliate. The commission may require a holding company to keep any record or document which is necessary for the commission to perform its duties under this section and which is consistent with generally accepted accounting and record-keeping practices of the particular type of business involved. Any information obtained under this paragraph is subject to sub. (9), when applicable.
196.795(5)(c)(c) No public utility affiliate may lend money to any holding company which is not a public utility or to any nonutility affiliate with which it is in the holding company system.
196.795(5)(d)(d) No public utility affiliate may guarantee the obligations of any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system.
196.795(5)(dm)(dm) No public utility affiliate may provide utility service to any consumer of such public utility service or to any nonutility affiliate with which the public utility affiliate is in a holding company system except on the same terms or conditions that it provides such utility service to consumers in the same class.
196.795(5)(dr)(dr) No public utility affiliate may provide any nonutility product or service in a manner or at a price that unfairly discriminates against any competing provider of the product or service.
196.795(5)(f)(f) No nonutility activity of any holding company or nonutility affiliate may be subsidized materially by the consumers of any public utility affiliate with which the holding company or nonutility affiliate is in the holding company system. No public utility activity of any holding company or public utility affiliate may be subsidized materially by the nonutility activities of the holding company or any of its nonutility affiliates.
196.795(5)(g)(g) No holding company system may be operated in any way which materially impairs the credit, ability to acquire capital on reasonable terms or ability to provide safe, reasonable, reliable and adequate utility service of any public utility affiliate in the holding company system.
196.795(5)(h)(h) No public utility affiliate may transfer to any company with which it is in a holding company any confidential public utility information, including but not limited to customer lists, which will be transferred or used for any nonutility purpose by any holding company or nonutility affiliate unless the public utility affiliate has applied for and received the written approval of the commission for the transfer. The commission shall condition approval of such a transfer upon the applicant’s providing adequate notice of the availability of such information to the public and making the information available to any person at a cost not to exceed the cost of reproduction. The commission may not approve any transfer which would foster unfair or discriminatory business practices, or which would destroy or hamper competition through conduct which violates ch. 133 or any other applicable state or federal antitrust law.
196.795(5)(i)(i) In its determination of any rate change proposed by a public utility affiliate under s. 196.20, the commission:
196.795(5)(i)1.1. Shall consider the public utility affiliate as a wholly independent corporation and shall impute a capital structure to the public utility affiliate and establish a cost of capital for the public utility affiliate on a stand-alone basis;
196.795(5)(i)2.2. May not attribute to that public utility affiliate any tax benefit or other benefit or tax liability or other liability resulting from the operations of the holding company or of any subsidiary of the holding company; and
196.795(5)(i)3.3. May not attribute to the holding company or to any subsidiary of the holding company any tax benefit or other benefit or tax liability or other liability resulting from the operations of that public utility affiliate.
196.795(5)(j)(j) Every public utility affiliate is subject to every law, regulation and precedent applicable to the regulation of public utilities.
196.795(5)(k)1.1. Except as provided under subd. 2. or 3., no public utility affiliate may transfer, sell, or lease to any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system any real property which, on or after November 28, 1985, is held or used for provision of utility service except by public sale or offering to the highest qualified bidder.
196.795(5)(k)2.2. A public utility affiliate may lease or rent office space to a holding company or any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system at not less than fair market value. A public utility affiliate may transfer real property which is contiguous to and used by the public utility affiliate for providing public access to a federally licensed hydroelectric project to a nonutility affiliate.
196.795(5)(k)3.3. For the purpose of implementing a leased generation contract, as defined in s. 196.52 (9) (a) 3., that is approved under s. 196.52 (3), a public utility affiliate may transfer to a nonutility affiliate, at book value determined on the basis of the regulated books of account at the time of the transfer, any of the following:
196.795(5)(k)3.a.a. Land that is held or used for the provision of utility service.
196.795(5)(k)3.b.b. Electric generating equipment or associated facilities that are located on the land on which an electric generating facility subject to a leased generation contract is to be constructed, and that are part of an electric generating facility on that land that is no longer used or useful for the provision of utility service and that has been retired from the provision of utility service.
196.795(5)(L)(L) Any holding company which is incorporated shall be incorporated under ch. 180.
196.795 NoteNOTE: Par. (L) was held to be unconstitutional by the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Alliant Energy Corporation v. Bie, 330 F.3d 904 (2003).
196.795(5)(m)1.1. No holding company system may take any action to terminate its interest in a public utility affiliate without notice to and approval of the commission. If the commission grants approval, it may impose conditions with respect to the division and allocation of plant, equipment, resources and any other asset necessary to protect the interests of utility consumers and investors and the public.
196.795(5)(m)2.2. If a holding company system terminates its interest under subd. 1. in all public utility affiliates with which it is in a holding company system, no company remaining in the holding company system is subject to any regulatory power of the commission.
