Of hearing by county board, 80.39
  Of hearing on laying or discontinuance, 80.05
  To lay, vacate, extend, 840.11
Noxious matter, drainage into, abatement, 146.13
Oaths, supervisors may administer, 80.35
Obstruction, by railroad, 192.292
  Damage, penalty, 86.021, 86.022
  Encroachments, 86.04
  Penalty, 86.01
  Permit, 66.045
Order, award, presumption of release, 80.07
  Presumptive evidence, 80.34
Papers, documents, where filed, 80.33
Patrol officers, traffic, 83.016
Permits for excavation or alteration, review of denial, 86.073
Petition for laying, no renewal for one year, 80.22
Pipes or pipelines, 86.16, 182.0175
Planting trees and shrubs in, 86.03
Poles on, how set, 86.16
Private roads and driveways, snow removal, 86.105
Processions, local regulation, 349.185
Projects, commission,
see Transportation projects commission, under this head
Projects, funding, 84.59
  Listing and exclusions, funding, approval, 84.013
  Selection and evaluation, 85.025
Public, what constitutes, 80.01 (2)
Railroad and utility alteration and relocation program, 84.065
Railroad bridges, interstate, approaches, 86.22
Railroad crossings, 86.11 to 86.13
  Eliminate grade, 195.29 (5)
  Flagmen or warning devices, 195.28
  Hearings, procedure, 84.05
  Improvement, 195.29
  Signs, 195.286
  Traffic control, 86.135
  Train speed, stop signs, flagmen, gates, 192.29
  Whistle or horn, 192.29 (4)
Railroads to maintain crossings, 86.13
Railroads to restore, 190.08
Recording of by filing order, 80.01 (1)
Referendum, town, on laying costs, 80.30
  Town, on laying costs, action by county board, 80.39
Reflectors at entrance to private road, 346.41 (3)
Regional plans, 236.46
Relocation, condemnation, 83.08
Remnants of land, acquisition, 83.07 (1a), 83.08 (1), 84.09 (1)
Reservation in conveyance, effect, 80.01 (5)
Reversion of title on discontinuance, 80.32
Roadside improvement, 84.04
Road supplies, county may sell to municipalities, 83.018
Roadways across dams, town may contract for with owner, 81.42
Rules for vehicles on,
Rural interstate, speed limit, 346.57
Rustic roads board, membership, 15.465 (2)
Rustic road system, 83.42
Safety coordinator, 59.07 (34m), 62.135
Safety council, creation, membership, 15.467 (3)
  Powers and duties, 85.07
Salt, storage of, 85.17
Salvage in construction, 86.10
Schools, road to when shut off from, 80.16
  Safety zones, 118.09
  Zones, marking, 118.08
Secondary feeder roads, 83.026
Set off of payments to vendors, 84.012
Signs, cost, 349.08
  Defacing or removing, 86.192
  Railroad grade crossings, 349.085
  Regulations, 86.19
  Specific information (gas, food, lodging, camping), 86.195
  Tourist-oriented directional, 86.196
  Transportation department to approve, 84.02 (4)
  Unauthorized, 86.191
Snow fences, county highways, 83.015 (2)
  Town highways, 81.01 (10)
Snowmobiles, blocking off county or municipal highways for races, 350.04
  Operation on or in vicinity, 350.02
Snow or ice, damages caused by, 81.15
Snow removal and control, state trunks, 84.07 (1)
Snow removal, private road or driveway, 86.105
Special legislation, IV, 31
State contracts, hours, wages, 103.50
State institutions, roads to or on grounds, 84.27
State line, county may aid, 83.15
State park lands abutted by, discontinuance or relocation, 80.025
State parks, roads in or near, 84.28
State trails, 84.06 (11)