181.45(1) (1) Upon such approval, articles of merger or articles of consolidation shall be executed by the president or a vice president and the secretary or an assistant secretary of each corporation, and shall be sealed with the corporate seal if there be any, of each corporation, and shall set forth:
181.45(1)(a) (a) The plan of merger or the plan of consolidation.
181.45(1)(b) (b) Where the members of any merging or consolidating corporation have voting rights, then as to each such corporation a statement of the total number of members with voting rights, the number of such members present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting at which the plan was adopted and the number of members voting for and against such plan, respectively.
181.45(1)(c) (c) Where any merging or consolidating corporation has no members, or no members having voting rights, then as to each such corporation a statement of such fact, the date of the meeting of the board of directors at which the plan was adopted and a statement of the fact that such plan received the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors in office, or such larger number as may be required by the articles of incorporation.
181.45(1)(d) (d) As to each corporation, the county in which its principal office is located.
181.45(2) (2) Such articles of merger or consolidation shall be filed with the department and shall be recorded in the offices of the registers of deeds of the counties of this state in which the respective corporations so consolidating or merging have their principal offices and in the county in which the surviving or new corporation is to have its principal office.
181.45(3) (3) The certificate of merger or consolidation may be issued by the department upon expiration of the period for filing a certificate of abandonment.
181.45 History History: 1973 c. 128; 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 337; 1995 a. 27.
181.45 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 14.38 (14) for provision that certain corporate documents may not be filed with secretary of state unless they bear the drafter's name.
181.46 181.46 Effective date of merger or consolidation; abandonment. The merger or consolidation shall be effected upon the filing of the articles of merger or consolidation, or at such time within 31 days thereafter as is designated in said articles. If, after the filing of articles of merger or consolidation, the merger or consolidation is abandoned pursuant to provisions therefor set forth in the plan of merger or consolidation, there shall be executed by the president or a vice president and the secretary or an assistant secretary of each corporation, and shall be sealed with the corporate seal of each corporation, a certificate of abandonment setting forth the fact and date of such abandonment; and such certificate shall within 30 days of such abandonment be filed with the department and recorded in each office in which such articles of merger or consolidation were recorded.
181.46 History History: 1973 c. 128; 1981 c. 337; 1995 a. 27.
181.47 181.47 Effect of merger or consolidation. When such merger or consolidation has been effected:
181.47(1) (1) The several corporations parties to the plan of merger or consolidation shall be a single corporation, which, in the case of a merger, shall be that corporation designated in the plan of merger as the surviving corporation, and, in the case of a consolidation, shall be the new corporation provided for in the plan of consolidation.
181.47(2) (2) The separate existence of all corporations parties to the plan of merger or consolidation, except the surviving or new corporation, shall cease. The authority of the officers of any corporation, the separate existence of which has so ceased, to act thereafter on behalf of such corporation shall continue with respect to the due execution in the name of such corporation of tax returns, instruments of transfer or conveyance and other documents where the execution thereof is required or convenient to comply with any provision of law, of any contract to which such corporation was a party or of the plan of merger or consolidation.
181.47(3) (3) Such surviving or new corporation shall have all the rights, privileges, immunities and powers and shall be subject to all the duties and liabilities of a corporation organized under this chapter.
181.47(4) (4) Such surviving or new corporation shall thereupon and thereafter possess all the rights, privileges, immunities, and franchises, as well of a public as of a private nature, of each of the merging or consolidating corporations; and all property, real, personal and mixed, and all debts due on whatever account, and all other choses in action, and all and every other interest, of or belonging to or due to each of the corporations so merged or consolidated, shall be taken and deemed to be transferred to and vested in such single corporation without further act or deed; and the title to any real estate, or any interest therein, vested in any of such corporations shall not revert or be in any way impaired by reason of such merger or consolidation.
181.47(5) (5) Such surviving or new corporation shall thenceforth be responsible and liable for all the liabilities and obligations of each of the corporations so merged or consolidated; and any claim existing or action or proceeding pending by or against any of such corporations may be prosecuted to judgment as if such merger or consolidation had not taken place, or such surviving or new corporation may be substituted in its place. Neither the rights of creditors nor any liens upon the property of any such corporation shall be impaired by such merger or consolidation.
181.47(6) (6) In the case of a merger, the articles of incorporation of the surviving corporation shall be deemed to be amended to the extent, if any, that changes in its articles of incorporation are stated in the articles of merger; and, in the case of a consolidation, the statements set forth in the articles of consolidation and which are required or permitted to be set forth in the articles of incorporation of corporations organized under this chapter shall be deemed to be the articles of incorporation of the new corporation.
181.47 History History: 1973 c. 128.
181.48 181.48 Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations.
