20.931   Prohibited boycotts.
20.940   Legislative authorization and oversight of requests to federal government.
subch. I of ch. 20SUBCHAPTER I
20.00120.001Definitions and abbreviations. In this chapter terms and abbreviations have the following meanings:
20.001(1)(1)State agency. “State agency” means any office, department or independent agency in the executive branch of Wisconsin state government, the legislature and the courts.
20.001(2)(2)Revenue types.
20.001(2)(a)(a) General purpose revenues. “General purpose revenues” consist of general taxes, miscellaneous receipts and revenues collected by state agencies which are paid into a specific fund, lose their identity, and are then available for appropriation by the legislature. In this chapter, “general purpose revenues” refers to general purpose revenues in the general fund. General purpose revenues are identified by the abbreviation “GPR” in s. 20.005. They shall be deposited pursuant to s. 20.906.
20.001(2)(b)(b) Program revenues. “Program revenues” consist of revenues which are paid into the general fund and are credited by law to an appropriation to finance a specified program or state agency. In this chapter, “program revenues” refers to program revenues in the general fund. Program revenues are identified by the abbreviation “PR” in s. 20.005. For any program revenue appropriation which is limited to the amounts in the schedule, no expenditures may be made exceeding the amounts in the schedule, except as provided in ss. 13.101 and 16.515, regardless of the amounts credited to that appropriation account. They shall be deposited pursuant to s. 20.906. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, program revenues shall be used to reimburse the general fund for payments transferred under the appropriations made in s. 20.865 for the purposes of program revenue appropriations.
20.001(2)(c)(c) Program revenues — service. “Program revenues — service”, indicated by the abbreviation “PR-S” in s. 20.005, consist of appropriated moneys in the general fund derived from any revenue source that are transferred between or within state agencies or miscellaneous appropriations. These moneys are shown as expenditures in the appropriation of the state agency or program from which the moneys are transferred and are also shown as program revenue in the appropriation of the agency or program to which the moneys are transferred. For any program revenue — service appropriation which is limited to the amounts in the schedule, no expenditure may be made exceeding the amounts in the schedule, except as provided in ss. 13.101 and 16.515, regardless of the amounts credited to the account from which the appropriation is made.
20.001(2)(d)(d) Segregated fund revenues. “Segregated fund revenues”, indicated by the abbreviation “SEG” in s. 20.005 consist of revenues which, by law, are deposited into funds other than the general fund and are available for the purposes for which such funds are created. They shall be deposited pursuant to s. 20.906. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter segregated revenues shall be used to reimburse the appropriate funds for payments transferred under the appropriations made in s. 20.865 for the purposes of segregated revenue appropriations.
20.001(2)(da)(da) Segregated fund revenues — service. “Segregated fund revenues — service”, indicated by the abbreviation “SEG-S” in s. 20.005, consist of appropriated moneys in a segregated fund derived from any revenue source that are transferred between or within state agencies or miscellaneous appropriations. These moneys are shown as expenditures in the appropriation of the state agency or program from which the moneys are transferred and also shown as segregated fund revenue in the appropriation of the agency or program to which the moneys are transferred.
20.001(2)(dm)(dm) Segregated fund revenues — local. “Segregated fund revenues — local”, indicated by the abbreviation “SEG-L” in s. 20.005, consist of revenues which are received from a local unit of government or other source for transportation purposes and are deposited in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (e).
20.001(2)(e)(e) Federal revenues. “Federal revenues” consist of moneys received from the federal government, except that under s. 20.437 (2) (md) “federal revenues” also include moneys treated as refunds of expenditures, and under s. 20.437 (2) (me) “federal revenues” consist only of moneys treated as received from the federal government. Federal revenues may be deposited as program revenues in the general fund or as segregated revenues in a segregated fund. In either case they are indicated in s. 20.005 by the addition of “-F” after the abbreviation assigned under pars. (b) and (d).
20.001(2)(f)(f) Bond revenues. “Bond revenues”, indicated by the abbreviation “BR” in s. 20.005, consist of all moneys resulting from the contracting of public debt or revenue obligations in accordance with ch. 18.
