Toll, 86.21
  Toll facilities, construction, 84.12 (9)
  Local construction or reconstruction, 84.11, 84.52
  Maintenance, 84.15
  On town boundaries, maintenance charges, 80.11
  On new town highways, costs, referendum, 80.02
  Order of state aid, 84.14
  Projects, selection and evaluation, 85.025
  State aid, 20.395 (3), (4)
  State line, 80.125, 83.15
  Strength, repair, overloading, 86.14
  Swing or lift, aids payments, 86.32 (2)
Bus stops at railroad, 346.45
Camping on forbidden, 86.025
Cattle passes, 83.12, 84.06 (9)
Cemeteries, access to preserved, 86.09
  May petition for, 80.48
Cities fourth class may appropriate money to aid adjoining municipality, 86.15 (2)
Civil defense roads, expenditure for marking, 84.03 (9) (b)
Closed to travel, barriers, 86.06
Closing for washout or repairs, duty of town chairperson, 83.09
Closing or restricting under sabotage act, 175.05
Condemnation, for construction and improvements, 83.07, 84.09
Connecting highways, aids payments, 86.32
  Improvement, 84.03 (10)
  Population estimates for determining aids, 86.33
  When not included in state trunk system, 84.02 (11)
Connecting with navigable waters, 23.09 (8)
Construction, contracts, 83.04
  Matching of federal aid, 84.53
  Salvage of material, 86.10
Contracts, approval, 16.87
  Awarding to minority businesses, 84.075
  Disadvantaged business demonstration and training program, 84.076
  For improvements, 84.06
  Secretary or designees to sign, 84.011
  With United States, 84.015
Controlled-access, 84.25
Control of, laid by county, 80.40
Conveyances by county to state, 84.09 (3)
Cost determinations of construction and maintenance, 86.303
  Cattle passes, 83.12
  Construction, noncontract work, payments, 83.04
  Contracts with municipalities, 83.035
  Entry on lands, road materials, 83.18
  Excavation or alteration by metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.894 (7)
  Guideboards, 83.13
  Marking section corners, 83.11
  Temporary and detours, 83.19
County aid, 83.02
  Conditions for, 83.14
  Maintenance of improvements, 83.06
  Notice of to county clerks, 84.01
  Petition to change, 83.02 (2)
  Relocation, 83.08
  State line bridges or highways, 83.15, 83.16
  Streets of extra width, 83.05
  Town or village initiative, 83.14
  Worker's compensation, 83.17
County board, hearing, orders, damages, appeals, 80.39
  Powers, laying and vacating, 80.39
  Widening highways and streets, 80.64
County highway commissioner, 83.01
County highway committee, 83.015
  Apportion benefit assessment upon subsequent division of land, 27.065 (13)
County register, 83.01 (7) (g)
County road and bridge fund, 83.065
County traffic patrol officers, 83.016
County trunk, 83.025
  Controlled-access, establishment, 83.027
  Design standards for improvement, department to establish, 84.01 (9)
  Emergency repair, 83.09
  Improvement, cost, 83.03
  Uniform marking, 83.025 (2)
  Yield signs, installation, 349.07 (7)
Criminal damage to, penalty, 943.01
Crossings, highway authorities to notify drainage board of construction, 86.075
  Obstruction by trains, 192.292
Cultivation in, 86.021
Curative act, 80.01 (4)
Cutting memorial trees forbidden, 45.066
Cutting trees or shrubs along, 80.01 (3)
Damage, by machinery, 86.021
  Criminal, 943.01
Damages, appeal from award, 80.24 to 80.29
  Apportionment between parties, 80.31
  Considerations affecting, 80.10
  Debt of municipality, collection, 80.30