Under current law, if the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the
Children's Code or Juvenile Justice Code (juvenile court) adjudges a child to be in
need of protection or services, the juvenile court may order the child to be removed
from the home of the child's parent and placed in the home of a foster parent,
guardian, relative other than a parent, or nonrelative or in a group home, residential
care center for children and youth, or shelter care facility (out-of-home placement).
Under this bill, a student is eligible for a UW or technical college tuition remission
if he or she resided in an out-of-home placement in this state under a juvenile court
order under one of the following circumstances: 1) for at least a year on or after his
or her 13th birthday before being returned to the parent's home; 2) on his or her 13th

birthday, and after his or her 13th birthday he or she was adopted or appointed a
long-term guardian; or 3) on his or her 18th birthday.
The bill requires the Board of Regents to grant a tuition remission for each
semester or session that an eligible student completes the federal Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and is enrolled in an associate degree or bachelor's
degree program. A technical college district board must grant a tuition remission for
each semester or session that an eligible student completes the FAFSA and is
enrolled in a technical diploma or associate degree program. Both the Board of
Regents and technical college district boards may not grant the remissions after a
student is awarded the diploma or degree for the program in which he or she is
enrolled, or attains the age of 25 years, whichever occurs first. In addition, the bill
prohibits a student from receiving a remission from either the Board of Regents or
a technical college district board for more than a total of 12 semesters or sessions.
Also, both the Board of Regents and technical college district boards must deduct
from a remission any federal scholarship, grant, or aid, other than a loan, awarded
for a student.
The bill also makes an appropriation to the Higher Educational Aids Board to
reimburse the Board of Regents and technical college district boards for remissions
granted under the bill. If the appropriation is not sufficient to make full
reimbursement, HEAB must prorate the reimbursements.
This bill also makes an appropriation to DCF for the purpose of distributing at
least four grants per biennium of up to $30,000 each to UW or Wisconsin Technical
College System institutions for the purpose of supporting programming for former
foster youth who are enrolled in the institution.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB777,1 1Section 1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
AB777,2 1Section 2. 20.235 (1) (fx) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,3,52 20.235 (1) (fx) Foster care remissions. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule
3to reimburse the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and
4technical college district boards under s. 39.51 for fee remissions made under ss.
536.27 (3g) and 38.24 (5m).
AB777,3 6Section 3. 20.437 (1) (ch) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,3,127 20.437 (1) (ch) Grants to support former foster youth in higher education.
8Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for at least 4 grants to University of
9Wisconsin System institutions or technical colleges within the Wisconsin Technical
10College System for the purpose of providing resources, programs, and activities for
11former foster youth enrolled in the university or technical college. No grant under
12this paragraph may exceed $30,000.
AB777,4 13Section 4. 36.27 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,3,1414 36.27 (3g) Foster care remissions. (a) In this subsection:
AB777,3,1715 1. “Eligible individual” means a state resident who resided in an out-of-home
16placement in this state under a court order under s. 48.355, 48.357, 48.365, 938.355,
17938.357, or 938.365 under any of the following circumstances:
AB777,3,1818 a. On his or her 18th birthday.
AB777,3,2019 b. On his or her 13th birthday, and after his or her 13th birthday he or she was
20adopted or appointed a non-agency guardian under s. 48.977 or 54.10 (1).
1c. For at least one year on or after his or her 13th birthday, and he or she
2returned to live in the home of his or her parent after termination of the order.
AB777,4,53 2. “Federal assistance” means any federal scholarship, grant, or aid, other than
4a loan, provided to a student or to a student's educational institution on behalf of a
AB777,4,86 (b) Subject to par. (c), the board shall grant full remission of academic fees and
7segregated fees to any eligible individual for a semester or session if the individual
8satisfies each of the following:
AB777,4,109 1. The individual completes the federal Free Application for Federal Student
10Aid, as described in 20 USC 1090 (a), for that semester or session.
AB777,4,1211 2. The individual is enrolled in an associate degree or bachelor's degree
12program in that semester or session.
