808.01 Definitions.
808.02 Writ of error.
808.03 Appeals to the court of appeals.
808.04 Time for appeal to the court of appeals.
808.05 Bypass.
808.07 Relief pending appeal.
808.075 Permitted court actions pending appeal.
808.08 Further proceedings in trial court.
808.09 Reversal, affirmance or modification of judgment.
808.10 Review by the supreme court.
808.11 Printing specifications.
808.01 808.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
808.01(1) (1) "Appeal" means a review in an appellate court by appeal or writ of error authorized by law of a judgment or order of a circuit court.
808.01(2) (2) "Appellate court" means the supreme court under ch. 751 or the court of appeals under ch. 752.
808.01 History History: 1977 c. 187; 1991 a. 189.
808.01 Annotation A party which accepts the benefits of a judgment does not waive the right to take an appeal which does not involve a reversal of that part of the judgment under which the benefit was received. Estreen v. Bluhm, 79 W (2d) 142, 255 NW (2d) 473.
808.02 808.02 Writ of error. A writ of error may be sought in the court of appeals.
808.02 History History: 1977 c. 187.
808.03 808.03 Appeals to the court of appeals.
808.03(1) (1)Appeals as of right. A final judgment or a final order of a circuit court may be appealed as a matter of right to the court of appeals unless otherwise expressly provided by law. A final judgment or final order is a judgment, order or disposition [court record] that disposes of the entire matter in litigation as to one or more of the parties, whether rendered in an action or special proceeding, and that is one of following:
808.03 Note NOTE: The bracketed language inserted by 1995 Wis. Act 224 was rendered superfluous by the treatment of this provision by 1995 Wis. Act 139. Corrective legislation is pending.
808.03(1)(a) (a) Entered in accordance with s. 806.06 (1) (b) or 807.11 (2).
808.03(1)(b) (b) Recorded in docket entries in ch. 799 cases.
808.03(1)(c) (c) Recorded in docket entries in traffic regulation cases prosecuted in circuit court if a person convicted of a violation may be ordered to pay a forfeiture.
808.03(1)(d) (d) Recorded in docket entries in municipal ordinance violation cases prosecuted in circuit court.
808.03(2) (2)Appeals by permission. A judgment or order not appealable as a matter of right under sub. (1) may be appealed to the court of appeals in advance of a final judgment or order upon leave granted by the court if it determines that an appeal will:
808.03(2)(a) (a) Materially advance the termination of the litigation or clarify further proceedings in the litigation;
808.03(2)(b) (b) Protect the petitioner from substantial or irreparable injury; or
808.03(2)(c) (c) Clarify an issue of general importance in the administration of justice.
808.03 History History: 1977 c. 187; 1979 c. 192; Sup. Ct. Order, 130 W (2d) xix (1986); 1995 a. 139, 224; s. 13.93 (2) (c).
808.03 Annotation Cross-reference. See s. 767.15 (2) for appeals involving child support and maintenance.
808.03 Note Judicial Council Note, 1979: Sub. (1) is amended to modify the statutory definition of the final judgment or final order that may be appealed as a matter of right to the court of appeals. Most types of cases decided in circuit court have a final judgment or order entered with the office of clerk of court. Because of the volume of traffic regulation and municipal ordinance violation cases prosecuted in circuit court, the prevailing custom in Wisconsin counties is to only record the dispositions of those cases in docket entries. Requiring counties to meet the present statutory requirement in s. 808.03 (1) for the entry of a final judgment or order in all cases for purposes of having an appealable matter is unnecessarily burdensome and costly. The term "traffic regulation cases" refers to only those traffic violation cases in which the penalty is a civil forfeiture. [Bill 396-S]
Effective date note Judicial Council Note, 1986: Sub. (1) is amended to clarify that docket entries in small claims and other ch. 799 cases may be final orders from which an appeal may be taken as of right. See 1979 Judicial Council Note to sub. (1). [Re Order eff. 7-1-86]
808.03 Annotation Appeal cannot be taken from order before it is entered. Ramsthal Adv. Agency v. Energy Miser, Inc. 90 W (2d) 74, 279 NW (2d) 491 (Ct. App. 1979).
808.03 Annotation See note to 805.15, citing Earl v. Marcus, 92 W (2d) 13, 284 NW (2d) 690 (Ct. App. 1979).
808.03 Annotation Test to determine whether decision is final order or judgment is whether trial court contemplated that additional formal document would be entered with respect to matter covered in decision. Frederick v. City of Janesville, 92 W (2d) 685, 285 NW (2d) 655 (1979).
