Temporary, 880.15
Guardianship, children's code, 48.023
Guardianship grant program, 46.977
Handicapped person, custody, parents preferred, 880.09 (2)
Hearing, involuntary removal of child, 48.305
Immunization program, 140.05 (16)
Incapacity of guardian, removal, 880.16, 880.17
Incompetent, annual report required of guardian, 880.38 (3)
  Application for limited guardianship of property, 880.37
  Appointment of guardian, 880.33
  Duration of guardianship, 880.34
  Guardian of person, 880.38
  Ineligible to register or vote, rights preserved, 880.33 (9)
  Limited guardianship, 55.06 (14), 880.215, 880.33 (3), (8), 880.37
  Menominee, transfer of assets to trust, 880.195
  Nonprofit corporation as guardian, 880.35
  Personal representative, account filed by guardian, 862.03 (1)
  Protective service placement, 55.05 (5), 880.38
  Review of incompetency by court, 880.34
  Security ownership, 880.76
  Standby guardian, 880.36
Informal administration of estates, consent, 865.02 (1) (b) 1
Inmates of asylum, petition for guardian, 880.295
Inventory, 880.191
  Appraisal, 880.18
Investments, 786.12, 880.19 (4)
  Construction of instruments, 881.02
  Prudent person rule, 881.01
  State bonds and notes, 219.04
  To be exhibited to court, 880.25 (2)
Joint guardians, 880.12
Jurisdiction of circuit court, 880.02
Lands, court's control, 786.12
Leasing of land, 880.19
Legal services to child by state or county, guardians contribution to cost, 48.275 (2)
Letters of guardianship, issuance, 880.14
Limited guardianship, incompetent, 55.06 (14), 880.215, 880.33 (3), (8), 880.37
Lis pendens, void contracts, 880.215
Marital property, management for disabled spouse, 766.51 (7)
Marriage of ward, effect, 880.04, 880.26
Married person, guardian of estate, 880.173
Menominees, transfer of assets to trust, 880.195
Mental health, interstate compact, 51.75 to 51.80
Mentally ill persons, necessity of appointment prior to discharge from treatment facility, 51.35 (7)
Minor, gifts to, uniform act, 880.04 (3)
  May change guardian, 880.16
  Menominee, transfer of assets to trust, 880.195
  Security ownership act, 880.75
  Standby guardian, 880.36
  Transfers to, uniform act, 880.04 (3)
Motor vehicles, child safety restraint systems required, 347.48 (4)
Nomination of guardian by minor, 880.09, 880.16
Nonresident guardian, citation, 880.16 (3)
Nonresident ward with property here, 880.03
Notice, change in placement, 48.357
  Child taken into custody, 48.19 (2)
  Revision of dispositional order, 48.363
Order appointing guardian, 880.12
Organizations, appointment as guardian, 223.10
Outpatient mental health treatment for minors, 51.14
Parent preferred as guardian, 880.09
Partner, incompetent, power of guardian, 179.65
Paternity determination action, 767.475 (7)
Personal property, sale, management, 880.19
Petition, appointment of guardian, fees, 880.07
  By health and social services department for incompetent patients, 880.295
Protective services, guardian request and consent to, 55.05 (2) (b), (5)
  Placement, 55.06 (1) (d)
  Status of guardian, 55.03
Public employe trust fund, 40.08 (9m)
Purchase of land for ward, 786.12
Real property, management, 880.19
Removal of child without consent, hearing, 48.305
Removal of guardian, 880.16
  For failure to pay state, 880.295 (2)
  For fraud, mismanagement, etc., 880.192
  Successor, 880.251
  Under children's code, 48.14 (2)
Report of guardian, 880.25
Resignation of guardian, 880.17
Retention of decedent's securities or real estate, 881.05
Revision of dispositional orders, 48.363
Rights of patients, 51.61 (6)
  Mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism or drug dependency, 51.13 (2), (3)
Rights of residents in certain facilities, 50.09
Runaways, homes for, 48.227
  Notice, when apprehended, 48.19 (2)
Sale of alcohol beverages, license exception, 125.06 (7)