181.48(1)(1) One or more foreign corporations and one or more domestic corporations may be merged or consolidated in the following manner, provided such merger or consolidation is permitted by the laws of the state under which each such foreign corporation is organized: each domestic corporation shall comply with the provisions of this chapter with respect to the merger or consolidation, as the case may be, of domestic corporations and each foreign corporation shall comply with the applicable provisions of the laws of the state under which it is organized.
181.48(2) (2) The effect of such merger or consolidation shall be the same as in the case of the merger or consolidation of domestic corporations, if the surviving or new corporation is to be governed by the laws of this state. If the surviving or new corporation is to be governed by the laws of any state other than this state, the effect of such merger or consolidation shall be the same as in the case of the merger or consolidation of domestic corporations except insofar as the laws of such other state provide otherwise.
181.485 181.485 Conversion of cooperative. A cooperative organized without capital stock may elect to convert itself to a nonstock corporation by adopting and filing restated articles of incorporation in the manner required under ch. 185. The restated articles of incorporation shall conform to the requirements of s. 181.31 and shall contain a statement that the cooperative elects to convert itself to a corporation subject to this chapter. The election to become a corporation subject to this chapter is effective upon the filing of the restated articles of incorporation.
181.485 History History: 1985 a. 30.
181.49 181.49 Sale, lease or exchange of assets.
181.49(1) (1) A sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of less than substantially all of the property and assets of a corporation, and the mortgage or pledge of any or all property and assets of a corporation, whether or not made in the usual and regular course of its affairs, may be made upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration, which may consist in whole or in part of property, real or personal, including shares, obligations or other securities of any other corporation, domestic or foreign, whether or not such other corporation is organized under this chapter, as shall be authorized by its board of directors; and in such case no authorization or consent of the members shall be required, unless otherwise provided by law or in the articles of incorporation.
181.49(2) (2) A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the property and assets of a corporation may be made upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration, which may consist in whole or in part of money or property, real or personal, including shares, obligations or other securities of any corporation, domestic or foreign, whether or not such other corporation is organized under this chapter, as may be authorized in the following manner:
181.49(2)(a) (a) Where there are members having voting rights, the board of directors shall adopt a resolution recommending such sale, lease, exchange or other disposition and directing that it be submitted to a vote at a meeting of members having voting rights, which may be either an annual or a special meeting. Written notice stating that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of such meeting is to consider the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the property and assets of the corporation shall be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting, within the time and in the manner provided by this chapter for the giving of notice of meetings of members. At such meeting the members may authorize such sale, lease, exchange or other disposition and may fix, or may authorize the board of directors to fix, any or all of the terms and conditions thereof and the consideration to be received by the corporation therefor. Such authorization shall require the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present or represented by proxy at such meeting. After such authorization by a vote of members, the board of directors, nevertheless, in its discretion, may abandon such sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of assets, subject to the rights of 3rd parties under any contracts relating thereto, without further action or approval by members.
181.49(2)(b) (b) Where there are no members, or no members having voting rights, a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the property and assets of a corporation shall be authorized upon receiving the vote of a majority of the directors in office.
181.49 History History: 1973 c. 128.
181.50 181.50 Voluntary dissolution.
181.50(1) (1) A corporation may dissolve and wind up its affairs in the following manner:
181.50(1)(a) (a) Where there are members having voting rights, the board of directors shall adopt a resolution recommending that the corporation be dissolved, and directing that the question of such dissolution be submitted to a vote at a meeting of members having voting rights, which may be either an annual or a special meeting. Written notice stating that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of such meeting is to consider the advisability of dissolving the corporation, shall be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting, within the time and in the manner provided in this chapter for the giving of notice of meetings of members. A resolution to dissolve the corporation shall be adopted upon receiving at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by members present or represented by proxy.
181.50(1)(b) (b) Where there are no members, or no members having voting rights, the dissolution of the corporation shall be authorized at a meeting of the board of directors upon the adoption of a resolution to dissolve by the vote of a majority of the directors in office.
181.50(2) (2) Upon the adoption of such resolution by the members, or by the board of directors where there are no members or no members having voting rights, the corporation shall cease to conduct its affairs except insofar as may be necessary for the winding up thereof, shall immediately cause a notice of the proposed dissolution to be mailed to each known creditor of the corporation, and shall proceed to collect its assets and apply and distribute them as provided in this chapter.