808.03 Annotation Pretrial order denying motion to dismiss on double jeopardy grounds is nonfinal order appealable only under (2). State v. Jenich, 94 W (2d) 74, 288 NW (2d) 114 (1980).
808.03 Annotation Order waiving jurisdiction over juvenile is appealable under (2). State ex rel. A. E. v. Green Lake County Cir. Ct. 94 W (2d) 98, 288 NW (2d) 125 (1980).
808.03 Annotation See note to 974.05, citing State v. Rabe, 96 W (2d) 48, 291 NW (2d) 809 (1980).
808.03 Annotation See note to 801.08, citing Heaton v. Independent Mortuary Corp. 97 W (2d) 379, 294 NW (2d) 15 (1980).
808.03 Annotation Orders relating to venue are appealable by permission under (2). Aparacor, Inc. v. DILHR, 97 W (2d) 399, 293 NW (2d) 545 (1980).
808.03 Annotation See note to 801.08, citing Grulkowski v. Dept. of Transp. 97 W (2d) 615, 294 NW (2d) 43 (Ct. App. 1980).
808.03 Annotation Order enjoining town from conducting incorporation referendum under 60.81 terminated only matter in litigation with respect to town, although ch. 66 incorporation proceedings had not been finally determined by the order. In re Incorporation of Town of Fitchburg, 98 W (2d) 635, 299 NW (2d) 199 (1980).
808.03 Annotation Court order setting aside an administrative order and remanding case to administrative agency was appealable as of right. Bearns v. DILHR, 102 W (2d) 70, 306 NW (2d) 22 (1981).
808.03 Annotation Where counterclaim for abuse of process, severed for trial, was not yet determined, judgment dismissing complaint was not appealable under (1). Brownsell v. Klawitter, 102 W (2d) 108, 306 NW (2d) 41 (1981).
808.03 Annotation Order for new trial is not appealable as of right. Wick v. Mueller, 105 W (2d) 191, 313 NW (2d) 799 (1982).
808.03 Annotation See note to 806.06, citing Radoff v. Red Owl Stores, Inc. 109 W (2d) 490, 326 NW (2d) 240 (1982).
808.03 Annotation Trial court did not have jurisdiction to award attorney's fees after filing of notice of appeal of another issue. In re Marriage of Hengel v. Hengel, 120 W (2d) 522, 355 NW (2d) 846 (Ct. App. 1984).
808.03 Annotation Court commissioner's order under 757.69 (1) dismissing criminal proceeding was not "final order" under 808.03 (1). State v. Trongeau, 135 W (2d) 188, 400 NW (2d) 12 (Ct. App. 1986).
808.03 Annotation Appellate court has no jurisdiction to review denial of postconviction motion if there is no final written order denying that motion on file in clerk of court's office. State v. Malone, 136 W (2d) 250, 401 NW (2d) 563 (1987).
808.03 Annotation Criminal defendant's right to appeal continues after death, regardless of cause of death. State v. McDonald, 144 W (2d) 531, 424 NW (2d) 411 (1988).
808.03 Annotation Judgment resolving merits of 42 USC 1983 action is final and appealable under (1) though attorney's fee issue remains unresolved. ACLU v. Thompson, 155 W (2d) 442, 455 NW (2d) 268 (Ct. App. 1990).
808.03 Annotation Circuit court's retained jurisdiction in board of review certiorari actions under 70.47(13) does not affect finality of order for appeal purposes. Steenberg v. Town of Oakfield, 157 W (2d) 674, 461 NW (2d) 148 (Ct. App. 1990).
808.03 Annotation See note to 343.305 citing State v. Borowski, 164 W (2d) 730, 476 NW (2d) 316 (Ct. App. 1991).
808.03 Annotation When an appeal is taken as a matter of right only the final document need be reduced to writing; nonfinal rulings need not be reduced to writing to be eligible for review under an appeal of a subsequent final order. Jacquart v. Jacquart, 183 W (2d) 372, 515 NW (2d) 539 (Ct. App. 1994).
808.03 Annotation Wisconsin Court of Appeals Appellate Jurisdiction. Klein and Leavell. Wis. Law. Sept. 1991.
808.03 Annotation Interlocutory Appeals in Wisconsin. Towers, Arnold, Tess-Mattner & Levenson. Wis. Law. July 1993.
808.04 808.04 Time for appeal to the court of appeals.
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