AB777,4,1513 (c) 1. The board shall deduct from a remission granted to an eligible individual
14under par. (b) for a semester or session the amount of federal assistance awarded for
15the individual for that semester or session.
AB777,4,1816 2. The board may not grant a remission under par. (b) to an eligible individual
17after the eligible individual is awarded a bachelor's degree or attains the age of 25
18years, whichever occurs first.
AB777,4,2119 3. An eligible student may receive a remission under par. (b) or s. 38.24 (5m)
20(b) for no more than a total of 12 semesters. For purposes of this subdivision, a
21session is counted as a semester.
AB777,5 22Section 5. 38.24 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,4,2323 38.24 (5m) Foster care remissions. (a) In this subsection:
AB777,4,2424 1. “Eligible individual” has the meaning given in s. 36.27 (3g) (a) 1.
AB777,4,2525 2. “Federal assistance” has the meaning given in s. 36.27 (3g) (a) 2.
1(b) Subject to par. (c), a district board shall grant full remission of fees under
2sub. (1m) (a) to (c) to any eligible individual for a semester or session if the individual
3satisfies each of the following:
AB777,5,54 1. The individual completes the federal Free Application for Federal Student
5Aid, as described in 20 USC 1090 (a), for that semester or session.
AB777,5,76 2. The individual is enrolled in a technical diploma or associate degree program
7in that semester or session.
AB777,5,108 (c) 1. A district board shall deduct from a remission granted to an eligible
9individual under par. (b) for a semester or session the amount of federal assistance
10awarded for the individual for that semester or session.
AB777,5,1311 2. An eligible individual may not receive a remission under par. (b) after the
12eligible individual is awarded a diploma or degree in the program in which he or she
13is enrolled or attains the age of 25 years, whichever occurs first.
AB777,5,1614 3. An eligible student may receive a remission under par. (b) or s. 36.27 (3g) (b)
15for no more than a total of 12 semesters. For purposes of this subdivision, a session
16is counted as a semester.
AB777,6 17Section 6. 39.51 of the statutes is created to read:
AB777,6,2 1839.51 Foster care remissions. (1) University of wisconsin system. At the
19end of each semester, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
20shall certify to the board the number of students enrolled in the University of
21Wisconsin System to whom fees have been remitted under s. 36.27 (3g) and the
22amount of fees remitted. Subject to sub. (3), if the board approves the information
23certified under this subsection, the board, from the appropriation account under s.
2420.235 (1) (fx), shall reimburse the Board of Regents for the full amount of fees
25remitted. The Board of Regents shall credit any amounts received under this

1subsection to the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (k) and shall expend those
2amounts received for degree credit instruction.
AB777,6,9 3(2) Technical colleges. At the end of each semester, each technical college
4district board shall certify to the board the number of students enrolled in the
5technical college governed by the district board to whom fees have been remitted
6under s. 38.24 (5m) and the amount of those fees remitted. Subject to sub. (3), if the
7board approves the information certified under this subsection, the board, from the
8appropriation account under s. 20.235 (1) (fx), shall reimburse the district board for
9the full amount of fees remitted.
AB777,6,18 10(3) Prorated reimbursement. In June of each fiscal year, the board shall
11determine the total amount of fees remitted by the Board of Regents that are eligible
12for reimbursement under sub. (1) and fees remitted by the district boards that are
13eligible for reimbursement under sub. (2). If the moneys appropriated under s.
1420.235 (1) (fx) are not sufficient to reimburse the Board of Regents for the full amount
15of those fees and each district board for the full amount of those fees, the board shall
16prorate the reimbursement paid under subs. (1) and (2) in the proportion that the
17moneys available bears to the total amount eligible for reimbursement under subs.
18(1) and (2).
AB777,7 19Section 7. Initial applicability.
AB777,6,2320 (1) This act first applies to eligible individuals, as defined in section 36.27 (3g)
21(a) 1. of the statutes, as created by this act, enrolled in the University of Wisconsin
22System or Technical College System in the first semester or session following the
23effective date of this subsection.
AB777,6,2424 (End)