Resignation, 611.52 (3)
Dissenters' rights, 611.785
Dissolution, voluntary, 611.74
Dividends and other distributions, 611.69
Exclusive agency contracts prohibited, exception for contracts with subsidiaries, 611.66
Executive compensation, 611.63
Health care plans, management contract, services, 611.67
Incorporators, 611.11
  Liability, 611.18 (1)
Informal action, 611.07 (4)
Insurer's place of domicile, transfer of, 611.223
Interlocking directorates, prohibited, 611.57
Involuntary liquidation, 611.74 (2)
Legal existence, termination, 611.16 (4)
Life, conversion of mutual to stock companies, 611.76
Management contract services, 611.67
Management, supervision by commissioner, 611.54
Merger, 611.72
Mortgage of assets, report to commissioner, 611.78
Name, reserving, 611.10
National emergency, continuity of management, 611.55
Number of shareholders, 611.36
Officers, indemnification, 611.62
  Liability, 611.62
  Number, 611.12 (3)
  Removal, 611.52 (1), 611.54 (3)
  Resignation, 611.52 (1)
Organization expenses, reimbursements and refunds to incorporators, 611.16 (3)
  Reimbursement to incorporators, 611.18 (2) (a)
Organization permit, application, contents, issuance, 611.13
  Powers under, 611.14 (1)
  Revocation by commissioner, 611.16 (2)
  Termination, 611.16 (1)
Organization procedure, acceleration, 611.22
Personal services of incorporators, compensation, 611.18 (2) (a) 2
Powers, from general corporate law which apply, 611.07 (1)
Preemptive rights of shareholders, 611.33 (1) (e)
Promoter stock, regulation, 611.32
Reinsurance, in bulk, report to commissioner, 611.78
Sale, lease, exchange or mortgage of assets, 611.78
Scrip or fractional shares, not to be issued, 611.33 (1) (b)
Seal, omission of, 611.07 (3)
Securities, authorized, 611.33
  Regulation, 611.31
  Repurchase of shares, 611.34
Segregated accounts, type and special provisions, 611.24
Separate accounts for variable contracts, special provisions, 611.25
Shareholders, derivative actions, 611.62 (4)
Shareholders' meetings, closing of transfer books and fixing record date, 611.40 (2)
  Notices, quorums and voting, 611.40 (1)
  Voting lists, 611.40 (2)
Subscription proceeds, deposit of, 611.15
Transactions with affiliates, 611.61
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Ultra vires acts, 611.07 (2)
Unclaimed dividends and distributions, 611.69 (2)
Variable contracts, special provisions for separate accounts, 611.25
Voluntary dissolution, 611.74
Voting of shares, 611.40 (1)
Voting trust, 611.40 (3)
Waiver of notice, 611.07 (4)
Who may incorporate, 611.11
insurance 4d. employe welfare funds4d. Employe Welfare Funds
, Ch. 641
Annual statement to commissioner, 641.13
  Failure to file, forfeiture, 641.19 (6)
Appointment of appraisers, 641.10 (3)
Appointment of examiners, 641.10
Benefits, illegal, 641.19 (2) (a)
Construction of chapter, 641.25
Definitions, 641.07
Employer, payments to fund, 641.17
Examinations, authorization, 641.09
  Conduct, 641.10
  Expenses, 641.12
  Foreign funds, 641.18
  Publication, 641.11
Examiners, appointment, 641.10
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (j)
Fees for filing, 641.12
Financial statement, publication, 641.11 (1)
Foreign funds, examination, waiver, 641.18
Injunctions, 641.20
Investments, prudent person rule, 641.19 (1)
  Standards where interested parties have pecuniary interest, 641.19 (2) (b)
Order to examine, 641.10
Payments, by employer, 641.17
  How made, 641.19 (1)
Penalties, 641.19