20.001(3)(3)Appropriation types. The following types of appropriations may be made from any of the revenue types listed above. When an appropriation varies from these basic types, it is identified as the type which most nearly fits that appropriation and the variation is specifically stated in ss. 20.115 to 20.875.
20.001(3)(a)(a) Annual appropriations. Annual appropriations, indicated by the abbreviation “A” in s. 20.005, are appropriations which are expendable only up to the amount shown in the schedule and only for the fiscal year for which made. At the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balances shall revert to the fund from which appropriated unless the appropriation is a program revenue or program revenue — service appropriation and indicates the moneys are to be credited to the account for that appropriation, in which case all unencumbered balances shall be retained in that appropriation account. In ss. 20.115 to 20.875, all appropriations are annual unless otherwise indicated and the introductory phrase “annually” is used only when necessary to avoid confusion with other appropriation types.
20.001(3)(b)(b) Biennial appropriations. Biennial appropriations, indicated by the abbreviation “B” in s. 20.005, are appropriations which are expendable only for the biennium for which made. Dollar amounts shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 represent the most reliable estimates of the amounts which will be expended in each fiscal year, the total for both years being the biennial appropriation. For accounting purposes and for the administration of s. 20.002 (1), the appropriation for the first year of a biennium shall be the sum of the expenditures for such year plus the outstanding encumbrances at the close of such year; the unencumbered balance at the close of the first year shall constitute the appropriation for the 2nd year of the biennium. At the end of the biennium the unencumbered balances shall revert to the fund from which appropriated unless the appropriation is a program revenue or program revenue — service appropriation and indicates the moneys are to be credited to the account for that appropriation, in which case all unencumbered balances shall be retained in that appropriation account. Biennial appropriations are indicated in ss. 20.115 to 20.875 by the introductory phrase “biennially”.
20.001(3)(c)(c) Continuing appropriations. Continuing appropriations, indicated by the abbreviation “C” in s. 20.005, are appropriations which are expendable until fully depleted or repealed by subsequent action of the legislature. The amount of a sum certain continuing appropriation for a given fiscal year consists of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation account at the end of the previous fiscal year, if any, together with any moneys appropriated under s. 20.005 for that fiscal year. The amount of a continuing appropriation other than a sum certain appropriation consists of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation account at the end of the previous fiscal year, if any, together with any revenues received during the fiscal year that are directed by law to be credited to the appropriation account. Dollar amounts shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 for a continuing appropriation other than a sum certain appropriation represent the most reliable estimates of the amounts which will be expended during any fiscal year. Except as provided in ss. 20.002 (11) and 20.903 (2), expenditures made in accordance with ch. 16 under a continuing appropriation other than a sum certain appropriation are limited only by the available revenues from which the appropriation is made. Continuing appropriations are indicated in ss. 20.115 to 20.875 by the introductory phrase, “as a continuing appropriation,” “all moneys received from,” or “all moneys transferred from.”
20.001(3)(d)(d) Sum sufficient appropriations. Sum sufficient appropriations, indicated by the abbreviation “S” in s. 20.005, are appropriations which are expendable from the indicated source in the amounts necessary to accomplish the purpose specified. Dollar amounts shown under s. 20.005 represent the most reliable estimate of the amounts which will be needed. Sum sufficient appropriations are indicated in ss. 20.115 to 20.875 by the introductory phrase “a sum sufficient”.
20.001(3)(e)(e) Capital improvement authorizations. The appropriations in s. 20.866 (2) are authorizations to contract public debt in accordance with ch. 18. The amount of debt repaid under each authorization shall not be construed to represent new or additional authority even though the authority is not reduced by the amount of repayment. The limiting dollar amount contained in the language of any appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) is the cumulative total authorization carried over from previous biennia plus any new authorization contained in the schedule.
20.001(4)(4)General purpose revenue — earned. Revenue which is received by a state agency incidentally in connection with general purpose revenue appropriations in the course of accomplishing program objectives, which is not designated as a refund of an expenditure by the secretary of administration under sub. (5) and for which no program revenue appropriation is made shall be designated as general purpose revenue (GPR) — earned. This revenue shall be treated as a nonappropriated receipt and is not available for expenditure.
