Segregated accounts, type and special provisions, 611.24
Separate accounts for variable contracts, special provisions, 611.25
Service of process upon, 601.72, 601.73, 801.11 (5)
Special assessment, levy for supervision of industry, 601.32
Stock corporations, definitions applicable, 611.01 (1)
Stock options, executive compensation, 611.63
  Issuance approved by commissioner, 611.32 (5)
Subsidiaries, 611.26
Supervision of industry, 601.32
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Variable contracts, special provisions for separate accounts, 611.25
INSURANCE 4a. Disability4a. Disability
, Ch. 632
Adopted children, mandatory coverage, 632.896
Assignability, 632.71
Certification of disability, 632.99
Change of beneficiary, 632.71
Change of occupation provision, 632.77 (1)
Children, dependent, may not be excluded, 632.75 (3)
Consent, 631.07 (2), (3)
Continuation, 49.45 (20)
Coverage, out-of-state service, 632.75 (4)
  Public assistance eligibility not to exclude, 632.755
Death, presumed from absence, 632.75 (1)
Diabetes, equipment, supplies and education for treatment, coverage, 632.895 (6)
Disclosure requirements, 628.38
Dividend, contingency on premium payment prohibited, 632.75 (2)
Estoppel from medical examination, 632.71
Grace period required, 632.78
Grandchildren, coverage, 632.895 (5m)
Handicapped children, policy extension, 632.88
HIV infection, drug coverage, 632.895 (9)
Home health care coverage required, 632.895
Hospital services, payments, 632.75 (5)
Incontestability, 632.76
Kidney disease treatment, 632.895 (4)
Liability, to state or county, 632.89 (2m)
Limitation of actions, 631.83 (1) (b)
Long-term care policies, benefit appeals, 632.84
  Renewability, 632.82
Mammogram coverage, 632.895 (8)
Mandatory coverage, 632.895
Maternity coverage, 632.895 (7)
Medical assistance, assignment, 632.72
Medical payments insurance, restrictions on, 632.80
Medicare supplement or replacement policies:
  Benefit appeals, 632.84
  Incontestability, 632.76 (2) (b)
  Minimum standards, 632.81
  Return right, 632.73 (1), (2m)
Misstatement of age provision, 632.77 (2)
Newborn infants, mandatory coverage, 632.895 (5)
Nursing home care coverage, 632.895
Nursing home insurance policy, benefit appeals, 632.84
Payment provisions, 632.77 (3), (4)
Permitted provisions, 632.77
Prohibited provisions, 632.75
Public assistance eligibility not to exclude coverage, 632.755
Reinstatement of individual or franchise disability insurance policies, 632.74
Return of policy; right, notification, exemptions, 632.73
Skilled nursing care coverage, 632.895
State or county, liability to, 632.89 (2m)
insurance 4b. domestic mutual4b. Domestic Mutual Corporations
, Ch. 611

Affiliates, transactions with, 611.61
Annual report to policyholders, 611.43
Articles, amendment, 611.29
  Contents, 611.12 (2)
Assessable, conversion to nonassessable corporation, 611.77
  Surplus requirements, 611.19 (4)
  Write worker's compensation insurance, initial requirements, 611.19 (4) (d)
Assessment, certificate as evidence, 891.22
Assets, distribution upon dissolution, excess to school fund, 611.74 (4)
Books and records, 611.51 (9)
Borrowing money on general obligation notes, 611.33 (2) (e)
Bylaws, 611.12 (4)
Certificate of authority, application, issuance, alteration, 611.20
Committees of directors, 611.56
Compensation of executives, 611.63
Consolidation, 611.73
Contribution notes, issuance, commissioner to approve, 611.33 (2) (b)
  Repayment, 611.33 (2) (d)
Conversion, assessable to nonassessable and nonassessable to assessable, 611.77
  From fraternal to mutual, 614.76
  Insurers in financially hazardous condition, 611.76 (4m)
  Into fraternal, 611.79
  Into stock corporation, 611.76
  Of domestic stock corporation to mutual, 611.75
Copies of account books as evidence, 891.23
Definitions applicable, 611.01 (2)
Derivative actions, 611.62 (4)