Guideboards, county board may erect, 83.13
  Defacing or removing, 86.192
  Unauthorized, 86.191
Hearing, to lay, alter or discontinue, 80.06
Hedges permitted, 86.03
Horicon marsh wildlife area, roads near, maintenance, 84.28
  By towns, 60.50 (2)
  Contracts for, 84.06
Injuries to highway, treble damages, 86.02
Injuries to person, property, procedures, 81.15
Interstate, joint construction, 80.125, 83.16
  National system, 84.29
Interstate railroad bridges, 86.22
Islands in Mississippi river, 80.15
Junkyards adjacent to interstate and primary highways, regulation, 84.31
Laid by county board, control, 80.40
  Opening, 80.39
Lake shore plats, 236.16 (3)
Landlocked lands, proceedings for road out, 80.13, 80.14
Landlocked schoolhouse, road to, 80.16
  For landlocked lands, road out, 80.13, 80.14
  Irregularities, 80.01 (4)
  On and across town or municipal boundaries, 80.12
  On or across town lines, 80.11
  Restrictions, 80.03
  To cemeteries, fairground, 80.48
Leases for construction and improvement, application of state laws, 84.41 (2)
  Liability of state, 84.41 (1)
  Tax exemption, 84.41 (5)
  Transportation department relation to nonprofit corporations, 84.40
Legal, when deemed as, 80.01
Length of vehicles and vehicle trains, secretary to designate highways, 348.07 (4), (5)
Liability under worker's compensation, county may assume, 83.17
License for vehicle in transit, 341.47 (3)
Lighting by county, 83.20
Lights, for obstructions upon, 86.01
Lis pendens, 840.11
Livestock on, penalty, 172.015
Local service roads, 84.25
Local transportation aids, cost determinations, 86.303
  Distribution, 86.30
Location of, restrictions, 80.03
Log hauling on, 348.10 (3)
Lost records, reestablishment, 80.37
Maintenance equipment, lights, 347.23, 347.27
Maintenance of trunk highway system, 84.07
Maintenance workers, right of way, 346.27
Maps, 84.02 (5), (12)
Marking section and quarter section corners, 83.11
Mass transit facilities, maintenance, 84.07 (1m)
  Milwaukee county, 59.965
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Mass transit way, establishment and regulation by municipalities; car pools, 349.22
Matching state or federal funds, 86.25
Materials left in, penalty, 86.01
Memorial, Peace, 84.1035
  Thirty-second Division, 84.104
  Veterans, 84.103
Milwaukee county:
  Add to state or county system, 86.18
  Expressways, 59.965, 70.11 (2)
  Mass transit facilities, 59.965
  Power over trunk, 86.185
  Removal of streets from county system, 83.025 (1)
Miscellaneous statutory provisions, Ch. 86
Motor carriers subject to transportation law, 194.07
Municipality to maintain, laid by county, 80.40
Municipal utility relocation due to freeway construction, compensation, 84.295 (4m)
National parkway part of state trunk highway system, 84.105 (5)
National system of interstate highways, 84.29
Natural resources department may establish, 23.11
Notice, of appeal from orders, 80.17, 80.18
  Of appeal from county board orders, 80.39
  Of hearing by county board, 80.39
  Of hearing on laying or discontinuance, 80.05
  To lay, vacate, extend, 840.11
Noxious matter, drainage into, abatement, 146.13
Oaths, supervisors may administer, 80.35
Obstruction, by railroad, 192.292
  Damage, penalty, 86.021, 86.022
  Encroachments, 86.04
  Penalty, 86.01
  Permit, 66.045
Order, award, presumption of release, 80.07
  Presumptive evidence, 80.34