20.001(5)(5)Refunds of expenditures. Any amount not otherwise appropriated under this chapter that is received by a state agency as a result of an adjustment made to a previously recorded expenditure from a sum certain appropriation to that agency due to activities that are of a temporary nature or activities that could not be anticipated during budget development and which serves to reduce or eliminate the previously recorded expenditure in the same fiscal year in which the previously recorded expenditure was made, except as provided in ss. 20.435 (4) (gm) and 20.437 (2) (md), may, upon request of the agency, be designated by the secretary of administration as a refund of an expenditure. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the secretary of administration may designate an amount received by a state agency as a refund of an expenditure only if the agency submits to the secretary a written explanation of the circumstances under which the amount was received that includes a specific reference in a statutory or nonstatutory law to a function of the agency under which the amount was received and the appropriation from which the previously recorded expenditure was made. A refund of an expenditure shall be deposited by the receiving state agency in the appropriation account from which the previously recorded expenditure was made. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a state agency which proposes to make an expenditure from moneys designated as a refund of an expenditure shall submit to the secretary of administration a written explanation of the purpose of the expenditure, including a specific reference in a statutory or nonstatutory law to a function of the agency under which the expenditure is to be made and the appropriation from which the expenditure is to be made. After submission and approval of an estimate of the amount proposed to be expended under s. 16.50 (2), a state agency may expend the moneys received from the refund of the expenditure. The secretary of administration may waive submission of any explanation required by this subsection for categories of refunds of expenditures or proposed refunds of expenditures.
20.001(6)(6)Applied receipts.
20.001(6)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), applied receipts are program or segregated revenue the appropriation of which reduces the amounts appropriated under another appropriation. The reduction is indicated in the other appropriation by the phrase “less the amounts appropriated as applied receipts under”. Applied receipts shall be expended and deposited in the same manner as other program or segregated revenue.
20.001(6)(b)(b) If the other appropriation under par. (a) is a sum sufficient appropriation, the reduction reduces the estimate under s. 20.005 of the dollar amounts that will be needed.
20.00220.002General appropriation provisions.
20.002(1)(1)Effective period of appropriations. Unless otherwise provided appropriations shall become effective on July 1 of the fiscal year shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 and shall be expendable until the following June 30. If the legislature does not amend or eliminate any existing appropriation on or before July 1 of the odd-numbered years, such existing appropriations provided for the previous fiscal year shall be in effect in the new fiscal year and all subsequent fiscal years until amended or eliminated by the legislature. If the biennial state budget has not been enacted on or before June 30 of the odd-numbered year, the department of administration may, for accounting purposes, adjust its appropriation account structure, beginning on July 1 of the odd-numbered year, to reflect the appropriation account structure in the biennial state budget.
20.002(2)(2)Accrued tax receipts.
20.002(2)(a)(a) Solely for purposes of relating annual taxes to estimated expenses, amounts withheld under s. 71.64 prior to July 1 and taxes imposed by subch. III of ch. 77 for periods ending prior to July 1 shall be deemed accrued tax receipts as of the close of the fiscal year but no revenue shall be deemed accrued tax receipts unless deposited by the state on or before the August 15 following the end of the fiscal year. Solely for purposes of relating annual taxes to estimated expenses, fees imposed under subch. II of ch. 77, taxes imposed under ss. 139.02, 139.03 (2m) and (2n), 139.31 and 139.76 and assessments imposed under s. 50.14 (2) shall be deemed accrued tax receipts as of the close of the fiscal year, but no revenue shall be deemed accrued tax receipts unless deposited by this state on or before July 31.
20.002(2)(b)(b) Solely for purposes of relating annual taxes to estimated expenses, revenue received in July because of a cash purchase of stamps under s. 139.31 shall be deemed accrued tax receipts as of the close of the previous fiscal year, but no revenue shall be deemed accrued tax receipts unless it is deposited by this state on or before July 31.