196.795(5)(n)(n) A public utility affiliate may not engage in any combined advertising, directly or indirectly, with any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system within this state except for purposes of corporate identification and noncompetitive purposes.
196.795(5)(o)(o) The assets of every company in a holding company system shall be as recorded on the books of accounting record of the company, net of any applicable valuation accounts, including but not limited to accumulated depreciation and allowance for uncollectible accounts, as of the end of the prior year.
196.795(5)(q)1.1. No nonutility affiliate or joint venture or partnership with a nonutility affiliate as a member or partner may, in the service territory of a public utility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system, sell at retail, lease, install, maintain or service any appliance that uses as its primary energy source energy supplied by that public utility affiliate under rates and tariffs approved by the commission, if the appliance is, or is intended to be, located in any building used primarily for residential occupancy or in any commercial building unless the building is owned or operated by the holding company or by its nonutility affiliates or unless the commission determines, after notice and hearing, that the selling at retail, leasing, installing, maintaining or servicing of the appliance will not do any of the following:
196.795(5)(q)1.a.a. So as to violate ch. 133 or any other applicable state or federal antitrust law, lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly, restrain trade or constitute an unfair business practice.
196.795(5)(q)1.b.b. Make use of any customer list, other confidential information, logo or trademark obtained from a public utility affiliate in a manner unfair to competitors.
196.795(5)(q)2.2. Except as provided under subd. 3., no public utility affiliate or its subsidiary or joint venture or partnership having a utility affiliate or its subsidiary as a member or partner may, in the service territory of the public utility affiliate, sell at retail, lease, install, maintain or service any appliance that uses as its primary energy source energy supplied by that public utility affiliate under rates and tariffs approved by the commission, unless the appliance is located in facilities owned or operated by that public utility affiliate or its subsidiary or unless the appliance is sold, leased, installed, maintained or serviced:
196.795(5)(q)2.a.a. In response to circumstances which reasonably appear to the public utility affiliate or its subsidiary to endanger human health or life or property;
196.795(5)(q)2.b.b. Under any appliance sale or service plan or program in effect on March 1, 1985; or
196.795(5)(q)2.c.c. Under any energy conservation or other program which a state law, state agency, federal law or federal agency requires the public utility or public utility affiliate to perform.
196.795(5)(q)3.3. Notwithstanding subd. 2., a public utility affiliate or its subsidiary may sell, lease, install, maintain or service an appliance which is in its public utility service territory and which uses as its primary energy source energy supplied by the public utility affiliate under rates and tariffs approved by the commission if:
196.795(5)(q)3.a.a. The installation, maintenance or service of the appliance is performed by an independent contractor which is not in the holding company system of the public utility affiliate and which is regularly engaged in, qualified and, if required by any state or local governmental unit, licensed to perform heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical or plumbing work; or
196.795(5)(q)3.b.b. The commission determines, after notice and hearing, that the sale, lease, installation, maintenance or service of the appliance, if conducted by the public utility affiliate’s employees or by the employees of the public utility affiliate’s subsidiary, will not, so as to violate ch. 133 or any other applicable state or federal antitrust law, lessen competition, tend to create a monopoly, restrain trade or constitute an unfair business practice.
196.795(5)(q)4.4. No nonutility affiliate may sell at wholesale to any person any appliance, except a swimming pool or spa heater, for delivery in this state unless the nonutility affiliate is engaged in the production, manufacture, fabrication or assembly of any component part of the appliance.
196.795(5)(r)(r) No public utility affiliate may permit the use of any public utility affiliate employee’s services by any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system except by contract or arrangement. Any such contract or arrangement made or entered into on or after November 28, 1985, for the use of any public utility affiliate employee’s services by a nonutility affiliate shall have prior written approval of the commission before it is effective. The commission shall approve such contract or arrangement if it is established upon investigation that the nonutility affiliate will compensate the public utility affiliate for the use of the employee’s services at the fair market value of the employee’s service and that the nonutility affiliate’s use of the employee’s services will not result in unjust discrimination against, or have an anticompetitive impact on, any competitor of the nonutility affiliate. The commission may not approve any such contract or arrangement if it determines that the potential burden of administering such contract or arrangement is greater than the potential benefits to the public utility affiliate’s customers or if it determines that the public utility affiliate has not minimized the use of such employees by nonutility affiliates in the holding company system. Any contract or arrangement in effect on November 28, 1985, for the continued or future use of any public utility affiliate employee’s services by a nonutility affiliate approved under s. 196.52 shall be resubmitted for approval by the commission under this paragraph within 90 days after November 28, 1985. Such contract or arrangement, if approved by the commission, shall take effect within 60 days after the date of approval.
