Appointment, rank, term, 15.31
Auditor of military claims, 21.19 (4)
Cadre force, organize, 21.025 (2) (d)
Camp Williams, grant use to United States, 21.04
Decorations and awards, prescribe, 21.07
Deputies, 15.04 (2)
Emergency government, powers and duties, 166.03 (2)
National guard, calling out, 21.11
National guard unit's property, approve sale, 21.42 (3)
Powers and duties, 21.19
Records and files as evidence, 891.17
Removal, 17.07 (5)
Report of guard officers' convention, printing, 21.21
Reports to governor and legislature, 15.04
Salary, 20.923
State guard, organize, when, 21.025
State service flags, furnish, 21.19 (10)
Appropriation, 20.465, 20.866 (2) (zj)
Creation, 15.31
Duties, 21.015
Emergency government division, creation, 15.313 (1)
Emergency government services, appropriation, 20.465 (3)
Employes, to be under civil service, exception, 21.20
Law enforcement assistance, counter-drug activities, 21.70
National defense facilities, 21.616
Sale of property, 21.19 (3)
State emergency response board:
Creation, members, 15.315 (1)
Duties, 166.20 (2)
United states property and fiscal officer, 21.28