20.002(3)(3)Payments from repealed appropriations. Where any appropriation is repealed or any balance of an appropriation is caused to revert, any indebtedness incurred under the authority of such appropriation or balance prior to the time as of which such repeal or reversion of balance is to take effect, shall be paid from the appropriation or balance thus repealed or reverted unless otherwise specifically provided by law.
20.002(3m)(3m)Repealed appropriations. Whenever an appropriation is repealed, on the effective date of the repeal the unencumbered balance of the appropriation lapses to the fund from which it was appropriated unless otherwise provided by law. If the act repealing an appropriation provides for any part of the balance in the appropriation account to be transferred to a different appropriation account on the same effective date as the repeal, the transfer shall be effected before the lapse.
20.002(4)(4)Prior debts prohibited. No appropriation shall be available for payment of any indebtedness incurred prior to the time such appropriation is to take effect unless otherwise specifically provided by law.
20.002(5)(5)Conditional appropriations. All appropriations to any department, expenditures from which, by law, may be made only with the approval of the governor or the secretary of administration, shall be construed to be conditional appropriations, which shall become available only as contemplated expenditures therefrom are approved by these officers, as required by law.
20.002(6)(6)Unused appropriations. Whenever a continuing appropriation from any fund has accomplished its purpose or is no longer deemed necessary for such purpose, the secretary of administration is authorized to lapse such appropriation balance, in whole or in part, to the fund from which appropriated upon consultation with the director of the state agency concerned.
20.002(7)(7)Appropriation detail. The detailed explanation of the appropriations made to the several state agencies, including specific program purposes and restrictions, is contained in ss. 20.115 to 20.875. Except as otherwise provided in ss. 20.115 to 20.875, whenever the amounts in the schedule for a single appropriation are shown in 2 or more lines the portions of the total amount shown on separate lines are for informational purposes only and are not limiting. All appropriations shall be made from the general fund, unless otherwise indicated. Whenever the text in ss. 20.115 to 20.875 refers to “schedule” it means the appropriation schedule under s. 20.005 (3).
20.002(8)(8)Federal reduction or termination; effect. All appropriations made in this chapter are subject to the specific provision that when and if the federal government funding of any portion of a program is reduced or terminated, state participation in the program may be reduced by the governor in the same proportion as such federal reduction, such state reduction to be implemented by the responsible state agency. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the statutes, local units of government are hereby authorized to make similar proportionate reductions in their support of such programs.
20.002(9)(9)Federal revenue sharing. Revenue received in July of any year under the federal state and local fiscal assistance act, relating to the revenue due for the quarter ending on the previous June 30, shall be deemed accrued receipts as of the close of the fiscal year.
20.002(10)(10)Excess state matching funds. If any appropriation that is made to match or secure federal funds is in excess of the amount required to match or secure federal funds, the state agency that is responsible for the administration of such funds shall promptly notify the federal aid management service of the department of administration which shall promptly notify the governor and the joint committee on finance. Such funds shall then be placed in unallotted reserve and may not be released unless the release is first approved by the joint committee on finance.
20.002(11)(11)Temporary reallocation of surplus moneys.
20.002(11)(a)(a) All appropriations, special accounts and fund balances within the general fund or any segregated fund may be made temporarily available for the purpose of allowing encumbrances or financing expenditures of other general or segregated fund activities or for the purpose of financing unemployment insurance benefits from the unemployment reserve fund under par. (b) 3m. whenever there are insufficient moneys in the funds or accounts from which the activities are financed or whenever there are insufficient moneys in the unemployment reserve fund to pay unemployment insurance benefit payments if there are accounts receivable balances or moneys anticipated to be received from lottery proceeds, as defined in s. 25.75 (1) (c), tax or contribution revenues, gifts, grants, fees, sales of service, or interest earnings recorded under s. 16.52 (2) that will be sufficient to repay the fund or account from which moneys are transferred. The secretary of administration shall determine the composition and allowability of the accounts receivable balances and anticipated moneys to be received for this purpose in accordance with s. 20.903 (2) and shall specifically approve the use of surplus moneys from the general or segregated funds after consultation with the appropriate state agency head for use by specified accounts or programs. The secretary of administration shall reallocate available moneys from the budget stabilization fund under s. 16.465 prior to reallocating moneys from any other fund.