196.795(5)(s)(s) In this paragraph, “property” means any equipment, facilities, property or other nonmonetary item of value except real property and utility service which is provided by the public utility affiliate on the same terms or conditions to all consumers in the same class. No public utility affiliate may sell, lease, transfer to or exchange with any nonutility affiliate with which it is in a holding company system any property except by contract or arrangement. Any such contract or arrangement made or entered into on or after November 28, 1985, for the sale, use, transfer or exchange of any public utility affiliate’s property by a nonutility affiliate shall have the prior written approval of the commission before it is effective. The commission shall approve such contract or arrangement if it is established upon investigation that the nonutility affiliate will compensate the public utility affiliate for selling, leasing, transferring to or exchanging with the nonutility affiliate any property at the fair market value of the property and that the nonutility affiliate’s acquisition or lease of the property will not result in unjust discrimination against, or have an anticompetitive impact on, any competitor of the nonutility affiliate. The commission may not approve any such contract or arrangement if it determines that the potential burden of administering such contract or arrangement is greater than the potential benefits to the public utility affiliate’s customers or if it determines that the public utility affiliate has not minimized selling, leasing, transferring to or exchanging with nonutility affiliates in the holding company system such property. Any contract or arrangement which is in effect on November 28, 1985, for a public utility affiliate to sell, lease, transfer to or exchange with a nonutility affiliate, on a continuing basis or in the future, the public utility affiliate’s property and which is approved under s. 196.52 shall be resubmitted for approval by the commission under this paragraph within 90 days after November 28, 1985. Such contract or arrangement, if approved by the commission, shall take effect within 60 days after approval.
196.795(6)(6)Reporting requirements. No more than 10 business days after a holding company forms, organizes or acquires a nonutility affiliate, the holding company shall notify the commission of the formation, organization or acquisition and shall provide the commission with the following information:
196.795(6)(a)(a) The name, identification of officers and corporate relationship of the nonutility affiliate to the holding company and utility affiliate.
196.795(6)(b)(b) A copy of any proposed agreement or arrangement between the nonutility affiliate and the public utility affiliate.
196.795(6)(c)(c) A brief description of the nature of the business of the nonutility affiliate, including its most recent public annual financial statement.
196.795(6)(d)(d) As of the last day of the calendar year immediately preceding the date of the notification under this subsection, the total amount of assets held by the nonutility affiliate, the amount of such assets located within this state, the total number of employees and the total number of employees located in this state. The holding company shall report the information required under this paragraph to the commission annually no later than March 31. The information shall be available to the public upon filing.
196.795(6m)(6m)Asset cap.
196.795(6m)(a)(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
196.795(6m)(a)1.1. “Contributor public utility affiliate” means a public utility affiliate that has contributed its transmission facilities to the transmission company under s. 196.485 (5) (b).
196.795(6m)(a)2.2. “Eligible asset” means an asset of a nonutility affiliate that is used for any of the following:
196.795(6m)(a)2.a.a. Producing, generating, transmitting, delivering, selling or furnishing gas, oil, electricity or steam energy.
196.795(6m)(a)2.b.b. Providing an energy management, conservation or efficiency product or service or a demand-side management product or service.
196.795(6m)(a)2.c.c. Providing an energy customer service, including metering or billing.
196.795(6m)(a)2.d.d. Recovering or producing energy from waste materials.
196.795(6m)(a)2.e.e. Processing waste materials.
196.795(6m)(a)2.f.f. Manufacturing, distributing or selling products for filtration, pumping water or other fluids, processing or heating water, handling fluids or other related activities.
196.795(6m)(a)2.g.g. Providing a telecommunications service, as defined in s. 196.01 (9m).
196.795(6m)(a)2.h.h. Providing an environmental engineering service.
196.795(6m)(a)3.3. “Foreign affiliate” means a person that is engaged in the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, power or natural gas either directly or indirectly to or for use of the public in another state, that is incorporated under the laws of another state, that is an affiliated interest, as defined in s. 196.52 (1), of a public utility and that is operated on an integrated system basis, as determined by the commission, with the public utility.
196.795(6m)(a)4.4. “Generation assets” means assets that are classified as electric generation assets on the books of account of a public utility, as determined by the commission.
196.795(6m)(a)5.5. “Reliability council area” means the geographic area that, on December 31, 1997, was served by the Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc., Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement or Southwest Power Pool reliability council of the North American Electric Reliability Council.
196.795(6m)(a)6.6. “Wholesale merchant plant” means a wholesale merchant plant, as defined in s. 196.491 (1) (w), except that its location is not limited to this state, that is located in the reliability council area and that is owned, operated or controlled by an affiliated interest of a public utility.
196.795(6m)(b)(b) In general.
