Reimbursement to counties, 49.035
  60 days consecutive residence requirement prior to application, 49.015
Gifts, acceptance, 46.03 (2a)
  For specialized programs for handicapped person, 47.03 (2)
Groundwater protection,
  Adoption of rules for regulatory responses, 160.21
  Collection of information, 160.17
  Contamination; establishment of enforcement standards, 160.07
  Public information, 160.11
  Enforcement standards, 160.25
  Preventive action limits, implementation of responses, 160.23
  Review regulations, define design and management criteria, 160.19
Group homes, 48.52
  Bookkeeping and audit requirements, 46.036 (4)
  Defined, 48.02 (7)
  Formal complaints, investigation, 48.745
  Inspection and investigation, 48.73, 48.74
  Investigation, 48.68
  Licenses, 48.625, 48.68
  Provisions of, 48.70
  Regulations, 48.66 to 48.77
  Revocation of, 48.71
  Renewal of license, investigate complaints, 48.68
  Revolving loan fund, 46.976
  Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Guaranteed jobs program for high school graduates, 49.50 (7p)
Guardian, appointed as on termination of parental rights, 48.427
Guardianship grant program, 46.977
Guardianship of children, 48.48 to 48.54
Handicapped persons, specialized programs for, 47.03
  Vocational rehabilitation, execute law, 46.03 (12)
  Program, 47.02, 47.04
Health care coverage for the uninsured council, 15.197 (18)
Health care, education funding report, 146.87
  Hospital assessments, 146.99
  Primary program, indigent, 146.93
Health care facilities, 50.01 to 50.12
  Inventory reported by dept., 140.82
Health care information, Ch. 153
Health care information board, 15.195 (6)
Health care information office, 15.194, 601.429
Health care liability, rule-making authority, 655.004
Health officer, state, 140.02
Health planning, duties, 140.82
Health services regulation,
Hearing impaired council, 15.197 (8)
Hearing impaired, vehicle sticker for, 47.25
Hemophilia and blood related disorders, duties, 49.485 (8)
High-risk youths, intervention program, 46.264
Hispanic injured workers, services to, 47.10
HIV infected individuals, continuation coverage premium subsidy, 146.88
Homebound persons, vocational rehabilitation, 47.03 (11)
Home care and day care, supportive services, amounts, 16.54 (2) (c)
Home health agencies, licensing and regulation, 141.15
Home health agency reimbursement, 49.45 (8)
Home health aides, instructional programs, 146.40
Homeless individuals, services for, 46.972
Home manufacturing, regulations, 146.03
Home nursing programs, develop plans, 141.10
Hospital capacity and rates, department to provide information for health care liability, 655.019
Hospital loan program, rural, 146.62
Hospital regulation and approval act, 50.32 to 50.39
Hospitals, capital expenditure review program, enforcement prohibited, 150.90
  Conduct plan reviews of construction or remodeling, fees, 50.36 (2)
  Standards, 50.36 (1)
Hotel rates, posting, 50.84
Hotels and restaurants, Ch. 50
  Review of orders, 50.71
Human services, interstate contracts, 51.87
Hygiene in public school, recommend works of, 140.05
Illegitimate children,
see Nonmarital children, under this head
Immunization program, 140.05 (16)
Improvements, additional power to provide, 46.035
Income maintenance administration, 46.032
Income maintenance worker competency standards, 46.033
Independent living center grants, 46.96
see American Indians, under this head
Infancy, welfare and hygiene, 146.18
Infant blindness, prevention, 146.01
Infant testing for congenital disorders, duties, 146.02
Infectious agents, information requirements, 101.587
Information from officials and physicians, 146.15
Injunction against child welfare agency, foster home, group home or day care center, 48.77
Injury prevention grant program, 146.56
Inpatient health care facilities, licensing and approval fees, exemption, 140.86
Inspection and investigation of child welfare agencies, day care centers, group homes and foster homes, 48.73, 48.74
Inspection of county institutions, 46.16, 46.17
Inspectors and assistants as to hotels, restaurants, etc., 50.57