
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety

Senate Bill 90

Relating to: removal and replacement of a vehicle or vehicle part identification number.

By Senators Cowles, Petrowski, Marklein, Wirch and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Steffen, Kulp, Kremer, Weatherston, Mursau, Felzkowski, Stuck, Horlacher, Tusler and E. Brooks.

March 02, 2017           Referred to Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety

May 09, 2017              Public Hearing Held

Present:       (5)        Senator Wanggaard; Senators Stroebel, Risser, L. Taylor and Testin.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Senator Rob Cowles

·      Representative David Steffen

·      Jolene Plautz - WACTAL

·      Mark Williams - Williams Bay Auto Body

·      Michael Taylor - Zimbrick

·      Larry Terrien - MJ Collision Center

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Christine Terrien

·      Scott Saal

Registrations Against

·      None.

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

May 11, 2017              Executive Session Held

Present:       (5)        Senator Wanggaard; Senators Stroebel, Risser, L. Taylor and Testin.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by Senator Risser, seconded by Senator Wanggaard that Senate Bill 90 be recommended for passage.

Ayes:     (5)     Senator Wanggaard; Senators Stroebel, Risser, L. Taylor and Testin.

Noes:     (0)     None.



Valirie Maxim

Committee Clerk