196.795(6m)(b)1.1. The sum of the assets of all nonutility affiliates in a holding company system of any holding company formed on or after November 28, 1985, may not exceed the sum of the following:
196.795(6m)(b)1.a.a. Twenty-five percent of the assets of all public utility affiliates in the holding company system engaged in the generation, transmission or distribution of electric power.
196.795(6m)(b)1.b.b. A percentage of the assets, as determined by the commission, which may be more, but may not be less, than 25 percent of all public utility affiliates in the holding company system engaged in providing utility service other than the generation, transmission or distribution of electric power.
196.795(6m)(b)1.c.c. For any public utility affiliate which is in the holding company system and which engages in the provision of more than one type of utility service, a percentage of assets equal to the amount of the public utility affiliate’s assets devoted to public utility service, other than the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, multiplied by a percentage, as determined by the commission, which may be more, but may not be less, than 25 percent, plus 25 percent of all remaining assets of such public utility affiliate.
196.795(6m)(b)2.2. For purposes of subd. 1., the assets of each nonutility affiliate shall be determined by doing all of the following:
196.795(6m)(b)2.a.a. Subtracting from the nonutility affiliate’s total assets the amount of the nonutility affiliate’s investment in other utility and nonutility affiliates with which the nonutility affiliate is in a holding company system.
196.795(6m)(b)2.b.b. Multiplying the amount derived under subd. 2. a. by the quotient of the amount of the direct ownership interest in such nonutility affiliate owned by persons who are not with the nonutility affiliate in the holding company system, if such ownership by such persons is greater than one-half of the total ownership interest in such nonutility affiliate, divided by the total ownership interest in such nonutility affiliate.
196.795(6m)(b)2.c.c. Subtracting the amount derived under subd. 2. b. from the amount derived under subd. 2. a.
196.795(6m)(b)3.3. Within 36 months after it is formed, a holding company formed on or after November 28, 1985, may not have nonutility affiliate assets exceeding 40 percent of the maximum amount allowed under subd. 1.
196.795(6m)(b)4.4. If the commission establishes a percentage of assets under subd. 1. b. or c. which is greater than 25 percent, any subsequent reduction of such percentage by the commission may not take effect until the last day of the 12th month following issuance of the order establishing the reduction or until a later date which the commission sets and which the commission determines to be reasonable after considering the size of the reduction and which is no later than 36 months following issuance of the order establishing the reduction.
196.795(6m)(c)(c) Wholesale merchant plants. The assets of a wholesale merchant plant shall not be included in the sum of the assets of a public utility affiliate under par. (b) 1. a., b., or c. and shall not be included in a nonutility affiliate’s total assets under par. (b) 2. a. if the requirements specified in s. 196.491 (3m) (a) 1. and 2. are satisfied or if the wholesale merchant plant qualifies for the exemption under s. 196.491 (3m) (e).
196.795(6m)(d)(d) Foreign affiliates. The assets of a foreign affiliate shall be included in the sum of the assets of a public utility affiliate under par. (b) 1. a., b. or c. and shall not be included in a nonutility affiliate’s total assets under par. (b) 2. a.
196.795(6m)(e)(e) Contributor public utility affiliates.
196.795(6m)(e)1.1. The eligible assets of a nonutility affiliate in a holding company system that includes each of the contributor public utility affiliates in the holding company system shall not be included in the sum of the assets of the public utility affiliates under par. (b) 1. a., b. or c. and shall not be included in the nonutility affiliate’s total assets under par. (b) 2. a.
196.795(6m)(e)2.2. For purposes of subd. 1., all of the assets of a nonutility affiliate shall be considered eligible assets if each of the following is satisfied:
196.795(6m)(e)2.a.a. The bylaws of the nonutility affiliate or a resolution adopted by its board of directors specifies that the business of the nonutility affiliate is limited to activities involving eligible assets.
196.795(6m)(e)2.b.b. Substantially all of the assets of the nonutility affiliate are eligible assets.
196.795(6m)(e)3.3. The net book value of transmission facility assets that a contributor public utility affiliate has contributed to a transmission company under s. 196.485 (5) (b) shall be included in the sum of the assets of the public utility affiliate under par. (b) 1. a., b. and c. In determining net book value under this subdivision, accumulated depreciation shall be calculated as if the contributor public utility affiliate had not contributed the assets.
196.795(6m)(e)4.4. The net book value of generation assets that a contributor public utility affiliate has transferred to a person that is not affiliated with the public utility affiliate pursuant to the order of the commission, a court or a federal regulatory agency shall be included in the sum of the assets of the public utility affiliate under par. (b) 1. a., b. and c. In determining net book value under this subdivision, accumulated depreciation shall be calculated as if the contributor public utility affiliate had not transferred the assets.
196.795(7)(7)Commission investigations.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)