20.002(11)(b)1.1. Except with respect to reallocations made under subd. 3m., the secretary of administration shall limit the total amount of any temporary reallocations to a fund other than the general fund to $400,000,000.
20.002(11)(b)2.2. Except as provided in subd. 3, the secretary of administration shall limit the total amount of any temporary reallocations to the general fund at any one time during a fiscal year to an amount equal to 9 percent of the total amounts shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) of appropriations of general purpose revenues, calculated by the secretary as of that time and for that fiscal year.
20.002(11)(b)3.3. In addition to the amount permitted for temporary reallocations in subd. 2., the secretary may permit an additional 3 percent of the total amounts shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) of appropriations of general purpose revenues, calculated by the secretary as of that time and for that fiscal year, to be used for temporary reallocations to the general fund but only if the reallocation is for a period not to exceed 30 days. Reallocations may not be made under this subdivision for consecutive periods.
20.002(11)(b)3m.3m. Upon request of the secretary of workforce development under s. 108.16 (13), the secretary of administration may temporarily transfer moneys available under par. (a) to the unemployment reserve fund. The secretary of administration shall credit repayments received from the unemployment reserve fund to the funds or accounts from which the transfer was made. The transfers outstanding under this subdivision may not exceed a total of $50,000,000 at any time. No transfer may be made under this subdivision unless the secretary of administration first submits written notice to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance that the transfer is proposed to be made. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary of administration that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed transfer within 30 days after the date of the secretary’s notification, the transfer may be made as proposed by the secretary. If, within 30 days after the date of notification by the secretary of administration, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed transfer, the transfer may be made under this subdivision only upon approval of the committee.
20.002(11)(b)4.4. This paragraph does not apply to reallocations from the budget stabilization fund to the general fund.
20.002(11)(c)(c) The secretary may assess a special interest charge against the programs or activities utilizing surplus moneys within the same fund under this subsection in an amount not to exceed the daily interest earnings rate of the state investment fund during the period of transfer of surplus moneys to other accounts or programs. Except as provided in s. 16.465 and except with respect to transfers made under par. (b) 3m., the secretary shall assess a special interest charge against the fund utilizing surplus moneys under this subsection in an amount equal to the rate of return the state investment fund earnings would have created to the fund from which the reallocation was made. This interest shall be calculated and credited to the appropriate fund at the same time the earnings from the state investment fund are distributed and shall be considered an adjustment to those earnings.
20.002(11)(d)(d) Except with respect to transfers made under par. (b) 3m., this subsection applies only to those funds participating in the investment fund for purposes of temporary reallocation between funds or accounts. No transfer may be made under this subsection from any of the following funds or specified accounts in these funds:
20.002(11)(d)1.1. The bond security and redemption fund under s. 18.09.
20.002(11)(d)2.2. The capital improvement fund under s. 18.08.
20.002(11)(d)2m.2m. The election administration fund.
20.002(11)(d)3.3. The industrial building construction loan fund under s. 560.10, 2005 stats.
20.002(11)(d)4.4. All trust funds authorized under ch. 40.
20.002(11)(d)5.5. The veterans trust fund under s. 25.36.
20.002(11)(d)6.6. The state housing authority reserve fund under s. 25.41.
20.002(11)(d)7.7. The fish and wildlife account within the conservation fund.
20.002(11)(e)(e) The secretary of administration may not exercise the authority granted in this subsection if a temporary reallocation would jeopardize the cash flow of any fund or account from which a temporary reallocation would be made.
20.002(11)(f)(f) If the secretary of administration exercises or proposes to exercise the authority granted in this subsection, he or she shall publish and transmit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), on a monthly basis specifying the date, amount, source and use of any outstanding temporary reallocation or proposed reallocation of moneys for the period covered by the report.