181.51 181.51 Distribution of assets. The assets of a corporation in the process of dissolution shall be applied and distributed as follows:
181.51(1) (1) All liabilities and obligations of the corporation shall be paid, satisfied and discharged, or adequate provision shall be made therefor;
181.51(2) (2) Assets held by the corporation upon condition requiring return, transfer or conveyance, which condition occurs by reason of the dissolution, shall be returned, transferred or conveyed in accordance with such requirements;
181.51(3) (3) Assets received and held by the corporation subject to limitations permitting their use only for charitable, religious, eleemosynary, benevolent, education or similar purposes, but not held upon a condition requiring return, transfer or conveyance by reason of the dissolution, shall be transferred or conveyed to one or more domestic or foreign corporations, societies or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the dissolving corporation, pursuant to a plan of distribution adopted as provided in this chapter;
181.51(4) (4) Other assets, if any, shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation or the bylaws to the extent that the articles of incorporation or bylaws determine the distributive rights of members, or any class or classes of members, or provide for distribution to others;
181.51(5) (5) Any remaining assets may be distributed to such persons, societies, organizations or domestic or foreign corporations, whether for profit or not for profit, as may be specified in a plan of distribution adopted as provided in this chapter, provided that assets received and held by corporations organized for charitable, religious, eleemosynary, benevolent, educational or similar purposes shall be transferred or conveyed to one or more domestic or foreign corporations, societies or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the dissolving corporation.
181.52 181.52 Plan of distribution. Where the articles of incorporation do not provide for the distribution of assets on dissolution, a plan providing for the distribution of assets, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, may be adopted by a corporation in the process of dissolution and shall be adopted by a corporation for the purpose of authorizing any transfer or conveyance of assets for which this chapter requires a plan of distribution, in the following manner:
181.52(1) (1) Where there are members having voting rights, any plan of distribution shall be submitted to a vote at a meeting of members having voting rights, which may be either a regular or a special meeting. Written notices setting forth the proposed plan of distribution or a summary thereof shall be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting, within the time and in the manner provided in this chapter for the giving of notice of meetings of members. Such plan of distribution shall be adopted upon receiving at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by members present or represented by proxy at such meeting.
181.52(2) (2) Where there are no members having voting rights, a plan of distribution shall be adopted at a meeting of the board of directors upon receiving the vote of a majority of the directors in office.
181.53 181.53 Revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings. A corporation may, at any time prior to the filing of articles of dissolution, as hereinafter provided, revoke voluntary dissolution proceedings theretofore taken, in the following manner:
181.53(1) (1) Written notice of a special meeting, or of the annual meeting of members, stating that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of such meeting is to consider the advisability of revoking the voluntary dissolution proceedings, shall be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting within the time and in the manner provided in this chapter for the giving of notice of meetings of members.
181.53(2) (2) At such meeting a vote of the members entitled to vote thereat shall be taken on a resolution revoking the voluntary dissolution proceedings, which shall require for its adoption at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by members present or represented by proxy.
181.53(3) (3) Where there are no members having voting rights, a resolution to revoke the voluntary dissolution proceedings shall be adopted at a meeting of the board of directors upon receiving the vote of a majority of the directors in office.
181.53(4) (4) Upon the adoption of such resolution by the members, or by the board of directors where there are no members or no members having voting rights, the corporation may thereupon again conduct its affairs, but the revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings shall not invalidate any transfer or distribution of assets made prior to such revocation.
181.53 History History: 1981 c. 337.
181.54 181.54 Articles of dissolution. When all debts, liabilities and obligations of the corporation shall have been paid and discharged, or adequate provision shall have been made therefor, and all of the remaining property and assets of the corporation shall have been transferred, conveyed or distributed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, articles of dissolution shall be executed in duplicate by the corporation by the president or a vice president, and the secretary or an assistant secretary, and shall be sealed with the corporate seal, if there be any, and shall set forth:
181.54(1) (1) The name of the corporation;
181.54(2) (2) Where there are members having voting rights, a statement of the total number of members with voting rights, the number of such members present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting at which the resolution to dissolve was adopted and the number of members voting for and against such resolution, respectively;
181.54(3) (3) Where there are no members having voting rights, a statement of such fact, the date of the meeting of the board of directors at which the resolution to dissolve was adopted and a statement of the fact that such resolution received the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors in office, or such larger number as may be required by the articles of incorporation;
181.54(4) (4) That all debts, obligations, and liabilities of the corporation have been paid and discharged or that adequate provision has been made therefor;
181.54(5) (5) That all the remaining property and assets of the corporation have been transferred, conveyed or distributed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter;
181.54(6) (6) That there are no suits pending against the corporation in any court or that adequate provision has been made for the satisfaction of any judgment, order or decree which may be entered against it in any pending suit;
181.54(7) (7) The names and respective addresses including street and number of the corporation directors as of the date of execution of the articles of dissolution or if there be no directors at such time, then of its last acting board of directors.
181.54(8) (8) The county in which the corporation's principal office is located.
181.54 History History: 1981 c. 337, 391.
181.55 181.55 Filing and recording of articles of dissolution and effect thereof. The articles of dissolution shall be filed and recorded, and when the articles are filed the existence of the corporation shall cease, except for the purpose of suits, other proceedings and appropriate corporate action of members, directors and officers as provided in this chapter. Upon the filing of the articles, the department may issue a certificate of dissolution.
181.55 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 337; 1995 a. 27.
181.55 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 14.38 (14) for provision that certain corporate documents may not be filed with secretary of state unless they bear the drafter's name.
181.555 181.555 Property omitted from final distribution. Upon the filing of the articles of dissolution, a certificate of administrative dissolution or of a decree of dissolution, the title to any property inadvertently or otherwise omitted from the final distribution shall vest in the directors named in the articles or decree of dissolution as trustees for the benefit of the creditors, members and distributees of the corporation as their respective rights and interests may appear. The trustees shall distribute such property or its proceeds to the persons beneficially entitled, and for this purpose a majority of the directors acting as trustees shall have full authority and capacity to collect and administer such property; to adjust and settle any claims against such property; to waive, release or subordinate reversionary rights or interests in real estate, or rights arising out of restrictions or conditions enforceable by the corporation; to sell, assign, or otherwise transfer such property in whole or in part on such terms and conditions as they in their discretion may determine; and to do such other lawful acts as may be necessary or proper for them to execute their trust. In the event any director named in the articles or decree of dissolution shall cease to be a trustee through death, resignation or otherwise, a majority of the surviving trustees or the sole surviving trustee shall have full powers to act under this section. In the event there shall at any time be no trustee or in the event any trustee cannot with reasonable diligence be found, then the circuit court for the county in which the last principal office of the corporation was located shall have power to appoint a trustee or trustees upon application to the court by any person found by the court to have an interest in such property or its disposition. A sole trustee, or a majority of the trustees, may at any time make application to the circuit court of the county where the corporation had its last registered office to have the court liquidate such property pursuant to the jurisdiction of the circuit court to liquidate assets and business of a corporation as provided in this chapter.
181.555 History History: 1981 c. 337; 1993 a. 35.
181.56 181.56 Involuntary dissolution.
181.56(1) (1) A corporation may be dissolved involuntarily by a decree of any circuit court in an action commenced by the attorney general when it is established that:
181.56(1)(a) (a) The corporation's certificate of incorporation was procured through fraud; or
181.56(1)(b) (b) The corporation has continued to exceed or abuse the authority conferred upon it by this chapter; or
181.56(1)(c) (c) The corporation has failed for 90 days to appoint and maintain a registered agent in this state; or
181.56(1)(d) (d) The corporation has solicited or accepted money or property and failed to use the money or property for the purpose for which it was solicited or accepted, or has fraudulently solicited money or fraudulently used the money solicited; or
181.56(1)(e) (e) The corporation has failed to comply with a court order for the production of books, records or other documents of the corporation as provided in this chapter; or
181.56(1)(f) (f) The corporation does or omits any act which amounts to a surrender of its corporate rights, privileges or franchises.
181.56(1m) (1m) In case the attorney general on application refuses to bring action based on sub. (1) (f), leave to bring the same by a private party shall be granted only on notice to the attorney general and the proposed defendant; and the court on granting leave in such case may require the prosecutor to give adequate security to the state to indemnify it and the defendant against all taxable costs therein.
181.56(2) (2) If prior to the entry of a decree, the corporation shall cure all defaults complained of, and shall pay all penalties thereon, and shall pay the costs of such action, the action for such cause shall abate.
181.56(3) (3) A corporation may be dissolved involuntarily under s. 946.87.
181.561 181.561 Grounds for administrative dissolution. The department may bring a proceeding under s. 181.562 to administratively dissolve a corporation if any of the following occurs:
181.561(1) (1) The corporation does not pay, within one year after they are due, any fees or penalties due the department under this chapter.
181.561(2) (2) The corporation does not have on file its annual report with the department within one year after it is due.
181.561(3) (3) The corporation is without a registered agent or registered office in this state for at least one year.
181.561(4) (4) The corporation does not notify the department within one year that its registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued.
181.561(5) (5) The corporation's period of duration stated in its articles of incorporation expires.
181.561 History History: 1993 a. 35; 1995 a. 27.
181.562 181.562 Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution.
181.562(1)(1) If the department determines that one or more grounds exist under s. 181.561 for dissolving a corporation, the department shall serve the corporation under s. 181.10 with written notice of the determination.
181.562(2) (2)
181.562(2)(a)(a) Within 60 days after service of the notice is perfected under s. 181.10 (2), the corporation shall correct each ground for dissolution or demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the department that each ground determined by the department does not exist.
181.562(2)(b) (b) If the corporation fails to satisfy par. (a), the department shall administratively dissolve the corporation by issuing a certificate of dissolution that recites each ground for dissolution and its effective date. The department shall file the original of the certificate and serve a copy on the corporation under s. 181.10.
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