20.002(12)(12)Suspension of expenditures. No moneys may be expended by any state agency, except the legislature or courts, for permanent, project, part-time or limited term employment if the funding for the position has been temporarily withheld under s. 16.50 (3).
20.002(13)(13)Indian grants. Notwithstanding any statute to the contrary, wherever any law authorizes a grant of state funds to be made by a state agency to any county, city, village or town for any purpose, funds may also be granted by that state agency to any federally recognized tribal governing body for the same purpose. The grants are subject to the same conditions and restrictions as apply to grants to counties and municipalities, if any. This subsection shall not be construed to require any grant of state funds to be made to any federally recognized tribal governing body.
20.002 AnnotationThe continuing appropriation provided under former s. 20.866 (2) (ur), 1969 stats., was limited by its terms to $40,300,000. Sub. (1) does not provide additional bonding authority in the next biennium prior to the new budget to satisfy the requirements of s. 18.04 (2). Section 84.51 (2) is an expression of legislative intent but does not constitute an appropriation and is not the basis for additional bonding authority. 60 Atty. Gen. 509.
20.00320.003Appropriation acts and bills.
20.003(2)(2)Legislative reference bureau authority. All appropriations made by the legislature shall be listed in this chapter. The legislative reference bureau shall assign numbers in this chapter to any appropriation not so numbered and if appropriation laws are enacted which are not numbered to correspond with the numbering system of this chapter as outlined in sub. (3), the legislative reference bureau shall renumber such laws accordingly.
20.003(3)(3)Numbering system.
20.003(3)(a)(a) In the schedule of s. 20.005 and in the text in ss. 20.115 to 20.875, all state agencies shall be arranged within functional areas. Each functional area is assigned a subchapter and each state agency shall be assigned a section within that subchapter. Each subsection constitutes a program, and each paragraph constitutes an appropriation.
20.003(3)(b)(b) Except as provided under par. (c), all appropriations are identified according to their source of funds, as defined in s. 20.001, by the paragraph letters assigned as follows:
20.003(3)(b)1.1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (a) to (fz).
20.003(3)(b)2.2. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (g) to (jz) and (L) to (pz).
20.003(3)(b)3.3. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenue — service shall be assigned paragraph letters (k) to (kz).
20.003(3)(b)4.4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (q) to (zz).
20.003(3)(b)5.5. To the extent feasible, federal program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (m) to (pz).
20.003(3)(b)6.6. To the extent feasible, federal segregated revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (x) to (zz).
20.003(3)(c)(c) All appropriations under ss. 20.370 and 20.395 shall be identified by 2 letters, the first letter indicating a subprogram and the 2nd letter indicating the source of funds, as defined in s. 20.001. To the extent feasible, the 2nd paragraph letters shall be assigned as follows:
20.003(3)(c)1.1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “a” to “f”.
20.003(3)(c)2.2. Appropriations from program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “g” to “j” or “L” to “p”.
20.003(3)(c)3.3. Appropriations from program revenue — service shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “k”.
20.003(3)(c)4.4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “q” to “z”.
20.003(3)(c)5.5. Federal program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “m” to “p”.
20.003(3)(c)6.6. Federal segregated revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “x” to “z”.
20.003(3)(c)7.7. Appropriations from segregated revenues — local shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of “v” to “z”.
20.003(3)(e)(e) The legislative reference bureau shall adhere to such standard numbering system and format when creating, repealing or amending the appropriation statutes.
20.003(4)(4)Required general fund balance. No bill directly or indirectly affecting general purpose revenues as defined in s. 20.001 (2) (a) may be enacted by the legislature if the bill would cause the estimated general fund balance on June 30 of any fiscal year specified in this subsection, as projected under s. 20.005 (1), to be an amount equal to less than the following amounts for that fiscal year or percentage of the total general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year plus any amount from general purpose revenue designated as “Compensation Reserves” for that fiscal year in the summary under s. 20.005 (1):
20.003(4)(ft)(ft) For fiscal year 2007-08, $65,000,000.
20.003(4)(fv)(fv) For fiscal year 2008-09, $65,000,000.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)